Walther CP99 Compact Nickel
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Read and see more about the Walther CP99 by Dennis Adler.
The original is used as back-up pistol by special forces.
WALTHER CP99 COMPACT Bi-Color. Compact version of the P99. Semi-automatic .177 BB blowback. CO2 powered. 18-shot BB magazine. Ergonomically designed grip.
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10 of 26 Walther CP99 Compact Nickel Reviews
Easy to operate
i'm very happy with the look, feel and performance of this (my first) blowback bb pistol. The functional parts (slide, barrel, safety, etc.) seem solid and move well...the frame parts, tho plastic, are thick and tight. Pyramyd's service was outstanding...literally. I ordered 3 air pistols from 3 top retailers in the US and Pyramyd's communication and shipping time were a level above the others...(wouldn't be fair to compare price since i ordered 3 different pistols based on what was on sale).
Things I Would Have Changedi did remove the paint from the slide as the 'nickel' finish on this model isn't great, imho. like it much better as raw steel.
What Others Should Knowaccuracy is actually pretty good...better than i expected. i gave it 4 stars only because i can't give 5 to a short barrel bb pistol, it wouldn't be right.
The nickel slide and weight of the gun. Very stylish and accurate!
Things I Would Have ChangedI would make the nickel a bit more shinier. I know many people complain about the safety lock, but it's not hard to maneuver at all.
What Others Should KnowNice gun, and the realistic slide and blow-back make it top-notch!
i like this pistol this is very fun. it has a good kick. but it it runs out of BB's fast! i would suggest buying extra mags or clips. it says the fps is around 345. but i think its less, it feels like it shoots around 290. it feels like that because it is easy to see where the BB is in mid air.
Things I Would Have Changedmake it use less Co2 it runs out in 2 clips.
What Others Should Knowget more mags and lots and lots of Co2!
the feel of a real gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe bbs will fall from the barrel if you squeeze the trigger slowly and pointing downwards, Just shoot fast when you are firing at low targets that will solve the problem.
What Others Should KnowA must have in any air gun collection'
I had three of these pistols at one time. Gave one to a good friend. I kept one stock pistol and one Recon model. I like the Recon with the open slide ,looks more realistic that way. It has been at least three years since I bought them. They still work great and no malfunctions at all. Over all this gun is fun to shoot. Like the PPK/S hard to put down.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like to see all variants of this pistol with the open slide and a model with a removable suppressor cylinder.
What Others Should KnowLoading CO2 cylinder take a little practice and the safety will take effort to engage.
I really like the weight, very satisfying to hold. Kickback is good, accuracy ok. Overall I would say very nice buy, worth having.
Things I Would Have ChangedCO2 screw could be easier to tighten, also the safety could be changed possibly. Other than that, nothing.
What Others Should KnowMake sure you tighten the C02 screw as much as possible -- I didn't the first time, and my cartridge didn't pierce all the way.
Nice balance. Solidly made. Typical Walther/Umarex, I own 2. @ under $100 it's a steal. I bought extra mags, the Walther laser sight, and a UTG holster. The holster is sweet. It fits the gun perfectly. It'll be a great fishing companion this spring and summer. Though not a "tack driver" the accuracy is reasonable for a smoothbore. I like longer ranges. Open sights @35-40ft will hold a 3 inch group for me. I can cut that group size in half with the laser and the laser is plenty bright even in direct light. Shoot slowly. The co2 will not actually last any longer or shorter time period, it's about the recovery of the gun. Tom Gaylord has a great audio about it here on this website. Last june or july I think. It's all about co2 guns. He explains it in depth. It's well worth listening to.
Things I Would Have ChangedI might opt for the all black if I bought another one. The two tone looks fine, but it doesn't look like Nickel. It's just a dull finish gray. The charging system is giving me fits. I wasted the first co2. Lost it all. The 2nd worked ok but I had problems with the 3rd. The 4th ran fine. I can't seem to get the thumb wheel adjusted right but I'll get it figured out.
What Others Should KnowThe pistol will NOT fit the UTG holster with the laser attached. If you plan to holster the gun you will have to remove the laser or buy a different holster. It's not a big deal...the laser pops right off. Whether it will rezero without adjustment upon reattachment remains to be seen. I haven't tried it yet, but I doubt it. Still, adjustments ae simple and it only take a few minutes.
Feels comfortable in the hand. Really solid build. Seems to be unbreakable, yet fully functional. Impressive power and accuracy for a fixed sight Co2 pistol. Clip, slide feature is nice.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe safety is a bit stiff for one finger engagement. Sight contrast ( silver on silver ).
What Others Should KnowOne of the best, well made, coolest looking Co2 pistols Pyramid Air offers. A must have for your collection!
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May 18, 2020
By Jeremy dixon
The weight feel and overall performance is A+ could use a little more power fps wise but perfect for saftey practice and firearm handling