Evanix GTK290 Semiauto, Image 1
Evanix GTK290 Semiauto, Image 2
Evanix GTK290 Semiauto, Image 3
Evanix GTK290 Semiauto, Image 4
Evanix GTK290 Semiauto, Image 5
Evanix GTK290 Semiauto, Image 6
Evanix GTK290 Semiauto, Image 7
Evanix GTK290 Semiauto, Image 8
Evanix GTK290 Semiauto, Image 9
Evanix GTK290 Semiauto, Image 10
Evanix GTK290 Semiauto, Image 1

Evanix GTK290 Semiauto Air Rifle

5.02 reviews
3 answered questions


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5.02 reviews
3 answered questions


Like to hunt? Got pests you need to dispatch? This may become your go-to gun for those tasks. The Evanix GTK290 delivers shot after shot with its true semiauto action. This is especially useful if you have a number of critters you need to remove. Evanix has a reputation for making accurate air guns, and the GTK290 is built on that platform...delivering shot after shot exactly where you want them to go!
  • Evanix GTK290 air rifle
  • Precharged pneumatic
  • Semiauto
  • .177/13 rds, .22/11 rds, .25/10 rds, 9mm/10rds
  • Built-in manometer (air pressure gauge)
  • 290cc air reservoir
  • Shrouded barrel
  • 2.6-lbs. trigger-pull weight
  • Included rechargeable battery pack powers the action (battery NOT charged on delivery)
  • Weaver/Picatinny optics & accessory rails (no open sights)
  • Unique metal stock (ambidextrous)
  • Forearm support moves backward and forward
  • Manual safety
  • .177 cal.=26 shots/fill, .22 cal.=22 shots/fill, .25 cal.=20 shots/fill, 9mm=14 shots/fill
  • 150* max shots per battery charge, depending on the temperature
  • Includes 8.6V** battery pack, battery charger, 2 mags & fill probe

*150 shots on a charge is the recommended max. You may find that you can shoot more than 150 shots, but anything more than that could result in your bolt getting stuck. Colder temperatures will reduce the number of shots you can get from the battery. If you continue to shoot after the battery has lost a significant amount of power, the bolt may get stuck.

**You can also buy an optional 9.6V battery pack but we don't recommend it unless you shoot your gun only in very cold weather (-16 deg. C or +3.2 deg. F).

Never use round balls in your 9mm Evanix GTK290 air rifle!


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1310 fps
Suggested for
Pre-charged pneumatic
8.89 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
Fixed/adj. power
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Trigger Pull
2.6 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
13 round(s)
Body Type

Overall Rating



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2 of 2 Evanix GTK290 Semiauto Air Rifle Reviews

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Looks cool, people at the range were intrigued. Battery lasts a while (I was at the range for about 2 hours with no issues). I like the electronic trigger. You can tell when it will activate and it's quick (no need to pause). Seems accurate. In all honestly it is probably more accurate than I am at this point as it has been a few years since I've been shooting.

Make it lighter. More stock adjustments, add length adjustment as well as the cheek adj. A little quieter would also be nice. Evanix used to make a silencer but apparently it is discontinued. :(

If you put a scope on it, you will probably want to use tall rings. I'm using medium rings now and I will be swapping them out for tall. Also if you use a wide scope (> 44) you will need high rings just to mount it.

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I purchased the .25 caliber version of the GTK290. This is one scary accurate and super powerful gun. Using a EOTech 512 1x scope, I was able to shoot 1/4" groupings at 20 yards fairly consistently. At 10 yards, I was able to place pellets through the same hole without much effort. The look and feel of the gun is awesome. Everyone I have shown it to really is impressed as well. The adjustable cheek height is meh. Getting used to the electric trigger is easy and firing off the entire clip in a couple of seconds is easy. The battery can be upgraded to a Lipo easily though the OEM battery is quite sufficient. I typically get 35-40 shots between refills (I refill at 125 Bar). The long picatinny rail provides limitless options for mounting optics and accessories. There is little recoil and the weight and balance is quite good. Smaller or petite shooters should be just fine with this gun.

Include a user manual. Reduce the noise of the report. Add the capability to change the length of the adjustable butt stock.

The gun is not really backyard friendly due to the loud report when being shot. If you have over 200 feet between your house and the neighbor, you might be fine. I highly recommend purchasing a Premium 12 shot magazine, it's an accessory well worth the added cost. I found the JSB Match Diablo King 25.39 gain pellets to be very accurate and trouble free.

Be careful when loading the magazine. If the magazine is not seated in place perfectly, you will jam and lockup the gun and the fix requires taking apart the gun and ensuring you mark the location of the bolt at the point of lock up. When re-assembling, the location of the bolt must be exactly where it was prior to disassembly or you are in for trouble.

SwampDonkey Jun 29, 2014

Thank you- nice review!

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