Firepower .45 Spring Airsoft Pistol, Metal Slide
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- Spring-powered
- Metal slide
- Functional safety
- BAX hop-up system
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 12 Firepower .45 Reviews
Very good accuracy and power for the price. Fully adjustable rear sight. Pleasant feel and heft in the hand. Super pleased with it for an inexpensive springer.
Things I Would Have ChangedCan't reasonably complain about anything at this price point.
What Others Should KnowTested .12g (TSO); .20g (Elite Force); and .25g (Airsoft Elite) BB's. The .12's were all over the place - can't recommend them. The .25's were ok, but not good accuracy nor consistency. The .20's were by far the best, but that could be me and/or the brand/quality of ammo. What would be the safety on an actual pistol, on this piece is just a decoration (i.e. non-functional). There is however a "safety", which on a real firearm would be the slide release. Not a big deal, if you're mindful. The travel on the "safety" is slight but positive, and works by disengaging the trigger. There's a right-handed thumb slide release only. The 12-shot mag is a bit quirky - there's a handy spring lock after sliding it to the bottom, but a button at the top that you need to depress to fill it. If you eject the mag, two BB's will fall out. If you then press the button, the whole mag will spew empty. That said, I'm super-pleased with it. Great at this price point. Loads of cheap casual fun. Buy it.
I've had quite a few airsoft spring pistols and this is by far the best! This is the second one I've purchased. The first one out lasted all of the others until it started jamming the bb's if too many were loaded in the magazine, which was understandable given its age. These guns are very accurate and powerfull; definetly the 328 fps they claim it is. For the power the spring it has the slide is VERY easy to cock. Very comfortable in the hand and has the weight and feel of the real thing for sure. I liked the first one so much (purchased about 3 years ago) that I bought two more from Pyramid for the best price I could find on them!
Things I Would Have ChangedThe magazine is a bit more difficult to load than some others.
What Others Should KnowBuy it, you won't be disappointed.
Shoots strong, accurate, feels pretty alright, slides nice. Best spring pistol I could find on here for the price -- I just barely prefer it over the high-rated Taurus.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt's got a bunch of fake switches because of the gun it's modeled after. Also, the safety is hard to reach and doesn't actually have anything to do with that red dot on the side. The safety barely even moves enough to let you know it's on.
What Others Should KnowThe handle is a little too long front to back. Also, I couldn't seem to find any spare clips for it anywhere. It's uses almost exactly the clip for the Crosman Stinger P311 pistol, but it's just barely a quarter inch taller, so that won't work.
Where do I begin? I have bought 5 different airsoft guns and this is by far the best and most fun. Easy and fast to load (make sure you push the button down and pour the bullets in). Very accurate in my living room shooting at the sticky bulls-eye target. Great feel. It has some really nice weight to it. Very reliable too. I might put cool rubber grip on mine. $20? I would recommend this gun if it were $50.
Things I Would Have ChangedI don't love the orange tip but it's a law so if I could change it I would.
What Others Should KnowBuy the sticky bullseye for sure. So fun and safe for shooting in the living room from the couch. 2 of my friends bought this gun after trying mine. I would highly recommend buying 2 guns so you can target practice with a friend.
For the money it was another gift for my son to open on Christmas
Things I Would Have ChangedIt is exactly as the description describes it
What Others Should KnowI think you guys did a great job on the advertisement and the price was right
I'm new to airsoft pistols. I just wanted a decent, low cost pistol that I could target shoot with in my garage. This pistol fits the bill. I was very surprised with the accuracy of the Firepower .45, as well as the 328 FPS. My targets were cassette tape jewel cases (with the cassette tape inside) and aluminum soda cans. Not only would my shots knock them down, they cracked (spider cracked) the tape cases and put some pretty impressive dents in the soda cans, more than I expected. This airsoft pistol performed as well as I hoped it would. Great buy for the money.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
everything.... weight is great accuracy is great....good power....good grip feeel.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
This gun has a really good weight and feel to it. Shoots with good velocity. Is priced really well for how it preforms and the quality of the gun itself. It is rather accurate for its price.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe front sight is a bit tall and can catch on a holster. There is no rail accessory if you want to add extras to this gun.
What Others Should KnowIt is a good side arm that is accurate and reliable, with power to reach out and touch its target. It is well worth its cost. And extra magazines are also price friendly which is always a plus.
Power was very good and fairly accurate once i adj. the rear sight. Customer service and shipping excellent.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe safety needs to be reversed, down fire & up safe. Also make the rear sight windage adjustable w/white dot on front blade.
What Others Should KnowThis is a nice gun for the money, solid build, good performer, order a couple of xtra mags because its fun to shoot!
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Jan 11, 2021
By James
Feels like the real thing. It can also be taken apart like the real. 45 . I bought two of them at a garage sale for 10 bucks. Still have them after 4 years and they are still tack drivers.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowI have been looking for more of these pistols. Thank the maker PA has them ! They are well worth the money.