Walther LGV Master Ultra Air Rifle
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Let's start with the barrel latch, which is pushed down to break open the breech. In addition to the normal barrel detent that holds the barrel closed, the barrel latch creates a secondary point to hold the breech rock-solid tight. This creates a fit so snug that it's like having a fixed barrel rifle.
How about a great match trigger? You don't often find one on a sporting gun, but you will when you get the LGV Challenger. The trigger-pull is set at 3 lbs., but you can adjust it to suit your preferences.
With the Super Silent Technology, the gun won't be as prone to disturb your neighbors...or spook any critters you're trying to dispatch.
While this airgun has the power for hunting, it's also got the accuracy for popping bullseye targets all day long.
There's just one more thing you need to know: The Walther LGV Master Ultra air rifle is accurate. It lives up to its German manufacture and heritage and will keep you shooting for decades. You will never regret buying this air gun!
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Walther LGV Master Ultra air rifle
- Spring-piston
- Breakbarrel
- Single-shot
- Globe front sight accepts aperture inserts (multiple inserts included)
- Fully adjustable rear sight
- 11mm dovetail grooves with 3 vertical scope-stop holes
- Vibration-reduction technology
- Uniquely checkered pistol grip
- Adjustable 2-stage match trigger (3-lb. trigger-pull)
- 38 lbs. cocking effort
- Super Silent Technology reduces the report
- Automatic safety
- Fully ambidextrous beech stock
- Rubber recoil pad
- Barrel latch
- Limited lifetime warranty (the owner's manual lists the incorrect warranty term)
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7 of 7 Walther LGV Master Ultra Air Rifle Reviews
Every thing about this rifle is a testament to wonderful German Craftsmanship and Quality control. Of the many break barrel air guns I have owned these LGVs are the best.
Things I Would Have ChangedJust a little pricey but worth it as far as I'm concerned.
What Others Should KnowMy 117 cal version cocks a little more difficult than my 22 cal version, but not bad at all.
Of all the airguns I have owned in the last few years, this is my favorite. Reeks with German quality, engineering and QC. Just a wonderful gun I can't say enough about. Mine is the 22 cal, but I'm buying the 117 cal this week.
Things I Would Have ChangedPrice. It is a little expensive for an air rifle, but the value is certainly there.
What Others Should KnowIf your looking for an extremely accurate air rifle that will stack pellets at 25yds, look no further. Couple with a gun that will last a life time, from one of the most respected names in air guns, this is for you.
I like everything about the rifle you cannot explain how wonwerful this rifle is you must hold it in your hands and shoot it and appreciate the ccraftsmanship,took 6 shots 3 to zero and 3 in one hole at 10 yards with H&N Baracuda 10.65 4.50 dia. T
Things I Would Have ChangedThe price only less money
What Others Should KnowAirgunners safe your money and by a German airgun//////
This is the most accurate spring rifle I own. It doesn't have the finish of an Air Arms Prosport or TX200, but it is worth every penny. In terms of accuracy, the JSB (7.33 and 7.87) shoot under .100" CTC at 10 yards for a ten shot group. Excellent! There are about 10 other FT quality pellets than shoot under .150". This is much more than I would expect out of a spring powered rifle that has not been custom tuned. The cocking on this done is exquisite.
Things I Would Have ChangedSome knock the trigger on this gun. Yes, it is not as nice as AA or the Rekord trigger; however, it is predictable and gets the job done.
What Others Should KnowAttach a Hatsan Airstripper (use the search box) for even better accuracy.
Great Craftman, good accuracy, a Walther
This is my 2nd Walther LGV. I had originally bought the LGV Comp. but found it to be just too heavy and I also was very disappointed in that it had a spring twang and buzz, something I thought the LGV was definitely not supposed to have. I sent the LGV Comp back and ordered this Ultra. Now THIS is the ticket! It is lighter and there is absolutely no buzz or twang in the spring. There is just a very solid thud but no audible noise in the spring firing mechanism. This is my 1st springer and I am very pleased with it now that I have one that performs as advertised. Walther's website, the box and the brochure all have this statement: "The Sound of Silence" so when I got the 1st LGV I knew something wasn't right. I was amazed and relieved by the quiet thud of the 2nd unit though. The build quality is extremely high on these LGVs. The bluing to the steel is excellent, though not on the order of an AA TX-200 I am sure, the difference being the smoothness of the surface. The TX-200 appears to have a mirror like finish giving the bluing a high gloss. The LGV bluing has more of a satin sheen in painting terms. Nevertheless it is a beautiful air rifle. It's a Walther and it is unmistakably a German designed and crafted air rifle. It just wreaks QUALITY and lifetime durability- a true family heirloom. I highly recommend this air rifle.
Things I Would Have ChangedConcerning the spring buzz, Walther should not let an LGV leave their factory that has a buzz and twang like the first unit I received. It is inexcusable, ESPECIALLY considering the kind of money these cost! Also, the higher LGV models should come with the metal tuning trigger ALREADY installed. I shouldn't have to order and install it for the Master Ultra, it should already be in there. That kind of tight-wad corporate number cruncher driven crap just rubs me the wrong way and I expect more from company like Walther than that kind of profit manipulation.
What Others Should KnowIf you get one of these and you hear anything other than a sold thud, then your unit isn't properly tuned or whatever Walther does to make it sound like the Ultra I got the 2nd time around. It may have to do with not enough Walther Piston Grease being applied. I don’t know. If that was the problem, you can buy the Walther Piston Grease here on Pyramyd as well which you will need to buy anyway if you buy an LGV.
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Nov 18, 2015
By Steven
Quality air rifle was worth the price . Very accurate and fine trigger pull. Pyramyd Air shipped the air rifle very fast. Thank You
Things I Would Have Changednothing