- Hop-Up propulsion system
- Slide safety
- Built-in 80 rd BB reservoir
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10 of 12 Stinger P9T Airsoft Pistol Kit, Holster Reviews
This a good side arm and if you don't have a holster I would pick this package up! For the mony it has great value and is very realistic!
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like some more accuracy, but all in all not much
What Others Should KnowThis is a very strong gun and a good gun for beginners and/or backyard
airsoft wars.
The design i love the clip is great
Things I Would Have ChangedNeeds upgade kit nade launcher and accuracy
What Others Should KnowIf you need something auto for an airsoft war then dont get
This was my second gun, got it two years ago, and it's still kicking. The fact that it came as a kit is really nice. i liked the BB holding chamber in the mag, it's noisy,(bye, bye stealth) but it's helpful for reloading on the fly.
Things I Would Have Changedthe mag pocket on the holster should be bigger, i bought an extra mag, and it barely fits, it's too tight, and doesn't go in all the way.
What Others Should Know.12 grams curve up I've found that .20's work well for accuracy, my friend liked this so much he bought it for himself.
and don't try to paint this gun unless you know what you're doing, I got bored with camo and tried painting mine, now the safety is stuck with paint
everything,the slide lock,the overall design is excellent!
Things I Would Have Changednothing at all!
What Others Should Knowwhen i push the slide lock when the slide goes forward,it sounds very realistic,like the real steel! this is a great beginner gun or sidearm in a backyard war great buy!
good gun, most power full pistol in the my neighbor hood, fairly acurate, love that u dont have to go and find more ammo just have to shake clip. nice to have the holster. Also its nice that when its empty the action sticks open.
Things I Would Have Changedneeds to be more accurate at long range. the holster doesnt stay on your belt vary well.
What Others Should KnowGreat gun for begginers to intermediate airsofters.
i loved the style and the light weight great gun
Things I Would Have Changednothing but carry extra ammo u have to reload a lot
What Others Should Knowcarry extra mags for best preformance
The magazine has a space to put BB's so you don't have to keep reloading, when you are out of ammo when you cock it a thing slides up and stays until you put ammo in the chamber.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowNo
this gun has great accuracy:) perfect for 1st time users
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHNG
What Others Should Knowgreat for wars.
Great Gun. the clip is great, i love the resivore.
Things I Would Have Changedthe slide lock, its cool but it will get in the way after a while, but after a long time, it will stop.
What Others Should Knowyeah, deff. buy this gun, madd good acuaracy.
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Jan 29, 2013
By special ops
accurate. easy loading mechanism. fast and smooth shooting when slam firing.
Things I Would Have Changeda larger mag with a BB resivor.
What Others Should Knowgreat gun in the hand of a skillful air soft enthusiast.