![Crosman 1377C /, Image 1](https://www.pyramydair.com/images/PY-2502_Crosman-1377C-PC77_1521056926.jpg)
![Crosman 1377C /, Image 1](https://www.pyramydair.com/images/PY-2502_Crosman-1377C-PC77_1521056926.jpg)
Crosman 1377C / PC77, Black
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This classic air gun has been redesigned -- inside, it's still the great air pistol America has revered since it was introduced in 1998.
If you want to buy a pistol that's a "sure thing," then get this new 1377 American Classic. If ever there was a pistol that would please just about any shooter, this is it. Because it's a multi-pump, you can use it at whatever effort level you're at. Can't pump it 10 times? That's okay because you can still have fun with just 3 pumps. With that type of variability, the Crosman 1377 is perfect for a family that shoots together. Every shooter can use the gun at his own level.
What an American classic! This gun has been around in brown for decades, and now it's available in all black. Don't underestimate this gun just because it's inexpensive and has a plastic stock. It's gained a faithful following because it's so much fun to shoot. Since you can vary the velocity with the number of pumps, just about anyone can shoot this pistol. If putting 5 pumps is too hard, then shoot it with 3. No need to get maximum power to do some plinking and target practice.
This gun does not have a scope rail or a grooved receiver. If you'd like to use an optical sight, buy the Crosman Intermount (459MT). It slips over the barrel and provides 3/8" grooves for mounting a dot sight, laser, or pistol scope.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
Crosman 1377C air pistol, now called P1377
- Multi-pump pneumatic
- Bolt-action
- Single-shot
- Textured plastic grip & pump arm
- Ambidextrous grip with thumbrests on both sides
- 3-10 pumps
- Manual safety
- Fixed front sight, fully adj. rear
Cocking Effort:
- 1st pump - 17 lbs
- 3rd pump - 26 lbs
- 5th pump - 28 lbs
- 8th pump - 28 lbs
- 10th pump - 30 lbs
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
Overall Rating
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10 of 88 Crosman 1377C / PC77 Black Reviews
it is exactly what I thought it would be
Things I Would Have Changedmaybe rear sight
What Others Should Knowlots of aftermarket parts pretty easy to clean shoots great at 10 meters with 4 pumps
Things I Would Have ChangedNot one thing
What Others Should KnowBest for the price you pay
I've only owned it for two weeks, but I like everything about it. It feels "substantial" in your hand - heft without being weighty. Operation is smooth on all counts, although some may have difficulty pumping past six pumps. And the styling is stunning - this gun is "classic" in more ways than one. Its look is timeless, I can't imagine this gun ever looking old.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing I would change.
What Others Should KnowI highly recommend paying the $10 for 10 shots, and I purchased a warranty as well because I expect to use this gun a lot. The only other thing I'd say to potential customers is, "have fun!"
Great to plunk with my Gamo Cone Pellet Trap One pump is perfect for 15-20 Ft indoors
Well balanced. Comfortable grip. Tight groups with Crosman premier wadcutters.
Things I Would Have ChangedQuality of the finish on the barrel. The outside of the barrel appears to have the blueing applied over over unfinished steel. The outside of barrel is very rough and had rust in the finish. Feels like you are running your hands over 80 grit sandpaper.
What Others Should KnowThe rear sight has marks for noting windage but has no function for adjusting for windage.
Light weight, seems to be well built (time will tell).
Things I Would Have ChangedI personally would like a bit longer barrel; I added the shoulder stock.
What Others Should KnowIt shoots accurately.
The price and it's easy to work on.
Things I Would Have ChangedIn .117 it seems to have a lot of power. I put 100 pellets through it at 6 pumps before going up to 10. I'll have to dig out my old chronigraph one of these days. But in my back yard 18x25 yards the pellets I shoot are there in an instant. Nothing excapes. You have to get really creative with scope mounting though. The barrel and the pump tube have to be made into one ridgid piece as good as you can get it. Then it will sight in very finely. That barrel is just too flexable on top of the float tube.
What Others Should KnowIf I were crosman I would make the gun at a 100.oo price point with a steal reciever and have the barrel pined to the reciever. And the same thing goes for the muzzle and get rid of that plastic thing. Make it out of aluminum.
The price is good. You can easily practice shooting at home. The aiming shooting is excellent and the power is strong.
Things I Would Have ChangedI pumped 3 times and pulled the trigger, but sometimes I can't shoot.
My brother and I both purchased one of these pistols, mine was a tack driver, his was not. I have read about overspray in barrel issues, I suspect this is the case. Anyways, I have had mine for 10 years, I have oiled it twice, put ~1000 rounds through it. It is still as simple to use and as accurate as ever. Just purchased two more (with shoulder stock) for my kids. I love mine for fun, easy to use, low maintenance, plinking, and small pest control.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe pin that holds the cocking mechanism, tends to travel. It is easy to tap back in place. But it would be nice if i did not have to.
What Others Should KnowI have not modified my pistol at all, I am planning on with my kids pistols. Did I mention, I have had this a long time, and I love it!!!!
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Oct 11, 2024
By Jerry
.177 cal.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake them in America again.
What Others Should KnowThis gun is made in China. It's no longer made in America. The "American Classic" is now known as just the "Classic". Sad.