First Time Shooter BB Gun Beginner Training Starter Bundle
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Daisy 1938 Red Ryder BB gun - Daisy's 1938 Red Ryder model is still a favorite of boys and girls (and men and women). This lever-action spring rifle is lightweight at 2.2lbs, easy to cock and durable. The solid wood forearm and engraved wood stock are just the right length for young shooters.
Walther PPK/S CO2 Black BB gun - This lightweight BB CO2 blowback gun is perfect for young shooters and is small enough at 1.2 lbs to be handled easily by young shooters.
Umarex MORPH 3X CO2 Pistol & Rifle - If you like to switch between rifles and pistols, the Umarex MORPH 3X can be both! With removable shoulder stock, barrel extender and forearm this easily converts back and forth. It is lightweight at only 2.5lbs, and is easy to assemble, easy to take apart.
The First Time Shooter BB Gun Beginner Training Starter Bundle includes the following:
- Daisy 1938 Red Ryder BB gun
- Walther PPK/S Black BB gun
- Umarex MORPH 3X CO2 Pistol & Rifle
- Air Venturi BB Bandit Target
- Air Venturi Safety Glasses, Clear Anti-Fog Lenses, Adjustable
- Shooters Ridge Monkey Bag Gun Rest
- Paper Targets, 100 pack
- Crosman 12 Gram CO2, 40 Cartridges
- Crosman Pellgun oil
- Steel BBs, .177 Cal, 5.1 Grains, Zinc-Plated, 3,000ct
- Air Venturi Dust Devil Frangible BBs, 1,500 ct.
This First Time Shooter BB Gun Beginner Training Starter Bundle includes the Daisy Red Rider, Walther PPK, Umarex Morph with pistol, detachable shoulder stock, forearm, and barrel extender. Also includes the BB Bandit target, Safety glass
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