Crosman Premier Piranha .22 Cal, 14.39 Grains, Hollowpoint, 400ct
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- Crosman Premier Piranha Pellets
- Caliber: .22 caliber
- Weight: 14.39 grains
- Type: Hollowpoint
- Count: 400 pellets per tin
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10 of 32 Crosman Premier Piranha .22 Cal Reviews
I bought a tin of these because they looked cool. I generally shoot 14.3 grain Crosman hollow points, so the same weight appealed to me. Ran them out of a break barrel Gamo wildcat whisper with stock scope. Noticed a family of nutria by my creek. 2 single shot kills at 10-15 yards on the ones on the ground, the third was swimming away at about 15 yards, it was swimming upside down and thrashing after the first shot so it took a second mercy shot to dispatch it. I find this round to seem to kill the 10 to 15 lb. nutria quite efficiently compared to the round nose or hollow points of similar weight. I will definitely buy these again.
Things I Would Have Changed500 per tin
What Others Should KnowWas advised by someone from my local city government that they would like me to help with nutria population on my property. Check with local jurisdiction before you remove pests.
Very consistent in my Gamo rifle
good stuff
My Crossman pistols like these pellets. Very accurate.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThese pellets are clean. There is almost no residue on your fingers.
They didn't jam in my barrel. That's about it. Something about the serrations in the nose of the pellet I guess. I have tried them in my Benjamin Steel Eagle and I get like a shotgun pattern. I shot the Crosman Premier hollow point and or dome pellets (they are all the same weight and basic design) with fairly good accuracy. The Piranha just doesn't want to shoot strait. I tried them also in .177 cal. and the same thing. The "teeth" in the nose are dull and probably the reason they shoot so wildly. ( Just my guess ) Some guns may like them but both my rifles ( Crosman Nitro Venom Dusk .177 and Benjamin Steel Eagle .22) really don't like them.
Things I Would Have ChangedEverything.
What Others Should KnowI will not buy them any more. You can try them in your rifle or hand gun if you want and get your own results but, in my opinion they are junk. I wouldn't even use them for general plinking. I wouldn't know where the pellet was going.
Price vs piece count. If you are just shooting cans, bottles, whatever, then this is the cheep round to buy. Not as good as the Crosman dome or hollowpoint pellets as far as accuracy is concerned. Think it must be the design of the face of the pellet, those rough spots, and air channels got to be playing havoc on the pellet at greater range. I can 3/4" hole hollow points and domes at 50 yards. The best I can do is 2 to 3" groups with the piranha.
Things I Would Have Changedleave the roughness off the front of the pellet, or at least knock the lead bulges off. Maybe change it to more of the hades design. OR better yet. cover the air-grabbing rough front with some wax to smooth it out.
What Others Should Knowgoing to try and smooth out the front of a few pellets and put a drop of wax on them to see if the shot group tightens up any at 50 yards. Right now would be scared to shoot squirrels or pest birds at any range with these as I can't predict where they are going to hit.
I was shooting the GAMO RED FIRE 22 CAL PELLETS,and the tips kept breakong off in the tin and they cost way too much so i bought me a tin of THE CROSSMAN PREMIER PRANNA 400 CT i just tried them out in my GAMO MAGNUM 22 CAL rifle and they shot superb i didnt even have to re adjust the scope any at all hole to hole @ 25yards i will for sure hunt Squirrels this up coming season i would recommend these pellets to anyone i have switched for good now
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING AT ALL!!!!
Quality, very few damaged pellets. They punch big holes through spray paint cans
Things I Would Have ChangedIf you could make em more accurate. I think it's the design. Looks cool, but isnt smooth and doesn't move through the air as well as regular HP pellets
What Others Should KnowThese didnt do well in my diana magnum break barrel. They only did okay in the Benjamin Marauder.
Screw on lid. Made in USA. Weight. Accuracy. Sawtooth Hollow Point design. No damaged pellets.
Things I Would Have ChangedIncrease tin count to 500.
What Others Should KnowI shot this pellet with my Umarex Octane, none No-Shox, on two separate days. On 1/13/2020, a 5 shot chronographed: 773, 771, 768, 776, 768 fps, averaging 771 fps. 48 degrees. On 3/3/2020, a 5 shot chronographed: 787, 795, 790, 789, 795 fps, averaging 791 fps. 52 degrees. Accuracy test was conducted at 3 inch Birchwood/Casey stick on targets, 90 foot distance. After taking 3-5 shots for zeroing in, I hit the 3 inch targets well within the 3 inch circular targets perimeter. I recommend this pellet, and would consider purchasing this item again. Accuracy tests were conducted without my Predator bench, but with the fore stock resting on my deck railing, my Octane mounted at my arm. Get a chronograph. Woodys World.
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Dec 07, 2024
They're affordable and available just about everywhere that sells pellets.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would make them accurate and improve their terminal performance.
What Others Should KnowThey just didn't group out of the dragonfly mk2. It'll stack destroyers at 30 yards but the piranha was 3-4 inches at the same distance. The piranha's I recovered from small game didn't deform whatsoever. Makes me wonder what the point of the toothed hollow point design is. Maybe I just didn't have the velocity needed for expansion.