Crosman Nitro Venom, Image 1
Crosman Nitro Venom, Image 2
Crosman Nitro Venom, Image 3
Crosman Nitro Venom, Image 4
Crosman Nitro Venom, Image 5
Crosman Nitro Venom, Image 6
Crosman Nitro Venom, Image 7
Crosman Nitro Venom, Image 8
Crosman Nitro Venom, Image 9
Crosman Nitro Venom, Image 10
Crosman Nitro Venom, Image 1

Crosman Nitro Venom Air Rifle

4.5168 reviews
13 answered questions


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4.5168 reviews
13 answered questions


The Nitro Piston Technology has proven to be a real plus for people who hunt with air rifles. You'll never have to worry when you cock your gun if your spring is broken or canted (bent) and losing power. Hunt pest birds, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, nutria, rats and mice with the Crosman Nitro Venom air rifle.
  • Crosman Nitro Venom
  • Single-shot
  • Breakbarrel
  • Gas piston
  • Weaver rail (no open sights)
  • Manual safety
  • Ambidextrous hardwood stock with twin raised cheekpieces
  • Checkered grip & forearm
  • 70% quieter than most other breakbarrels!
  • Includes unmounted CenterPoint Optics 3-9x32 scope with quick-lock mounting system
  • Muzzlebrake

If you shoot a lightweight pellet so its velocity exceeds the speed of sound, it could result in your pellet breaking the sound barrier and the gun being louder than expected! The speed of sound depends on humidity, temperature and altitude. Generally speaking, it's between 1,060 fps and 1,115 fps.

Here are the benefits of the Nitro Piston:

  • Smoother cocking
  • Smoother shooting
  • No spring torque
  • No spring fatigue, even if you leave it cocked for hours
  • Functions perfectly in cold weather
  • Lasts longer than a metal spring

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.22 (5.5mm)
Max Velocity
950 fps
Muzzle Energy
21 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
7.4 lbs
Break barrel
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Body Type
Ventilated rubber

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10 of 168 Crosman Nitro Venom Air Rifle Reviews

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For the money I think it is good value for the buck. It is a little heavy but I think it helps steady the gun. Some complain about the scope, I found it completely adequate. I have only put about 50 pellets through this rifle but find accuracy completely acceptable. If it improves with age I Will be happy as a clam

The stock trigger is an absolute joke. The RC bearing addition and a longer sear adjustment screw made a HUGE difference. The safety is an accident waiting to happen. Pulling the safety bar back over the trigger. Who thought that one up

Do not feel the effort to cock the gun is excessive as some have stated. It is stiff but totally acceptable

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what can it kill looks god tho.

dont know

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A nice over all gun


Little heavy

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Feels great in the hand. Wood stock very nice. Scope is better than I anticipated. Provides a good punch at 30 yds.

I'd like to have open sites in addition to the scope.

This is my first pellet gun, and I'm not disappointed. I got it for pest control and plinking in the back yard. Haven't had to use it for critters yet; they went away when the cold came. I have been enjoying it with cans and paper/wood targets. I have not yet set it up with any kind bench mount for accuracy, but so far having adjusted the scope for a stable seated position, it seems accurate. It didn't take long to dial in a good setting. I'm using Crosman 14.3 gr hollow point, and pointed pellets at 30 yds. Happy with both. I've shot about 500 pellets, and it is getting easier to "break." It still takes a bit of effort, but I don't see why any adult would have trouble. It's not a hair trigger by any means, but the travel does not bother me. I gave accuracy 4 stars only because I haven't tried it on a stand. I'm sure I am why I miss the mark from time to time. I am very happy with the rifle, and strongly recommend it. It's a lot of fun.

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Nice looking rifle, Put new scope on it.3-9 40 mm Leaper First thing clean it the barrel that is Mount scope sight it in good to go. shoots good and straight at 45 yards Its about a 3 in loudness give or take a little. Not hard to break back. For a 70 year old man that i am. I think this Crossman nitro Venom 5.5 mm 22 cal is going to work well. I figure its got about a 30 lb pull. It feels just like breaking back my Gamo Bone collector Hunter and its a 22 cal to 5.5 mm.

I don't complain about things. I make do. I read about people complaining about the trigger on this rifle. Maybe its the man behind the trigger i so suspect. People complain about not being able to get the lid back on the tin the pellets came in. You see what i mean. I'm from old school technology. am also a machinist. Sometimes that helps out to. Rifle good to go. I just change the scope because am partial to a 40 mm scope. The scope that came with the rifle probably will work real well.

Buy the rifle have fun. If it don't suit you. You can always use it for a door prop. Sale it to your neighbor in a yard sale. That neighbor might be me. But first try to have some fun with it.

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Price, power, weight, ease of cocking, the variable power scope with adjustable optics. The power allows me to shoot heavier grainage pellets up to a desired velocity. Dont have to keep zeroing it in once I have selected my go-to pellet, providing that I have set this rifle up correctly, down to mounting the scope in the rings and on to the mount. I recommend this air rifle.


