Walther LG400 Alutec Competition Air Rifle
Grip Orientation:Left
Grip Size:Medium
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Walther LG400 Alutec Competition Air Rifle
- Precharged pneumatic
- Bolt-action
- Single-shot
- Choose Right or Left-Hand Grip
- Adjustable medium grip with memory effect (3D grip PROTOUCH)
- Centra front sight globe accepts inserts
- Adjustable Sport Competition diopter rear sight
- 300 or 200 bar fill pressures
- Removable aluminum air reservoir with integral manometer (air pressure gauge)
- Pressure reducer with QUICKCLEAN air filter
- Approx. 600 shots per fill
- 5-way adjustable 2-stage match trigger (VARIO trigger offers extremely fine settings)
- 50g to 120g trigger-pull
- Ergonomic loading lever can be placed on the left-hand or right-hand side
- Carbon fiber barrel jacket
- ECO valve technology (minimal opening pulse and reduced shot development time)
- Loading status indicator
- Dry-fire mechanism
- Highly adjustable aluminum stock with a wide range of settings and T-slot rail plus stock tilt
- 42.32" to 43.31" stock length
- Quick-action stock length and cheekpiece settings
- Adjustable forearm
- Light metal buttplate wing MEC CONTACT III
- Free-floated barrel
- Barrel and forearm weights
- Meets ISSF requirements
- Incl. various tools, fill adapter, hard case, instructions and test target
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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2 of 2 Walther LG400 Alutec Competition Reviews
The best rifle I have ever shot. I put a 8-32-56 walter scope on it and reversed the cocking lever to load downward to clear the scope. I know it's a 10 meter gun, I use it for 20 yards and shoot very very small dots. the trigger is to die for. They can't win the money! if I perform!
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should KnowBuy it you won't be sorry.
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Feb 17, 2019
By John
I bought this second hand and was told, if you do "your part", it will give you a one (1) hole all day long. I now 100% confirm that statement. If you are a 10 meter contestant, it will give you the thrill of victory. I've also shot 25 meters outdoors, (with a scope) against 23 other PCP shooters, at the match end I ranked 6th against them with a 10 meter indoor type rifle.
Things I Would Have ChangedAdd a Gehmann rear iris (i.e. #510) to really make this a very top notch world class match rifle.
What Others Should KnowWith a full (300bar) fill easily, expect well over 500 accurate one holes before a refill is needed. Also if not shooting within a week or so release the tube to maintain a long lasting O ring seal. P.S. mine likes 8.0gn indoor and 10.3 outdoor.