Daisy Powerline 5501
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1-year limited warranty
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Load the 15-shot clip, drop in a 12-gram CO2 cylinder and send that ammo downrange. You'll get hours of plinking fun out of this little pistol. Never shoot BBs at hard objects.
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 45 Daisy Powerline 5501 Reviews
Good looks, weight and feel. Accurate at 10 yards with a laser (I hate to squint).
Things I Would Have ChangedLongevity.
What Others Should KnowBought mine from Pyramyd and it lasted a little over a year before refusing to cycle. I'm doing an out of warranty repair direct with Daisy so I can get another 5501 for $50 ($30 repair, $10 ship, $10 return shipping). Lady at Daisy said with their pistols they just toss them and send another.
Accuracy and power.
Things I Would Have ChangedMagazine seems fragile.
What Others Should KnowGreat accuracy. I have a problem with squirrels in my backyard. I shot at a squirrel with this pistol from about 7 yards. Dropped it in 1 shot. I was using Umarex BBs.
Super impressed.
Consistent throughout the co2 and accuracy is above average. In hand feel and weight is perfect. Cost is great and still surprised after self reviewing, testing and overall wear and tear.
Things I Would Have ChangedRear sight illuminated dots, which I've machined and filled with hi-glow myself. All metal construction and replace the body chrome with matte black.
What Others Should KnowI've had mine and an additional for my wife over a year now with regular use, cleaning and re-oiling ,it's never and I mean never! Had a malfunctioning issue.
My wife and I usually replace a fresh co2 before storage,not recommended by manufacturer! Yet never once had a leaking seal. Accessories such as illumination or lasersights mount up on the provided railing nicely. Youtube videos have multiple options for modifications such as action tension and selection of no blowback and how to get a 20+ round magazine mod. All void warranty! But both of ours maintain composure perfectly.
Consistent throughout the co2 and accuracy is above average. In hand feel and weight is perfect.
Things I Would Have ChangedRear sight illuminated dots, which I've machined and filled with hi-glow myself. All metal construction and replace the body chrome with matte black.
What Others Should KnowI've had mine and an additional for my wife over a year now with regular use, cleaning and re-oiling ,it's never and I mean never! Had a malfunctioning issue.
My wife and I usually replace a fresh co2 before storage,not recommended by manufacturer! Yet never once had a leaking seal. Accessories such as illumination or lasersights mount up on the provided railing nicely. Youtube videos have multiple options for modifications such as action tension and selection of no blowback and how to get a 20+ round magazine mod. All void warranty! But both of ours maintain composure perfectly.
Pretty much everything except the plastic magazine. Good blowback and slide lockback when empty, good accuracy, decent number of shots from a CO2, looks, controls ( slide lock, de-cocker), white front sight, metal CO2 puncture/retaining screw.
Things I Would Have ChangedMetal magazine, white dots on rear sights, advertise the fact it can be field-stripped ( at least I saw a video of it being done simply by removing the one scrrw on the top - although when I removed the screw and tried to remove the slide, it didn't come apart as easy as the video! I gave up because I didnt want to take a chance on ruining a really nice gun!
Very easy to load and use. Double safety (safety lock and cock to engage)
Things I Would Have ChangedLubricate the puncture screw.
I would like to know what that small black plastic piece is that is sealed in the package with the pistol I. also didn't receive any manuals in the package if I had a manual, it probably would tell me what that piece is. any help would be great. thanks.
Okay, things I like.... Right then. There's a decent weight to it, and the blowback action is very nice. The sound of the slide popping back is quite nice, and it's very convincing as a prop when empty because it sounds quite realistic.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe materials used, and the ridiculous choice of centering the entire gun around the charging indicator to even FIRE more than one shot consecutively.
What Others Should KnowOh boy, where to start....
Well, I've owned it for a day and have been reduced to charge, shoot, charge, shoot. instead of charge, shoot shoot shoot,
meaning there's a big issue with it's "charge indicator" as this basically is the entire pinnacle of the gun's firing/return mechanism.
The magazine's bottom piece(the extra piece of guard) will break off if even slightly tapped.
The safety has an issue with falling into safe mid magazine dump.
and after about 2 cartridges, the o-ring in the puncture valve will shoot itself off the valve and will need to be pushed back into it.
Hi all my airguns have all been pretty much bought from pyramid who is the best .I bought this pistol at our local gun shop and fell in love with it.I had to look at the reviews to see if other poeple were having the only problem....The cheap clips..The only consistent complaint..I will order a couple more for 20$ worth it.The one that came with my pistols spring broke and I replaced from another clip that fit but has occasionally made the gun malfunction..So the clips must b purchased for this well made fantastic pistol.And my favorite safety feature is that fantastic decoder.Very safe very powerful accurate reliable..CLIPS!! only bad thing..I will treat my new ones like fragile eggs.lol.
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Oct 07, 2024
By Robert
Power, accuracy &value,
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowI always find Daisy to be top of the line in value and performance, This is a great pistol.