Diana LP8 Tactical Carbine
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With its smooth spring-piston powerplant, the Diana LP8 Magnum Tactical Carbine brings quality performance to your plinking sessions.
The LP8 Magnum has been a proven performer for Diana, crafted with the fit and finish you can expect from nearly any airgun leaving German factories. Although the pistol has a large frame, the grip itself is highly ergonomic and textured for a very secure grip.
The Tactical variant includes a fixed rear stock that really aids in placing more accurate shots by reducing the amount of movement and creating a stable shooting platform. Atop the integrated 11mm Dovetail sits the included red-dot sight. Each includes a cocking assist that really helps to get the leverage to cock the breakbarrel. Once cocked and loaded, the LP8 slings its pellets downrange at speeds up to 575fps. Once your done shooting, pack up your LP8 Tactical in its included hard case.
The LP8 Magnum Tactical brings stability and precision to small game hunting and hard-hitting target shooting, don’t be without it for your next shooting session!
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
Diana LP8 Tactical Carbine
- Spring-piston
- Breakbarrel
- Single-shot
- Ambidextrous grip & operation
- Muzzlebrake for greater cocking leverage
- 11mm scope rail
- Comes with fixed buttstock, red dot, and hard case
Please Note: While the LP8 Tactical features a built-in rear sight, it is not functional as there is no front sight.
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10 of 10 Diana LP8 Tactical Carbine Reviews
Awesome gun/pistol! Changed out Red Dot to 1.5x4 scope, deadly accurate, 5 shots at 30 yds within a quarter. Easy to cock, very powerful, have not crono but Utube has, about 625 FPS. with lead pellets
Things I Would Have ChangedI would add 2 inches to the stock length, better trigger, very long pull, you can adjust the travel but not the pull. They could have easily made a noise suppressor out of the handle on end of barrel, it needs it.
What Others Should KnowBe ready for fun!, hard to put down!
Very easy to cock
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
This is my first pellet gun. Looked at many options and break barrel seemed like a good option to get my feet wet. I wanted something compact and of better quality. I liked the look and the reviews are what sold me. It was set up at pyramid air with the 20 for $20. Out of the box it was accurate with little adjustment. Shooting at 20 yards in my basement. Some reviews said it was loud. Mine is not, I was very impressed with that. I bought a a variety of pellets, style and weight. It shoots them all very consistently at 20 yards I find them all about the same. Cocking the gun is easy with little effort.
Things I Would Have ChangedAt this price point in hind sight I would have purchased a different break barrel pistol like the Hatsan Model 25. With the extra funds I could have purchased a second gun like the Hatsan 135 QE break barrel rifle.
What Others Should KnowThe sales rep I spoke to when I purchased was excellent he answered questions and took good care of me.
An accurate, easy to cock...gun. the red dot on it is easy t sight in and is very repeatable.
Things I Would Have ChangedNOISE! I disagree with the specifications. I rate as one of loudest air guns I've ever shot. I am busy trying to quiet it down now!
What Others Should KnowIf you have any experience with quieting this gun down, please let me know
One of a Kind Pistol !
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing !
What Others Should KnowHad to send back because it was Defected ! Wouldn't cock !
The ease of cocking, ambidextrous safety, accuracy- once dialed in you know where the pellet is going, just makes target shooting fun again. I have a Diana model 48 with a Leapers UTG 3-9x40 scope which I enjoy shooting buy thy LP8 is simply more fun to shoot. The model 48 has more knock down force, but the LP8 is stll a powerful pellet gun in it's own right. Nice hard case supplied with the LP8, finally don't have to purchase a case with a new gun. Red dot sight was extremely easy to set up and dial in.
Things I Would Have ChangedAll the reviews I've seen talk about changing out the grips with walnut aftermarket ones but when you go looking for them they are not to be found any more. There is really nothing wrong with the original grips but it would be nice to have the option to change them down the road.
