Gamo Hornet Air Rifle Combo
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Gamo Hornet air rifle
- Spring-piston
- Breakbarrel
- Single-shot
- 11mm scope grooves
- 2-stage adj. trigger
- Manual safety
- Ambidextrous, synthetic stock
- Non-slip textured grip and forearm
- Fluted polymer barrel jacket
- Ventilated rubber buttpad
- Includes 4x32 scope and mount
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10 of 21 Gamo Hornet Air Rifle Combo Reviews
I liked the weight and size of the gun. It's comfortable to carry in the woods all day but still feels like a "real" rifle.
Things I Would Have ChangedNoise!
What Others Should KnowI decided to write this review because the ones I had read before buying this gun were a bit vague and didn't answer some questions I had. Let me start by applauding Gamo for the accuracy of this rifle. I shoot the primers out of 12ga shells at 20 yards with considerable consistency. My problem with this gun comes from the over all quality of materials used. The plastic covered barrel and plastic trigger, the flimsy safety and the print on the barrel give a cheap appearance to the whole thing. My final complaint is the noise it makes. It's not that it's a loud gun because of the speed and power behind the pellet but the mechanics that cause such terrible vibration. It almost sounds like someone hits the gun with a hammer every time you pull the trigger. Basically it seems to me that Gamo took a kids toy and made it dangerous. I would personally recommend spending $20 more and get a Benjamin Titan np.
BTW the company is GamoUSA but the rifle says "made in Spain".
I like the performance for the price. Mine can hit a nickel with 100% consistency at twelve yards, using cheap Crosman pointed hunting pellets. Groups at this range are around a half inch using these cheap pellets. With the scope dialed in at 12 yards, I have no problem hitting a coke can at 40-50 yards. I also like the weight, power, ease of cocking, and the balance. Rips through a 1/2" hardwood board easily, even with wadcutters. Very handy little rifle, great for stalking the woods and I'm not worried about messing it up. It would make a nice little truck gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedI picked this gun up on sale for $89. For the money, I wouldn't change a thing. The weight and balance of this gun beats every other spring gun out there at this power level, regardless of the price. That said, here are the shortcomings of the rifle: The trigger isn't the greatest, but I have used guns that cost a lot more with triggers that were much worse. Also, the gun makes a lot of spring noise and shoots with a lot of recoil and vibration. I had some issues with my zero shifting at first, but sure enough the stock screws had vibrated loose- this is normal for a powerful spring gun. I took the action out of the stock, applied some spring tar through the cocking slot, and used some loctite on the screws when I put the stock back on. The tar made a noticeable difference in how it sounds and feels when fired, but it didn't really seem to improve the accuracy or the overall performance of the rifle. The loctite has kept the screws tight for about a tin of pellets so far.
What Others Should KnowI am not an airgun newbie. I have been shooting and tinkering with spring guns for about six years, and I've done a dozen or so home tunes on different rifles. I picked this up because my only shooter at the time was a powerful .25 breakbarrel that is very heavy. I wanted a lightweight .177 springer to carry around and plink with, that still has the power to hunt. This gun serves that purpose well. Easily capable of squirrel and rabbit hunting out to around 25 yards, maybe further with a more accurate pellet. Not the greatest gun in the world, not even close- but great for what it is and fantastic for the money.
Power and accuracy are amazing, after some fiddling around with the scope i was able to get dime sized groups at 30 yards using H&N FTT, and punch through a sheet metal bucket with ease.
Things I Would Have Changedinclude a better scope for more $$ or no scope for less $$, for the money this gun is amazing! but i couldnt get the dials of the scope to work properly at all. shooting some paper targets helped me find where it was at, so using kentucky windage is gonna have to be good enough till i can get a new scope.other than the scope, not one complaint about the rifle!
What Others Should Knowif you need a powerful and extremely accurate airgun on a <150$ budget, this will certainly satisfy your needs. i know i was impressed by how powerful and accurate this was out of the box
the gun is powerful 1200 fps which is good
Things I Would Have Changedi would change the scope mainly because it sucks. around 20 yards or less the scope is very blury. also would put front an rear sights
What Others Should Knowthe scope will not hold zero, and the rifle is not accurate at all out of the box. and you can get better air rifles for $99
It's reliable. I've shot maybe 800 pellets through it and haven't had a problem yet. Has good power too. I've taken 2 birds at 20 yards and it only took one shot.
Things I Would Have ChangedBetter scope and trigger. The scope is not the best. Once it is sighted in, it stays put, but not for long. You also can't see much out of it and the focus adjustment doesn't exactly focus.
What Others Should KnowIt's a good beginner gun, but if you want perfect accuracy, get a different gun. It's tough so you can learn what not to do without actually breaking anything.
Fairly accurate rifle. Getting about 3/4" groups at 20 yards with CPHP pellets. Light weight and easy to carry in the field. Packs a good wallop on small game and pest within 25 yards.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe scope will not hold up to the spring recoil of this air rifle. Need to provide a more sturdy design for the optics. Also, the trigger is terrible. The rifle has about 750 shots through it and still have trouble with trigger control.
What Others Should KnowPlan on replacing the optics. This seems to be a pretty common complaint. Overall, for the money, this is a good performer if you can deal will the trigger pull. There are replacement trigger systems out there that may help this issue.
Everything! great gun, I love rabbit and pigeon hunting and on my first day I got it I dropped a black bird at 75 yards!
Things I Would Have ChangedThe sound kind of makes a bang
What Others Should KnowGet some red fire pellets! and be safe
Great gun powerful configurable Bought it about a month ago and shoot it everyday too much fun
Things I Would Have ChangedScope add front and rear sights
What Others Should Knowadding a little pel gun oil really adds a bang.
Everything. I liked the lite weight the most. Accurate and Powerful.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. For the money you couldn't ask for more.
What Others Should KnowI don't just plink with mine, I'm a hardcore raccoon hunter and use destroyer pellets in it. Dogs tree him and with a well placed shot its lights out.
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Jan 08, 2016
By Jim
seems like all us positive people think alike. i love my hornet, its light, accurate and feels and handles just like my hunting rifle, thats why i bought it. gamo did replace the scope which is much better and i broke the spring from carrying it cocked to long and replaced it with one from vortek corp. i can shoot the eye out of a rat at 50 yards or so.
Things I Would Have Changedthe triggers not that great, i greased it up with lithium grease and made a big differance .
What Others Should Knowdont keep springers cocked for to long.