I opted for the .177 version because I have a .22 Benjamin Summit NP2. I have 25 tins of assorted .177 pellets that I have shot with this air rifle. After I satisfactorily learned to shoot this accurately, I did the smart thing, I zeroed this rifle exclusively for the hard hitting, bone shattering, 10.5 grain Crosman Premier Ultra Magnum Dome and 10.5 grain Premier Piranha Hollow Point, both for hunting and target shooting. The velocities of these two pellets are nearly the same. I chronographed a 5 shot group at 876, 885, 879, 876, and 877 fps, averaging 879 fps. The 10.6 grain Copper Premier Ultra Magnum Domes were 865, 853, 857, 859, and 852, averaging 857 fps. I have a total of 6/.177 caliber air rifles that also have a different go-to Pellet that they are zeroed in for. I have also chronographed the 4.00 grain Crosman SSP at 1309, 1288, 1322, 1299, and 1311 fps, averaging 1306 fps. Stoeger 5.56 X-Speed averaged 1238, 1234, 1231, 1257, averaging 1240 fps. Woodys World.

John Dec 09, 2018

Also weather, warm and cold, altitude, and other conditions, WILL effect velocity. Get a chronograph and keep records. Woodys World.

John Dec 09, 2018

Stop jumping from different pellet types and grainage weights. Stick to one, or you will always have problems with zeroing your rifle. Crosman Premiers, 10.5 grainage, I never had to re-zero this air rifle as long as I stay with the 10.5 Premier Ultra Magnum or 10.5 Piranha. When I run out of these pellets, I will re-zero with another pellet with similar grainage. The air rifle won’t have sporadic point of aim and point of impact. A scope with AO/adjustable objective is the best type. All of my 9 breakbarrel air rifles have them, none of the cost more, or near the cost of the air rifle. I don’t have the magnification set on highest. All my air rifles and scopes are sighted in at 80 foot targets outdoors. With your rifle scope set on 9X at 30 feet, you won’t hit anything at 80-90 feet with any acceptable accuracy, resulting in your complaints for accuracy. Woodys World

John Dec 05, 2018

Tom Gaylord will tell you, “Accuracy is not a given.” Woodys World.

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Solid feel. Wooden stock (a bit heavy, but I like it that way). Nice scope. Shoots great. Not too loud.


It's a great gun for the price!

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Weight of gun, quieter than I expected, overall finish, wooden stock.

Would like open sights along with scope option.

Once sighted in gun is very accurate.

John Dec 11, 2018

For open sights you should have bought the Crosman Vantage. Woodys World.

John Dec 11, 2018

Stay with that pellet it is sighted in for, or your point of impact will change from your point of aim. What caliber is yours. Get a chronograph. Woodys World.

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Very powerful.

Difficult to cock , better eat your wheaties if you are going to shoot it for any length of time .Supper long pull on the trigger makes it difficult to shoot very accurately. Don't like the trigger style safty.Payed the extra $20.00 to have the scope set up but it was not level when we got it out of the box . I expected to have to make adjustments but the scope itself could have been mounted straight.

This is not a high doller air gun so you shouldn't expect high doller performance. After shooting a few hundred rounds and dialing the scope in my son and I had a lot of fun with it at 35-40 yards .Just don't expect to win any field target competition .

John Dec 05, 2018

You have to adjust to the trigger. Take your time, think about the shot before you take it, but dont hold your breath too long, you will stress your self. Study your sight picture. Why does everyone dial in maximum power on the scope regardless of the distance, whether it 10 yards of 50 yards? My scope on this rifle is set on 5X at 80 feet. It is best to have a scope with AO (adjustable optics) adjustment, you will see clearly. Get a chronograph. Woodys World.

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This rifle has been great! After sighting it in we are holding a 2 inch circle from a seated position at roughly 60 feet. Recoil is minor and scope stays set unlike our spring rifle. It is a little heavier than our composite rifles but it is comfortable to shoot. The .22 caliber round packs significantly more punch than a .177 even with the lower FPS (a little overkill for the squirrel control we occasionally use it for as it goes thru the animal). All things considered, this has been a great purchase and we are very pleased! Lastly, the purchase thru Pyramid Air was straight forward and painless.

The break barrel is a little annoying as you have to thump it firmly with your hand to get it to open (not a defect, its just their design), our spring rifle is much easier to load. Blueing seems is a little thin. Trigger action is definitely not smooth, I will probably rework it sooner or later.

I read numerous reviews of this rifle before buying it. Many people complained of poor accuracy. You need to read between the lines... I deduced from the language they used to describe it that they were not people that were very well versed in shooting. Its much easier to complain than to take some time and learn how to operate the rifle. In my opinion I would rate this rifle an 8 plus out of 10.

John Dec 03, 2018

You hit it right on target. They are quick to blame the rifle, scope, trigger, weight, etc., anything but their shooting ability or knowledge. They will immediately mount the scope and think that they should hit the bullseye in less than 5 shots. Then they will go out, buy a scope that cost more than the rifle and is as big and heavy as the rifle, and still may not set it up properly, still resulting in not being able to zero it in. Instead of learning that it is more to just putting the scope on the rails, but you must mount the scope properly and according to the distance from your target, which is the only way to zero it in. They do it the easy way. Quickly bolt it on, break the barrel, load the pellet, close it, aim, and shoot at the closest object they see. Disappointed after missing it several times. Suddenly the rifle bundle is a piece of crap and defective. The front and rear rings rings have to be studied and meticulously placed on to the scope and the rails. Woodys World.

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