Diana RWS 36, Image 1
Diana RWS 36, Image 2
Diana RWS 36, Image 1

Diana RWS 36

5.03 reviews
1 answered question


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5.03 reviews
1 answered question


The Model 36 epitomizes sleek elegance. This powerful breakbarrel airgun can easily break the 1000fps mark in .177 caliber, yet its appearance charms the discriminating airgunner with its fluid, graceful beauty. The select European beech stock is a Monte Carlo design with a cheekpiece, checkering, and rubber buttpad, enhanced with a deep stain and satin finish. Standard features include a scope rail, an automatic safety, an adjustable rear sight, a front sight with interchangeable inserts, a two stage adjustable trigger with custom trigger guard, and a finely rifled barrel. The Model 36 is also available in a carbine version with a 4 inch shorter barrel for the shooter seeking a more compact magnum airgun without sacrificing accuracy. This gun is equipped with a two stage trigger. Weight 8.0 lbs. Length 45.0". Cocking effort 33.0 lbs.
Powerful Break Barrel Action!


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1000 fps
8.0 lbs
Overall Length
Cocking Effort
33 lbs

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3 of 3 Diana RWS 36 Reviews

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This rifle, which I have owned since the mid to late 80's (don't remember when I purchased it!), has been, for me, the "gold standard" of air gunning. It's continued accuracy amazes and astounds, and is, because of its considerable consistency and accuracy THE standard by which I gauge all other air rifles. With a micrometer peep, globe front sight (with changeable inserts), and a muzzle weight, it STILL out shoots all my subsequent air guns. It has dispatched many a noxious critter as well as shredding paper targets. It has gone through one mainspring and a couple of breech seals.

Nothing at all. It is, compared to newer magnums, light, hard hitting and consistently accurate.

Unfortunately, it is no longer made. If this had a nitro/gas piston, it would be the ultimate air rifle, in my opinion. After all these years, it is still a pleasure to use and so naturally comes to point that it is almost cheating to use this against any other air gun.

lance Oct 28, 2017

An update on the M-36. I sent it off to UMAREX this year for a rebuild. The third mainspring decided to retire from active service. For a nominal price, the springs and seals were replaced in a rebuild. After popping it back in the stock (UMAREX only wants the action sent to them), the gun performed better than new, because, of course, it is well broken-in by decades of use. It still remains my favorite air gun. Compared to newer models it is light, slim and is not finicky about pellets.

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I have owned this gun from 1990,Its a great airgun and its still working great and hunting ,and very accurate ,over the years i have bought other airguns but this one is still competing with my new ones in accuracy though the velocity seems to be a bit down but still its hunting great.

Mine has a old trigger like the new T06 trigger .

This is a very rare model of diana ,not found in many places ,Also i have diana mod 35 T05 made 2007 bought from middle east its the same gun as mod 36 no difference at all.

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I've owned this gun for about 15 years. It hasn't had a single performance issue in that time. With a scope I can put a round through a quarter at about 50 feet consistantly. Once you get it sighted in properly, the accuracy is simply amazing.

Every gun I own seems to have been built for a smaller person. It would be nice if you could order a gun with a proper length stock rather than adding a pad.

Great air gun at a great price.

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