Ruger Targis Hunter Air Rifle Combo
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The all-weather stock will battle whatever Mother Nature throws at it. No pampering required. Just load and shoot. Repeat as needed.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Ruger Targis Hunter air rifle
- Spring-piston
- Breakbarrel
- Single-shot
- Rifled steel barrel with SilencAIR integral silencer
- 2-stage trigger adjustable for pull length
- 3.30 lbs. trigger-pull
- Fiber-optic sights (fully adj. rear)
- Picatinny optics rail
- Automatic safety
- Ambidextrous synthetic stock
- 14" length of pull
- Rubber recoil pad
- Textured grip and forearm
- 30 lbs. cocking effort
- 9.85 lbs.
- Includes 3-9x32 scope (duplex reticle, adjustable objective), mount (scope is not mounted), sling studs, mounts, loops & sling
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5 of 5 Ruger Targis Hunter Air Rifle Combo Reviews
Looks great and shoots straight. I love it and the sling comes in handy. I installed a Red Dot Scope for the gun and placed the scope it came with in my gun safe for future use. I used my Red Dot Scope for close shooting; only 10' to 30' and it is perfect for varmints in my back yard.
Things I Would Have ChangedIf it was a repeater that would be even better.
What Others Should KnowNo that is it. Thanks!
This rifle is IN MY FAVORITE TOP 3 Pellet Rifles. It is one of the nicest pellet rifle's I have ever fired. This rifle is VERY accurate out past 60 yards.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like to see a real suppressor on this rifle to reduce muzzle rise a little.
That i have been a Ruger firearms collector for over thirty years,I admired the fine craftmanship and always look forward to a new ruger product. still admire the product of the old models that came from Bill Rugers garage in the begining.
Things I Would Have ChangedOnly AND About the Ruger Targis spring breakbarrel rifle, To my very disapointment in Ruger tha they developed a iar rifle that looks nice and a scope the works with what a person may need , i am truely disepointed it is not offerd with just a plain old long barell for velocity and accuracy. it comes with a 14 inch barrel and a 4 to five inch supression tube on the end sadly a waste of manufacturing time and money. hopfully Ruger can offer an option for the real seriouse air gunner 17 t0 19 inch barell on this targis would make seriose velosity and awesome accruacy
What Others Should Knowair gun industry heading in to the make it quieter suppress it , make it back yard friendly, Suppresing an air gun cost more for you and manufacture it also causes less velocity and acuracy do to the fact when most manufactured are done so with shorter barrels to acomodate length of suppresor, shorter barrel less velocity ,less acuracy.
the stock is very nice very comfortable to hold . the iron sights are very usable the trigger is actually quite good minor adjustment. sling nice ammenity. the scope while not mil dot is a extrmely usable item the rail adapter was fatory installed . gave the barrel a good cleaning broke it in with daisy precsion cleanned swabbed using lubed crossman premier hollow points washed and lubed shooting quarter size or less at 25yards unsupported for the money i dont see much beating this rifle for accuracy power or value
Things I Would Have Changedthe stock scope mounts unfournetly while usable are wayyy to short the front sight was right smack in the field of veiw changed out for a 1' set problems solve along with a shim or 2
What Others Should KnowAs with most high powered springers the right pellet and hold is important personal i find washing my pellets with dawn and using dillion case lube with my pellets work the best all the way around even in my junkie fury 2 blackout will group chp pellets
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Dec 18, 2017
By charles
This is one solid well constructed rifle. Fit and finish are superb. Shoulders nice and has a great ergonomic feel. This was a Christmas present for my wife: she picked it out; and she loves it! We are considering the .177 version also!
Things I Would Have ChangedWork on the sound suppression. Using Crosman Premier Hollowpoint Lead Pellets this bad boy had a sonic crack. Not sure how that can be since projectile supersonic velocity is 1125 fps and the specs say about 800 fps with lead pellets. Not complaining about it! It is a little loud for the neighborhood if the neighbors are home.
What Others Should KnowIt is hefty so smaller shooters may not like the weight. Great value though. Out of the box it is slightly off center to the right, No problem though since sights are adjustable for W & E. Sights are well constructed and visible.