TSD Sports M100 Airsoft Sniper Rifle
Not Available
- 37-round magazine
- Removable tactical rail system
- Functional safety unit
- Adjustable Hop Up
- Adjustable rear sight
This is a spring gun and has to be cocked for each shot. It's fast, clean, inexpensive and easily maintained. Requires no gas or batteries.
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10 of 46 TSD Sports M100 Airsoft Sniper Rifle Reviews
i like the action
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knownope
This rifle closely resembles its real steel counterpart, and lives up to that reputation. It is accurate, well-built, powerful, and plain fun to use. In addition, it is easily modified to look like a WWII M1 Garand, for those of us who collect these springers for historical replica purposes and for display.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe metal, adjustable sights are some of the best, but they can and will loosen and fall apart if worked too much. Check and tighten them periodically. Treat magazines with care, they can be fragile. Don't over-load. The rear sling attachment is plastic and subject to breakage. Why couldn't this be metal, like the front one? I do wish that TSD would make these rifles with a simulated wood stock. Black might be fashionable these days, but M14's are classics, and a "retro" look would be appreciated.
What Others Should KnowLike many spring rifles, this one has steel weights placed in its buttstock to simulate the weight of a real rifle. They place it off-balance to the rear. Over time, they can work loose and rattle about inside the stock. I'd remove them by CAREFULLY disassembling the stock. Fill the hollow area with styrofoam or shredded terrycloth to provide support and sound control.
I like wood stocks, so I found brown paint that bonds to plastic and sprayed the stock (with the operating system removed) with a few coats.
The gun will accept a "modified" M47 shotgun magazine. Its addition makes the rifle closely resemble an M1 Garand.
This is a great gun. The accuracy is unreal and the weight of the gun make it feel like it is the real thing. I would HIGHLY recommend this to anyone wanting a good quality accurate but inexpensive sniper rifle.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe bolt action is real stiff and requires a fair bit of strength and slows down your ability to get the 2nd and subsequent shots off. Other than that it is awesome.
The power is great for 40 bucks the accuracy is evan better, most accurate airsoft gun i have ever seen, mag holds enough bbs for battle but have another The best AirSoft Gun I have Ever Bought
Things I Would Have Changedequal wieght the is too much in the stock when shoot it you can't tell but when you pick it up the butt hits the ground =) maybe more metal
What Others Should Knowbuy another mag (only has 1), I think it is better with iron sights than a scope but the rail is there if you want a scope, the back sling spot broke off it really isn't a swivil and it needs to be, I would recomend you sight in the gun with more of the hop up because the windage adjustment was no good on mine
at first the weight of the gun was heavy i couldnt run with it in my hand but i could take it apart easily at first it was about 12 pounds but i found two 4 pound led cylinders
Things I Would Have Changedthe weight
What Others Should Knowdont drop your clip it will break i dropped mine and the mag broke
Weight, Regulation Length, adjustable sights, accuracy accuracy accuracy
Things I Would Have ChangedThe sling is a flimsy piece of crap
What Others Should Knowhop up is awesome...leaves welts on your friends
Hop up Sleek design accuracy
Things I Would Have Changedafter a while the cocking hurts your hand, but doesn't bother me extremely
What Others Should Knowgreat value
i bought mine used and it works and looks as if it were new
Good accuracy, Fairly large mag, high fps, metal parts
Things I Would Have Changedrail system is really flimsy, bolt is 60+ pounds drawback which is manageable but a bit over the top
What Others Should Knowif you want a rifle of EXTREME quality get this. Rail may be a bit flimsy but it is highly customizable and has lots of metal parts. Has lasted me about 2 years
great accuracy and great sniper gun. shoots really fast and its weight makes it feel like a real gun. i played airsoft with this gun and i loved it. i recommend you buying this gun it is a must have for your collection or just to play with.
Things I Would Have Changedit is a little hard to cock back. i'm only 12 and it was really hard to cock back.
What Others Should Knowdon't kick the bolt back to cock it because that will just break the bolt cover, which will end up breaking it for good and the gun wont shoot again. i recommend setting the stock on the ground and resting your palm on the lever of the bolt and applying your body weight to cock it if you have a hard time cocking it.
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Jun 08, 2013
By Mr. T
The guns weight and size are amazing. The tactical rail works great, and the sling is sturdy, and the mag has solid construction.
Things I Would Have Changedthe bolt is too hard to pull back, and the mag holds very little ammo.
What Others Should KnowPersonally my gun had chipped paint, a dusty frame, and grease across the entire top of the gun. For me the gun came in awful condition; although it was most likely a fluke my gun had too many flaws for me to buy it again (after returning). Those things that made me not try re-buying the gun in a better physical condition were: the difficulty of pulling back the bolt, the amount of ammo the gun holds, and since i was right handed the bolt made me let go of the trigger to cock it. I believe there are other guns (specifically a multi-shot tactical shotgun) on this site that have better accuracy, better rate of fire, and more ammo.