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FX Dreamline Classic, Synthetic, w/ Moderator

4.59 reviews
9 answered questions


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4.59 reviews
9 answered questions


A high capacity magazine, functioning flawlessly within a smooth sidelever operated action, with a match grade, two stage adjustable trigger and a fully shrouded precision barrel capped off with an affixed moderator to keep your shooting quiet, these are features all shooters are interested in.  They are also features that you'll find on all of the Dreamline models brought to you by FX Airguns!  And they don't stop there, the Smooth Twist X barrel liner system, AMP (Adjustable Match Precision) externally adjustable regulator, and a 3-step transfer port adjustment round out the impressive feature list you get when purchasing an FX Dreamline Classic.  

Sitting in a rugged synthetic stock, this Dreamline classic is capable of putting out up to 20 FPE in .177, 32 FPE in .22 and an impressive 48 FPE in .25!  Air up the 250cc cylinder to 230 BAR (3,335 PSI) and enjoy many magazines worth of shots with laser accuracy.  Of course, you can easily change the performance via the regulator adjustment and transfer port adjustments should you choose to.  

And the true innovation of the Dreamline, the ability to not only change calibers on your rifle, but also the ability to change configurations as your wants and needs change.  With the looming introduction of Dreamline Configuration Kits, you'll be able to turn your Dreamline Classic into any of the available configurations at will.  The Dreamline is truly capable of morphing into the rifle of your dreams and beyond!

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FX Dreamline Classic, Synthetic Stock, w/ Moderator

  • Black synthetic stock
  • Externally Adjustable Precision (AMP) regulator
  • STX Smooth Twist X Barrel System
  • Donny FL moderator
  • Two-stage Adjustable Trigger
  • Fully Shrouded barrel with Fixed DonnyFL Moderator
  • 3-step transfer port adjustment
  • 11mm dovetail for optics mounting
  • 250cc air cylinder
  • 230 BAR / 3,335 PSI Max Fill Pressure
  • Smooth Sidelever cocking system
  • Magazine Capacity: 22 rds. in .177, 18 rds. in .22, 16 rds. in .25, 13 rds. in .30
  • Shots per fill: 100 in .177, 60 in .22, 30 in .25, 25 in .30
  • Muzzle Energy: 20 FPE in .177, 32 FPE in .22, 48 FPE in .25, 75 FPE in .30
  • 500mm (19.685") barrel in .177 & .22 cal, 600mm (23.62") barrel in .25 & .30 cal
  • 1/8" BSPP Fill Probe
  • Includes one magazine and 3-year transferable warranty

Please note: .25 caliber Dreamline Classic rifles ship with the barrel and shroud assembly separated from the rifle action.  Installation instructions will be included with each rifle and it takes less than 5 minutes to install.  

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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
980 fps
Muzzle Energy
20 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
Pre-charged pneumatic
6.1 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
Cylinder Size
250 cc
Fixed/adj. power
Multiple settings
11mm dovetail
Two-stage adjustable
Overall Length
22 round(s)
Body Type
Operating Pressure
3335 PSI / 230 BAR

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9 of 9 FX Airguns Dreamline Classic Synthetic Reviews

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Best rifle I own, very acurate.


This is the quietest 25 I ever shot very backyard friendly.

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This is a .177. It is Light weight. Awesome feel and handling. Smooth cocking. Amazing trigger. Great quality. Love this synthetic stock. No scratches but feels so smooth and comfortable. Very adjustable and flexible.

Provide an externally adjustable hammer spring and regulator. You have to remove the stock to adjust either one. The hammer spring adjustment is mostly a guess. It is hard to test with the stock removed. Actually it is dangerous with the trigger exposed as I found out the hard way. I would like the barrel locked down instead of selling a barrel band which I had and hated. It destroys the poi if bumped in any way. Almost gave the $45 barrel band away on eBay. Also Include a single shot tray. The Avenger beats the FX in not having a fill probe, has externally adjustable HS and Regulator. Gives almost 2 times as many shots per fill. If they designed the Avenger with a moderator, better trigger and increased the quality of the stock and cocking lever it would give the FX a run for its money. But all that said as it stands right now I would not trade my FX for the Avenger.