Very impressed with total package! Case is excellent. Red dot scope is neat, easy to set up and dial in. LP8 is well German made.
Things I Would Have ChangedShould have come out with complete package earlier.
What Others Should KnowCase pinches fingers when opening snaps/clips first time. You will learn quickly how to open case.
AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! I fell in love with LP8 Tactical Carbine after viewing the following video review on YouTube a few months ago The things I immediately noticed about theTactical Carbine are (1) High quality case it arrived in. (2) A barrel extension for easier cocking that's permanently attached unlike the base LP8 I purchased in 2014 (3) a fixed shoulder rest that will greatly help in keeping the gun steady as you aim. (4) Diana Red Dot 1X40 and mount. (5) The amazing accuracy and power definitely got my undivided attention. You have to experience this yourself to appreciate it. This version seems more powerful than the LP8 I purchased from Pyramyd Air in 2014. LP8 has always been known as one of the strongest airguns on the market.
Things I Would Have ChangedAlmost any owners of the LP8 will tell you--the Gallbraith Brothers Pistol Grips are a most. I ordered and received mine before the gun arrived. The Diana LP8 has always been a quality air pistol. The custom wooden pistol grips takes it to the next level. I replaced the Diana Red Dot with a Burris Fastfire III MOA 3 with Picatinny Rail. Trust me, with this combination you can't literally miss. You will be amazed at how many times you hit the bullseye and the other pellets go through the same hole. The Fastfire has four levels of brightness/dot size, I had best accuracy with the last setting. I wouldn't change anything on this fine air pistol.
What Others Should KnowDon't hesitate in purchasing the LP8 Tactical Carbine. You will probably have to wait because I see this as being an 'Out of Stock" item. I thank Pyramyd Air for being ahead of the game in carrying this fine pistol. You will not regret purchasing the Diana LP8 Tactical Carbine.
AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! I fell in love with LP8 Tactical Carbine after viewing the following video review on YouTube a few months ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lb8e30txq0 The things I immediately noticed about theTactical Carbine are (1) High quality case it arrive in. (2) A barrel extension for easier cocking that's permanently attached unlike the base LP8 I purchased in 2014 (3) a fixed shoulder rest that will greatly help in keeping the gun steady as you aim. (4) Diana Red Dot 1X40 and mount. (5) The amazing accuracy and power definitely got my undivided attention. You have to experience this yourself to appreciate it. This version seems more power than the LP8 I purchased from Pyramyd Air in 2014. LP8 has always been known as one of the strongest airguns on the market.
Things I Would Have ChangedAlmost any owners of the LP8 will tell you--the Gallbraith Brothers Pistol Grips are a most. I ordered and received mine before the gun arrived. The Diana LP8 has always been a quality air pistol. The custom wooden pistol grips takes it to the next level. I replaced the Diana Red Dot with a Burris Fastfire III MOA 3 with Picatinny Rail. Trust me, with this combination you can't literally miss. You will be amazed at how many times you hit the bullseye and the other pellets go through the same hole. The Fastfire has four levels of brightness/dot size, I had best accuracy with the last setting. I wouldn't change anything on this fine air pistol.
What Others Should KnowDon't hesitate in purchasing the LP8 Tactical Carbine. You will probably have to wait because I see this as being an 'Out of Stock" item. I thank Pyramyd Air for being ahead of the game in carrying this fine pistol. You will not regret purchasing the Diana LP8 Tactical Carbine.
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Sep 05, 2020
By Dominic
I like the form factor but that's about it.
Things I Would Have ChangedI agree with the noise issue being a problem, especially in a typical suburban backyard setting. Also, this thing will not group whatsoever. I tried multiple optics, rings, and pellets and even kept checking to make sure everything was tight. I wanted to like this carbine especially due to its form factor along with it being a springer...but now I am on the search for anything similar to it. The Hatsan carbine is close to this but reviews have been mediocre. Oh well.