Webley Tempest Air, Image 1
Webley Tempest Air, Image 2
Webley Tempest Air, Image 3
Webley Tempest Air, Image 4
Webley Tempest Air, Image 5
Webley Tempest Air, Image 6
Webley Tempest Air, Image 7
Webley Tempest Air, Image 1

Webley Tempest Air Pistol

4.020 reviews
2 answered questions


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4.020 reviews
2 answered questions


A reissue of the Webley Tempest, which originally debutted in 1979, this gun belongs in your gun vault. It's an all-day shooter that will help you hone your accuracy with pistols...and it's a lot fun, too. Ideal for plinking, paper targets, spinners and shooting tin cans. You will never regret getting a Webley!
  • Webley Tempest air pistol
  • Spring-piston
  • Overlever
  • Single-shot
  • Rifled steel barrel
  • 2-stage adjustable trigger (3-5 lbs. letoff)
  • Manual safety
  • Fixed front sight
  • Fully adjustable notch rear sight
  • No optics rail
  • Textured right-hand grip with thumbrest
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.22 (5.5mm)
Max Velocity
350 fps
Muzzle Energy
3.3 ft/lbs
Suggested for
2.0 lbs
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage & elevation
Two-stage adjustable
Trigger Pull
5.0 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Body Type

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10 of 20 Webley Tempest Air Pistol Reviews

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Nothing ,20 shots and the cocking mechanism snapped /broke

I wouldn't buy another one

beware poorly made/manufactured

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I purchased this gun about 2 years ago and have fired about 500 shots through it. It feels great in your hand and is fun to shoot.

The Turkish made Tempests just aren't great quality. After about a dozen shots, my breech seat started to leak. I ordered a replacement, fixed it myself, and it's been fine for about 500 shots since. After about 250 shots, one of the aluminum linkage pieces in the cocking mechanism broke, while I was cocking it. Luckily I was holding the barrel when it let loose. I was able to order a replacement part from the UK and get the gun working again, but at this point I've lost faith in it. I just don't trust that this gun is high enough quality for regular use, and I hardy shoot it any more.

I'm able to consistently hit a soda can at about 15-20 yards. This gun just just isn't accurate enough to shoot longer distances.

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Had the gun for to many years haha im today 37 years old and had it since childhood where i bought it as a used gun from an older neighbour.its the .177 modle and i still loves it and both me and my son shoots it

i acculy have not had any issues at all with it rather then regular cleaning. i would change information about ammunition as if its a true pellet gun or if you can use round balls as well etc

its a robust lill gun with a low weight but for me tends to tip in front due to weight overall in the gun. but its a true shooter and never failed me rather me failing it with a bad aim. Will give a load of funny memories from shooting alone or with friends and family

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There's something innately satisfying about shooting this gun. It's quiet, shoots faster than its size suggests (135 m/s-ish), has a trigger that breaks cleanly and it fits my hand so well, it's a pleasure to just hold. And it looks really sweet with walnut grips. The gun is being made in Turkey since 2005, and the only immediate difference I can spot with a 90's Tempest I had are the grips, the current ones seem to be of higher quality polymer as opposed to the old ones, which were made of shiny hard plastic.

Here comes the bad. Hard to cock, not only because of the awkward motion, but also unusually high friction. You can feel the metal digging into itself (galling). The piston chamber had tool markings, scratches and burrs everywhere (too deep to polish out completely). Then, the barrel. Looking at the muzzle, I could see that the rifling grooves just stopped about half a mm before the end. Completely messes up any accuracy. The trigger. A complete lack of finishing of the mating surfaces of the sear and trigger makes for a heavy trigger pull. The 'adjusting' screw does nothing but add extra spring pressure. My polishing and lubing cut trigger pull in half. The worst: This gun is held together by pins that are so weak that all the load bearing ones were bent! That's the biggest pin that holds the mainspring and barrel in place, the linkage pins and the trigger and sear pins. Pretty unsafe. I replaced them with roll pins and they hold up nicely.

This gun is easy to work on, and it deserves the attention and finishing that the factory didn't deliver. I still love the gun, and after my modifications I feel it should last decades. If you get this gun, make sure to replace the load bearing pins. Also, mine didn't cock smoothly until I lubed it with lithium grease. Didn't seem to like moly grease.
Note on recoil: The piston moves towards the shooter, and it rotates the barrel downwards in doing so. That's why the rear sight is so much higher than the front. As the piston crashes into the end, the firearm-like recoil is achieved, neutralizing its initial dive. Because this gun is short, it rotates easily and that makes it pretty hold sensitive.

All in all, the Turkey factory really, really dropped the ball on this gun, but at least you still get enough gun to salvage. An investment consisting of some work and some spare parts really bring this gun up to the level it should have been at when it left the factory.

