Marksman Airgun Darts, .177 cal, 12ct
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A fun accessory that can be used to sharpen your shooting skills either indoors or out where ranges are limited to ten meters. Use only in smoothbore airguns made for shooting darts. 12 darts per pack.
Tech Tip: Darts may fall from the barrel if pointed downward.
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10 of 13 Marksman Airgun Darts, .177 cal Reviews
I can't like these!
What Others Should KnowDo not work in a Crosman 1377.
fun to shoot up close
Things I Would Have Changedtoo easy to lose
What Others Should Knowfun while they last
Nothing. The darts I wanted were out of stock so I decided to try these.
Things I Would Have ChangedDarts were undersized and simply fell through every cartridge or .177 barrel I placed them in.
What Others Should KnowDon't waste your money or time. I'm not sure what you could shoot these through without them simply falling out of the barrel?
They are exceptional, I greatly appreciate the balance and weight. I use them as a lead free alternative. I'm an archer, so the appeal of something that looks like a micro bolt should be evident. I intend to purchase another delivery system in time, and of course I'll be purchasing from Pyramyd Air.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, aside from maybe elongated projectiles (2.5-3.0 inches)
What Others Should KnowAir gunners know more than most, they are a part of a very long legacy. True hunters all, and I am proud to be numbered among them.
-Nice pointy darts :) -Different colors -semi loose* -NOT "feathers" that fall apart in the barrels.
Things I Would Have Changed-Extra headweight -use a thicker "weight" ring made of aluminum(or soft metal) to fit a little better in barrels. -more for the price ;)
What Others Should KnowVery nice darts, better than the fluff ones as far as performance except for accuracy with short barrels. I bought these for pests, shooting books show i made the right choice. Plus these are reusable for a while.
*its good that these dont fit snug into barrels because of their length, they are too long for some gun breeches, so you just slide them down the tip of the barrel.
Well made little darts, should work well in a break barrel gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedThey are too long to fit my crosman powermaster.
Plastic fins save wear and tear on bore, even on the smooth bores recommended. Elongated, narrow point facilitates 'sticking' the target (i like a dart board - designed for steel darts). Only $0.50/each, and reusable with careful handling and use.
Things I Would Have ChangedMold the fins with a slight twist, say 1:16", to accomodate rifled barrels. Make 'em in .22 cal. Would like to see how my Viper Shadow Express would handle 'em.
What Others Should KnowThese used to be advertised for rifled bores, I assume they gave it up because the fins are not designed for spin stablization. Yes, i might fire these through my $30 junk store cheapo springer with the rifled barrel. No, i would not dream of putting one through my Baikal MP-61, a Diana, etc. Cuz, if it ain't smooth bore now, even with the plastic surrounding the dart, my 'spicion is it will be smooth anon.
OH YES, SAFETY. Just as in BBs, WEAR your safety glasses. These stick most of the time, when you hit the target, but when you hit the li'l wires on a dart board, miss the target completely, etc., you not only have a ricochet coming back at you but one with a point! Keep your shooting distance reasonable, also, say not less than 8 or 9 feet, more if possible to reduce the danger of ricochets having enough power to pierce clothing, skin, etc.
it just shoots well with my Browning Buck Mark Air Pistol. and I always thanks to pyramyd air for fast ship and good quality control.
Things I Would Have Changednone
Reasonably accurate, at close ranges, from pistols, haven't tried any from rifles yet - loading is the issue.
Things I Would Have ChangedAdd plastic band around front 'waist' to allow for use in rifled barrels. Would be nice to have these in other calibers, e.g., .22, .25, etc.
What Others Should KnowI would NOT recommend using these in rifled airguns, unless the airgun specifically says it's designed for steel BBs. Even then there will be rifling erosion which will undermine accuracy.
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Jan 24, 2024
By Jim
Things I Would Have ChangedToo small in diameter.
What Others Should KnowThese are too loose in the bore. They will fall out or the barrel if the muzzle is tipped downward. And at best, they are wildly inaccurate. The really loose darts will fall to the ground before reaching the target. Buy the parts that have hair-like fetching instead. They work pretty well.