If you are going to adjust the regulator and the hammer spring only once and leave it you will love this gun. If not you will find it frustrating to keep adjusting it. I have an Avenger .177 with a DonnyFL extension and Tatsu moderator. The Avenger adjustment flexibility beats it hands down. I shoot them often together and can really tell the difference in quality between them. Both are very accurate at 27 yards. The FX seems to consistently give smaller groups but that is hard to judge since one or the other will win depending how I am shooting each of them.
But when it comes to shooting experience I would take the FX any day. Silky smooth in every way. Of course it cost me $600 more after all the extras I installed on the Avenger. If I had it to do over I would only buy the FX and put the money I spent on the Avenger into a high end scope.

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so easy to use the side lever so smooth and easy/ super shooter always pellet on pellet

put on a rail for bypod/ fx should give you a foster type fill probe not a screw in probe

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Light weight, easy to carry, hlgh capacity mag. quiet as a mouse, shoots like a laser. It's everything I wanted in an airgun.

Include an extra magazine at this price.

If you buy one of these get ready to hit what your shooting at. This is a great gun. Mine likes JSB 18.1 best and 15.89 next. It shoots great right out of the box.

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Light weight, great trigger, nice overall feel.

Correct owners manual, and a quick disconnect to be included. Also with the barrel length, a barrel support would also be appreciated.

There are a number of accessories that are necessary that are not mentioned or included.

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How light the air gun is. How accuracy the gun is.


FX was in a hurry to get these Dreamliner out to market and their quality control was very poor. l had to send mine back because pressure gauge was broken.

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Accuracy. The rifle is boring at 50 yards. Seriously, I got bored at 50. 75 and 100 yards for targets is now the norm.

The fill probe. Also, the fill probe. Did I mention the fill probe...

I gave 5 stars for value for money even though you can purchase a Savage 6.5 creedmoor for less. But if you like air guns then spend it on the front end. You can easily spend the same making a Marauder this accurate.

Cliff Aug 27, 2019

FX has found something special with their regulators and barrels. This rifle is performing beyond my expectations. Consistent 100 yard shots, to me, seemed like the holy grail. Nah. The furthest I've tried shooting is 150 yards at a 2-1/4" spinner. Well. Check that off the list. 5 hits in a row then I jerked on the 6th for a miss. This is wild. 150 yards. I'm sure it will do 200. I just haven't had a chance to try it. At 150 I'm adjusting my scope 30 MOA above zero. (it's zeroed at 50 and I should probably zero it further out). That's like 3'9' above the target. To consistently arc a pellet nearly 4' over 150 yards, one after the other, is crazy awesome. My original rating of 4 stars should be changed to 6 stars.

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Love the rifle the most accurate air rifle I own best you can buy for the money. Just can't say enough about the accuracy!!! That feel of the stock feels good. And a outstanding trigger. The large magazine is a plus .

Things I would change it would come with a rail for a bipod and a barrel band.

If you looking for a very good air rifle FX DREAMLINE is the way to go you want be disappointed !

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The weight or lack of it I should say. My other rifle is a Hatsan Hercules Bully (10+lbs.) and the FX Dreamline Classic feels like a feather in comparison. The accuracy. Amazing! My bully is regulated and tuned and shoots 1/4" 5 shot groups at 35yds., but the FX is shooting 1-hole at the same distance. I am shooting .22 JSB Hades Low noise. DonnyFL moderator does a great job. I have a DonnyFL on my bully too. Cudos to FX for partnering with DonnyFL on the Dreamline.

Get rid of the fill probe! Other lower level airgun manufacturers are providing much cheaper guns with male foster quick connects, c'mon FX listen to your customers. No one likes using a fill probe.

Shoot a tin of pellets before passing judgment. My first 10 shots left me feeling like my rifle had skipped the factory QC step. I set an email to PA asking if I could return it for a proper tune. They encouraged me to shoot it more to allow the regulator to settle-in. I set it at low power and followed this advice and the gun started shooting consistently by the time I needed to refill. By the time I shot a full tin of lead I was used to the trigger and now both the gun and me are settled-in.
If this is your first FX be careful with the factory trigger setting. At first I was not happy with the lightness of the second stage. I stuck with and now love it. It is silky smooth and second stage is light but consistent and breaks crisply.

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