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Power, built to last, classic design. What else do you want? Oh that's right, wood grips. I ordered some online from airgunner.177, he is in the UK and easy to find.

The breech seal. Lots of complaints about it and mine falls out of the gun. It is a loose fit and has fallen out several times. Also the gun is EXTREMELY hard to cock, no joke.

I think it has plenty of power, and it seems to be very accurate. I have shot it at 15 yards and put the pellets right on top of each other using RWS 11.9 grain Hobby pellets. Okay right on top of each other is more like an inch and a half but that is about as good as I can shoot. Plenty accurate for backyard plinking and I have killed a few birds too.

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I have wanted this pistol for a very long time, as I had one as a boy in the UK. Everyone was out of stock so I submitted my email to PyramydAir to inform me when they were in stock. They emailed me and I ordered immediately. The gun was delivered to me in Canada in one week, I was supplied with a good tracking number. The pistol looks great, it was vey stiff to open at first, and it is very difficult to crank (load) but I am over 80yrs so not so strong any more. Sighting in was fairly easy and the gun is very accurate I get a 1" group at 20 ft. I have fired about 500 shots and it is getting easier. I cannot comment on fps and I have not used it on anything but targets indoor shooting only. I am very pleased with my purchase and would highly recommend this pistol (.177) and I am very pleased with PyramydAir's service. John Hutchings.


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So I initially purchased this pistol, back in the 80's, unfortunately, my pain in the butt older sister sold it at a garage sale, while I was off, fighting the good fight in '93, in Somalia. The box it arrived in, was a piece of art, the pistol was impeccably crafted, it was a piece of art as well. So I decided to reorder the pistol with your company, I received it - the first time, a couple weeks ago. The box had very cheaply made packaging that you'd expect to find with a BB gun for a 12 year old. It was also in a beaten up state, inside and out, I was devastated. I was inspecting the weapon, and it was obvious, that it was not made by the same company, just by giving it a quick once over, it was very sad actually. But it was even more disappointing when I went to turn off the safety, and it just dangled, as if it was just there for show, like a dummy switch, wow, what a letdown! Apparently this outfit in Turkey is not in the business of producing quality equipment, at any stage!

Beeman needs to buy the company back, take off their finely crafted leather gloves, and swiftly lash these clowns from Turkey, twice across the facial area with them, for ever attempting to do some that is quite apparently above their pay grade! As far as Pyramid is concerned, your company, the people you have hired as your buyer's need to get buttoned up, and actually investigate some of these foreign companies, they are a direct reflection of you, don't whore yourself so easily, it's definitely not with risking your fine reputation, is it? Look, maybe I'm being too stern, who knows! But regardless, I have given both you and the company from Turkey a second chance, we'll see if anything's different this second time around, I hope so! Thanks for your time, Mike.

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Had the .177 since 1980 / found out that this one being built - immediately ordered it. The definition of Back Yard Blast!!!


Instant fun at a moment's notice. Keep your shooting skills up popping the unfortunate coke can.

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Feels like a real gun in your hand. Not too big like some others. Delivers good power for a small package. Quiet.

Rear sight. Can be difficult to zero with no reference marks.

Mine was delivered with a bad breech seal. I was only getting 240 fps with a 11.9 pellet. Luckily, I bought some spares but they are not the same size. Too big in diameter and too thin.
I reworked the new seal to fit and added an appropriate size flat washer behind the seal and now all is good.
As advertised, the 22 caliber gets 350 fps with Crosman premier 14.3 pellets. Lighter pellets are a bit faster with Beeman Silver Bear 12.6 gr at 375 fps, and RWS Hobby 11.9 gr at 390 fps.
This particular pistol seems to like the Beeman Silver Bear the best.

Tim Mar 09, 2017

Thanks for your advice, ordered some H&N 12.65 gr hollow point pellets today that are the same as the Silver Bear.

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The Tempest is a well made and solid pistol with very little plastic used in its manufacture. It has an adjustable single-stage trigger that breaks clean. It takes some time to zero in the rear sight as there are no micrometer adjustments, but two screws which must be loosened for both windage and elevation. As everyone has mentioned, it takes some hand and wrist strength to cock - not much leverage is offered by the barrel. Other than the cocking effort, this is a fun pistol to shoot, and it's accurate enough to hit what you're aiming for, but a match pistol it's not, but then, what spring pistol pistol is, and I a number of them. I haven't found the Tempest to be hold sensitive or picky about pellets. RWS Diablo Basics will group well from 10 yds. Cool pistol, and it's small size is a plus for me.

Nothing, it's a classic.

The trigger can only be adjusted when the pistol is cocked.

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