Daisy 880 Multi-Pump
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Daisy's most popular air rifle! The 880 shoots both BBs and pellets, and it does so with amazing power. This multi-pump pneumatic sends ammo roaring downrange! BBs go up to 750 fps (Never shoot BBs at hard objects!), and pellets go up to 715 fps. You can adjust power and velocity by the number of pumps you put into the rifle (up to 10 pumps). The synthetic molded woodgrain Monte Carlo stock has a raised right-hand cheekpiece and checkering on the grip and forearm. The front sight is fiber optic, the rear sight is fully adjustable but is not fiber optic. For more accuracy, mount a scope, red dot or laser on the 11mm dovetails on the receiver (made of engineering resin).
It's a BB repeater (holds 50 BBs) and a single-shot pellet shooter. Take this rifle plinking, target shooting or if you just want to have fun! It's lightweight, so you can shoot for hours.
Cocking Effort:
- 1st pump - 4 lbs
- 3rd pump - 9 lbs
- 5th pump - 12 lbs
- 8th pump - 14 lbs
- 10th pump - 15 lbs
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
Overall Rating
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10 of 87 Daisy 880 Reviews
Easy transaction. Good price. Fast shipping. Good quality. PyramydAir has earned my customer loyalty.
What Others Should KnowI strongly recommend getting on their mailing list.
For a fifty-dollar gun it is surprisingly well made. It handles well and points quickly. The gun has great accuracy with any pellet I tried. I put a red dot scope on it, and it will outshoot the Umarex Fusion 2 I bought by a huge margin. Even with 6 pumps the gun shoots hard. I also bought a Buck Rail suppressor for it and made it even more quiet than it already was.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe pellets will fall into the bb feed hole. Maybe if they designed it as an only pellet or even if they could put a pellet magazine like the older Crosman 760 had. I think they should offer a limited run of real wood stocks as well.
What Others Should KnowIf you shoot pellets then push the bolt forward about 1/8 of an inch and it well help prevent pellets from falling into the BB feed tube. Overall this is a great gun.
Light, cheap. easy to pump, plenty powerful.
Things I Would Have ChangedAccuracy is bad. The rear sight has to be adjusted all the way to one side to be sighted in. A little adjustment is ok but this is excessive.
In my opinion this Daisy Air Rifle offers a lot bang for your buck! Im Impressed with the velocity & accuracy at a very reasonable price! I took a couple of big rats out with two perfectly placed head shots and they both dropped dead In their tracks.
Things I Would Have ChangedReally nothing but I wish Daisy would consider making an up graded limited edition of the 880 just like Crosman did with the Crosman 362. if Daisy did I would definitely buy one In a heartbeat!
What Others Should KnowIf your looking for a .177 cal pellet rifle that offers a lot of performance for not a lot of money I would advise you to take a look at the Daisy 880 Powerline, heck I might just buy another one
because I really like the first one I bought!
Good entry level rifle. Inexpensive, accurate enough for plinking, powerful enough for rodents.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot sure if my sights are just defective, but the gun shoots low. Like, really really low. I’ve got the sights set at the highest elevation, and I still have to aim above my target at 10 yards. My Red Ryder that shoots at half the velocity doesn’t even have this issue. It seems crazy to me that a 700 fps pellet rifle would have sights that max out at 5 yards. Again, maybe mine is defective, idk.
What Others Should KnowThe stock is hollow and cheap feeling, but given the price it’s not a huge deal.
Amazingly accurate for such a cheap airgun. Easy to handle, fairly lightweight.
Things I Would Have ChangedReal wood would be nicer than plastic, but then it would probably cost more and be heavier, so maybe best the way it is.
What Others Should KnowA fun lightweight cheap air rifle to plink with, can use either pellets for better accuracy, or plain bbs for really cheap shooting fun.
Everything. Weight, accuracy, easy to pump, power, not pellet picky, legacy, amazing price. I've got some nice airguns, and this one is just so fun and simple to shoot free hand, in the woods, with kids, etc. Great 5-30 yards.
Things I Would Have ChangedEasier pellet loading (especially if scoped).
What Others Should KnowIt shoots 10 grain pellets well. Don't under estimate this gun.
Accuracy is very good at 20 yards. Trigger pull is crisp.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe plastic stock feels cheap. The scope is garbage. Sell the rifle a little cheaper with no scope.
What Others Should KnowThis gun feels cheap but is fun to shoot. It is very accurate with fixed sights. I'm sure that it is powerful enough to kill rats. Good way to have fun shooting without paying expensive ammo prices.
Only had this gun a couple weeks and less than 200 shots through it, but so far zero complaints. For 55$, it does everything I would expect and does it well. I can consistently hit the cap of a milk jug at 17yds. I had to try a couple different types of pellets to get it to shoot tighter groups. But the first pellets were very cheap and still shot well enough. Trigger is good, much better than my sons crosman 760. It is plastic and light, but it seems more sturdy than other pellet guns in the same price range. The pumping lever is great. The extra throw length makes it very easy to pump. The sights are good, the fiber optic front is super bright.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
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Feb 02, 2025
By MohDonnie
Easy to pump. Sights work perfectly. Me and my son love using the 880 for plinking. We just use the Crosman 7.9gr hollowpoints as their cost friendly and accurate. We only shoot at a max 20 yards since this is a pump airgun and easily hit small cans, etc. This airgun definitely has more than enough energy to take pests like rats, squirrels and rabbits if need be.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing