Diana 52 Air, Image 1
Diana 52 Air, Image 2
Diana 52 Air, Image 1

Diana 52 Air Rifle

5.06 reviews
2 answered questions


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5.06 reviews
2 answered questions


Germany has long been acknowledged as the airgun industry leader. And that's why Diana guns have a faithful international following of hunters, plinkers and field target shooters.

Your Diana 52 air rifle will deliver years of faithful service. Diana rifles are made in Germany and will stand up to regular use. This model is based on the model 48, which has a big fan base in the U.S. If you like accurate sporting rifles -- get a Diana. If you like beautiful wood and deep, rich bluing -- get a Diana. If you like a dependable gun -- get a Diana.
  • Diana 52 air rifle
  • Spring-piston
  • Sidelever
  • Single-shot
  • Rifled steel barrel
  • 2-stage adjustable metal T06 match trigger
  • Fixed blade front sight
  • Fully adjustable rear sight
  • 11mm optics dovetail
  • Raised right-hand cheekpiece
  • Beech stock with checkered forearm and pistol grip
  • Automatic safety
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.25 (6.35mm)
Max Velocity
610 fps
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
8.8 lbs
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Blade & Ramp
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage & elevation
Two-stage adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Body Type

Overall Rating



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6 of 6 Diana 52 Air Rifle Reviews

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From the minute I opened the shipping box I was excited and impressed. The Diana box was in perfect condition and when I opened it the rifle was securely packaged and held in place like it should be. The rifle was pre oiled for deliver/sit time and there was not a bad mark on it. This rifle is beautiful and built very well, great materials and craftsmanship, if I had to nut pick I would say the wood stock feels almost fake but it looks good and feels strong, besides I didn't buy it for the stock. The side cocking works smooth and flawless, the safety systems work great and don't slow you down. Shouldering the rifle is very comfortable and it is not to heavy and balances well. The firing cycle is smooth and quick, very close to a gasram really, no buzz or twang. I don't say this about many guns but this one deserves credit for being lazer beam accurate, no lie, and it being a hard hitting .25 cal, chronied at 725fps average!!! I am in love....

Not a single thing!

This gun barely dieseled on maybe 2 shots, and I am getting 725fps average with H&N fts 19.90 grain pellets. Diana magnum pellets come in 20.00 grain so I wanted to be close to their recommended weight of pellet. Even shooing JSB 25 grains it still should shoot 625-650fps, that no slouch in a accurate .25 cal rifle. If you buy it you will not be disappointed.

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The 52 has one of the nicest stocks ive seen on a new airgun. Trigger is excellent after replacing the lawyer screws and adjusting to you liking. Accuracy is amazing 80yds 1" groupds with jsb's 15.9gr.

Get rid of the plastic. such a beautiful rifle then they spoil it with a plastic front sight and receiver cap. Other than that nothing

Bob Aug 31, 2014

Is the trigger blade plastic too? It was on the 52 I bought back in 1990, which I thought was a same on such a nice rifle. I hope the newer models sport metal trigger blades.

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I didn't use this rifle long enough to write an in depth review; I had to return it because the side lever jammed a couple of times (must have been a defect because the other reviews are so positive). What I can say is that this rifle is quite accurate. I would also like to take this opportunity to review Pyramid Air. With my experience in online shopping (of which I do 90%) I must say Pyramid Air provides the best customer service by far. The prices are very competitive, especially with 2 day shipping for items over $150. and the bulls eye bucks offer puts them way out in front of the competition.


Pyramid Air offers a wealth of free information, reviews, and videos for both beginner, and experienced shooters alike. These are the things that make Pyramid Air a go to seller.

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This is my first side lever Rifle. I do have all the RWS up to 460. Did not bather me a bit after my second shoot. The gun came this morning at 8:30 AM, by 9:00 AM I was in the Bulls eye on 65'and a group of 1/8"!!!! Can NOT be any batter for a .25 Cal. There is almost '0' recoil and you can mount any type of a Scope. Is not to heavy gun and filling batter for me then the RWS 350 or 460 Magnum. The Power? I think they under estimate for 610 fps, the Pellets go a lot faster and the JBS 25.39 Gr. do a good job. I have some other Pellets and will try them latter on. The bottom line is, I like everything in this Rifle. My first Diana was 40 years a go in Europe and last me on till last year, when been stolen from my Porch.


Accuracy A-1,Wood Material A-1, Steel Material A-1, Craftsmanship mechanism A-1. Do NOT look any father for .25 Cal. Spring Piston Rifle. This .25 Cal.Rifle is Batter then my Cometa 400, BSA, Benjamin Webley Patriot. Do not waste your money and time.
I recumbent this Rifle. Buy it!!

Joe Apr 21, 2015

Dimitri, You hit a golf ball at 130'(over 43 yards)!!! Do you have to angle the gun at about 30 degree and lob that .25 cal over there? Because your .25 cal is listed at the most, 610 fps at the muzzle.

Dimitri Mar 13, 2014

By the way, after play around find out something witch I like to share with you and for those who care. When you cock the lever has a three position safety. If you go to the first click it give you plenty of space to load the Pellet, then push the lever a little and the safety lever is free and just close the Lever. The Rifle is NOT arm it and when you are ready for a quick shot, just Arm it and take the shot. You do not loose any time Loading the Pellet. About the accuracy? How you like to hit a Golf Ball on 130' .25 Cal.?!

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Everything! Once I opened the box I was in love! The rifle is beautiful! And she's not just a looker either, the first few shots were all it took. Originaly planned to only use the open sights but after the first few dime sized groups at 15yrds I knew it be be wrong not to scope her, and she has rewarded me with hole in hole results since then. Trigger is excelent as everything else on this rifle. I highly recomendación this rifle to anyone looking for an excellent Springer that has power, accuracy, and great looks. Also it took only a few shots to get used to the side lever, cocking and loading is as easy as my break barral.

Nothing at all

I purchased the UTG droop compensating adaptor for the T06 MODEL and a Leapers 4x16-50 scope to finish her off. I am extremely happy with my purchase and currently saving up for my next rifle. RWS AIR KING 54 maybe?

Memo May 23, 2014

Upgraded my scope to a Hawke sidewinder 30 4-16 x 50. WOW! What an amazing upgrade! Already had tight groups, even better now and and longer ranges. Highly recommend this rifle to anyone

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This air rifle is awesome! Extremely accurate. Great trigger. I have nothing bad to say about it. I have the .25 caliber rifle and I Love it.


Be prepared to put the pellets in one hole.

Joe Apr 28, 2015

Jim, What brand and type of pellet does your Diana 52 shoots the most accurate?

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