Breakbarrels are among the most popular airguns purchased by shooters who are getting serious about airgunning. They're powerful, accurate and consistent right out of the box - but repeating shots? Forget it! Over the years there have been many failed attempts. The last time anyone made a successful go at it was over 10 years ago with the Diana 300R Air Rifle.
The Swarm “breaks” (see what we did there?) into the market with an elegant solution, never before achieved by airgun manufacturers - a breakbarrel with a 10 shot rotary magazine that slaps a round into the chamber every time you cock the barrel. Did we mention this gun is fast? With a mere 30lb cocking effort you’ll quickly find the ability to fire repeating shots without a single shot reload can be pretty addicting! You’ll wonder how you ever managed to keep sane loading one pellet at a time!
The Swarm Maxxim maintains a consistent velocity of 1300 fps in .177 and 975 fps in .22 caliber (yes, yes, using the lead-free light ammo). As a gas-piston, this gun is easier to cock, operates in cold weather and has less recoil - a feature enhanced by the Shock Wave Absorber recoil pad. A 3-9x40 scope is included and mounts onto Gamo's Recoil Reducing Rail (RRR) 11mm Dovetail, built to reduce recoil stress on your new optics. These features combined with the all-weather synthetic stock and Whisper Maxxim sound reduction system, make this airgun ideal for small game hunters and those who want more target practice and less reload time - especially if you grab an extra magazine.
Is a quiet breakbarrel that spits out 10 shots as fast as you can cock it “just another breakbarrel”? You be the judge!
Gamo Swarm Maxxim Air Rifle
- 10 Shot Repeater
- Gas-piston powerplant (IGT--Inert Gas Technology)
- Breakbarrel
- Multi-shot
- Rifled steel barrel
- Whisper Maxxim Sound Suppression technology
- Recoil Reducing Rail (RRR) maximizes scope lifespan with 99.9% recoil compensation
- 11mm scope rail with scope stop
- SWA (Shock Wave Absorber) recoil pad reduces felt recoil by up to 74%
- All-weather ambidextrous stock
- Custom Action Trigger (CAT) independently adjustable 1st and 2nd stage, allows you to tailor your trigger.
- 3-9x40 scope
Optics Features:
- 3-9x magnification
- 40mm objective lens
- 1" tube
- 30/30 reticle with fine crosshairs, perfect for target acquisition
- 40 ft to 12 ft field of view
- 3.5" eye relief
- 21.6 oz
- 13.5" long
- Fogproof
- Shockproof
- Wateproof
- Includes lens caps
Benefits of IGT over Spring Piston:
- Smoother cocking
- Smoother shooting (less vibration)
- No spring torque
- No spring fatigue, even if you leave it cocked for hours
- Functions perfectly in cold weather
- Lasts longer than a metal spring
Includes 3-9x40 scope, 200 pellets, crazy eights target and pellet holster
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1 of 1 Gamo Swarm Maxxim Multi-shot Air Rifle Kit Review
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Nov 08, 2019
By Mark
Everthing about it. Except the trigger
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger. Don't like plastic trigers. So a got an upgraded one from Charlie ta tuna. Great trigger.
What Others Should KnowEnjoy it straight gun to shoot a huge Crosman hollow points good for me.and a new scope. Witch I put a utg on it.