Swiss Arms TAC1 Air Rifle Combo, Black
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The ambi stock is lightweight and made for carrying all day in the field. The 4x32 hunting scope is good for general use.
A unique feature is a new spring design that reduces noise. Guns in this price range are often under-powered and rarely come with a scope, making this a real bargain!
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Swiss Arms TAC1 air rifle
- Spring-piston
- Breakbarrel
- Single-shot
- Rifled steel barrel
- 11mm optics rail (no open sights)
- Ambidextrous synthetic black thumbhole stock
- Rubber recoil pad
- Muzzlebrake
- 7.80 lbs. with scope and mount
- Includes 4x32 scope (unmounted) and mount
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4 of 4 Swiss Arms TAC1 Combo Reviews
Great feel to the rifle, well balanced, incredibly high fps (the box says 950fps, but the first 5 shots, possibly from oil residue dieseling, I clocked at 1200, 1190, 1150, 1150 and 1140). The gun performed flawlessly out of the box, I did tighten the forward stock screws a bit as they needed just a twist more to be firm. That sound barrier crack was unexpected but great anyway, perhaps as the barrel oil burns off the fps will drop back to the described number.
Things I Would Have ChangedWhat I didn’t like… well firstly the scope mount pin (that should guide the scope to the proper placement for mounting) was about half a cm too long so the clamps would not dock correctly. I just filed it down a bit and then it fit fine… still seemed a bit lame that no one had checked that before leaving the factory. Also the scope itself was sooooo far off zero, like it was set to another dimension’s gravity and distance. But my laser bore sight fixed that in no time.. well a lot of clicking and no time. And the trigger is squishy, it’s a draw back and wait trigger, but… not so bad, just not crisp at all.
What Others Should KnowThe "suppressor" at the end of the barrel doesn't seem to be anything more than cosmetic and a reasonable perch for cocking the rifle. But over all its a good solid gun with great FPS for the price.
This rifle is built good for a hundred dollar rifle. It has a rifled barrel. The scope is way better than I ever expected and the rifle is very accurate after you get the scope dialed in. With good pellets and yes they make a big difference I can hit thumb tacs at 25 yards almost every time and when I miss its not the rifle. For the price this is an awesome rifle!!!
Things I Would Have ChangedYes the stock was a lil loose after the first day of shooting not a big deal I put a lil lock tite on the bolts problem solved. The scope isnt the greatest but not bad after I figired out what was going on the arrow for up is backwards so up is really down same with left to right I got it dialed in and it has been good since.
What Others Should KnowThis is my kids rifle and yes it had a few lil issues but a lil lock tight and a lil scope configuration and you got a hard hitting, accurate, well built rifle. For a hundred bucks you cant beat it.
You cant beat it.
this combo was good for about a couple days, but then it started to go back down hill, the scope would range in and we took back 4 of these guns and all 4 did same thing, bad produck for paying over 100 bucks for
Things I Would Have Changedthe whole thing
What Others Should Knowthis product we exchanged 4 of these because the scopes on everyone of these went bad and would not range in... when we first got one and ranged it in, the scope stayed ranged in for about a couple of days then we had to range it in again and it would never go back, the gun stock always stayed loose , we had to tighten it down all the time . me and my son was very disapointed in this whole make and set up... wont buy this set up or product again
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Feb 16, 2019
By Kurtis
for the money not bad.just made sure all screws were tight. did use thread locker on them.shoots well.
Things I Would Have Changedit is a springer for sure so i put a diana recoil mount on and it works like a charm and holds zero.need to not destroy any scopes.
What Others Should Knowjust that it has a good springer kick to it.