Generates muzzle velocities of up to 480 fps!
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10 of 33 Crosman C31 Reviews
Ergonomics and ease of use were better than expected for the price. I will be ordering more to give as gifts.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe only thing I would change is to add a little more heft to the product!
What Others Should KnowA fun way to relieve stress and get the family together.
for the price excellent
Things I Would Have Changedmagazine sometimes loses bbs and they stay in gun u have to shake them out
What Others Should Knowcalled crosman and asked why they don't put a small pack of nonpetroleum based oil in w/ their guns. the associate sent me 3 packs of oil and a replacement manual for nothing Very good 5 stars
Great buy. i would recommend to anyone. Well made. Easy to handle,load. A great gun for plinking.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would maybe take time to get adjusted to the sites.
What Others Should KnowYou wont be disappointed with the C31. or with Pyramid Air. The company is top notch.
Power/accuracy and it will shoot well over 100 BB's with one cartrage.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowI own this pistol and the Berette Elite 11 I like them both but the C31 has florescent sights which makes it so easy to see the target even after dusk has gone. One note the rear sight came loose on mine afer 25 shots and was lost in the grass. Crossman sent me a replacement within 2 weeks. I put some silicone on this one to prevent it from spinging loose again. The holster is an added plus.
Sights-super fast target aquire with these.Mag release-much better than the C11,this one doesnt drop constantly. Good hefty feel,accurate,steady/consistant power,plenty of shots/cartridge.Utg lite mounts easily to lower rail.not overly loud,good pistol for price.
Things I Would Have ChangedSend more mags!! The C11 mags do NOT work, although they LOOK almost identical.some difficulty charging CO2 due to tight space with grips back.
What Others Should Knowive killed 4 rattle snakes this year with my C11,so im a BIG Crosman fan. Have had such luck with it i got this 31 and, with a few adjustments,..loving it!
The fiber optic sights look good and give a Great sight picture. Powerful shooter even though the co2 cylinders still last 100+ shots. Very nice holster comes with it.
Things I Would Have Changedmagazines won't interchange with my other identical-looking mags. Don't care for the triggerguard mag release. Front sight hangs on the holster. Early gas seal failure on my 2nd C-31.
What Others Should KnowAfter shooting the Beretta Elite 2 and the Crossman P-10, liking both, with each having separate qualifications to me. Beretta: big, accurate, good-looking. The P-10 much smaller, handles fast, hits hard, and fairly accurate for a short sight radius. Purchasing a C-31 Crossman, I liked it's size (between the Beretta and the P-10) and hard-hitting power and impressive fiber optic sights,an excellent holster included for $45, making the C-31 itself cost the same as the smaller, plain sights P-10($35). I didn't like the C-31's triggerguard mag release, but got used to it. I soon discovered the fact that Beretta's and P-10's mags won't lock in into the C-31, giving me only one magazine to shoot with. All the magazines looked the same to me. (I don't go out to my garden without 3 loaded magazines.) The C-31 shot disappointingly low, a waste of the nice fiber optics. Right away I found the front sight protrusions to catch the holster both in and out. Trimming both ends of the sight gave better holstering. On a whim, I ordered 2 more C-31s, giving me the two extra mags. The next C-31 shot staighter, but the gas seals failed after 600 shots. So, I shelved that one and packed the next. It shoots fairly accurate, and I've put some 300 rounds thru it. I've sort of "dialed-in" my shots back with my first C-31, and it hits consistantly and holds the co-2 well so far. Overall, I've been somewhat disappointed with the C-31 experience.
This gun has a lot of power, reasonably accurate, and a bargain. It ia a typical value Crosman product that is well made, and performs reliably. I have chronograph-ed speeds of up to 550fps with this gun, with an average speed of over 470 fps over 60 shots. I get a lot of shots from a co2 cartridge, and it is fun to shoot.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot much. The system is basic, but it works. It is not as heavy as the metal guns, but it is still fun and it performs as advertised. This is another safe and quality gun from Crosman.
What Others Should KnowBuy extra magazines and use some kind of loader to load the mags with BBs. If nothing is available, use a straw and bend the back end, it works. I have had co2 in the gun for several months and it still fired with power. But, this is not recommended.
I've had this pistol for about 3 months now. I haven't had any problems with it & it's holding up very well. It's also pretty accurate & a blast to shoot.
Things I Would Have ChangedI wouldn't change anything. If it had blowback, that would make it really cool. All in all though, for the money, it's fine the way it is.
For the money this is a great gun! It is accurate (after adding a laser), the CO2 lasts a very long time & it does not jam.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowAdding a laser allowed me to consistantly hit a 3.5" steel plate at 30 feet.
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Aug 14, 2013
By Brunon
The grip is AMAZING!!! The Co2 lasts forever. jams are rare, and the FPS is great!.
Things I Would Have ChangedFront sight is tilted. Nothing big, but some good quality control would be nice.
What Others Should KnowIt is a nice starter gun, but the PPK/S is better.