Crosman 1377C / PC77
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
New sleek and modern design! An easy to operate, hard to put down bolt action pneumatic pistol (Model: P1377BR)
If ever there was a classic American air pistol, it would be this gun. The Crosman 1377C is a powerful multi-pump pneumatic that's been enjoyed by millions of shooters for decades.
One of the reasons it's so popular is that it delivers a real wallop, spitting pellets out the muzzle at 600 fps (with 10 pumps). This pistol is suitable for plinking, popping paper targets, hitting spinners and killing tin cans.
This pistol comes with a blade front sight and a fully adjustable rear. You can mount a pistol scope or a red dot on it, but you'll need the 459MT intermount. The plastic grip and pump handle are checkered to give you a firm grip. There's even a thumbrest on the grip.
With traditional Crosman reliability built into this pistol, you'll be enjoying it for many years to come and passing it along to your children and grandchildren.
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10 of 268 Crosman 1377C / PC77 Reviews
real nice design, just a little stiff after 3 pumps. shoots quietly.
Things I Would Have ChangedMetal breach and rear sights.
What Others Should Knowvery well packed, recieved in perfect shape.
Everything at this price! What everyone needs to know is this is a FUN PISTOL! Its not meant to shoot at the speed of sound, Not a Tack Driver, No big game hunting! Just Tons of FUN!
Things I Would Have ChangedAgain ,for the price Nothing.
What Others Should KnowIn your Air Gun Life buy this pistol and have fun! Kill some cans! Stop worrying about FPS and enjoy the out doors.
Tried and true old school Crossman. Dependable and priced right.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowScope or red dot accessory mount available.
Revised cocking lever, ease of pumping and accuracy at 3 pumps for Target practice.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowAdded the Crossman stock and an old Crossman 1.5 power scope to have a great carbine sized pellet gun.
Good power at 8 pumps. Shooting at 45 ft. Group at 1&1/2 inches. Pest hit rate 40%.
Things I Would Have ChangedAt this price I don't think anything can change.
What Others Should KnowNO
I have several pellet rifles and a co2 pistol but this 1377 is fun to shoot .Im hitting tomato cans at 35ft and the pellets 7.9gr are going through. Great fun and accurate.I hit target at 100ft with steady rest.
What's not to like about the Crosman 1377? Simple, durable, accurate and very affordable. Select the velocity level by the number of pumps you put in it. This Crosman product has been around for over 70 years (Started with the Crosman 130 in the 1950's.) and has a reputation for performance. Also, it's Made in America, 55 miles from my home, in Bloomfield, NY! The 1377 is a great value in American Air Guns!
Things I Would Have ChangedSights; I painted mine bright green for better visibility. Needs a nice, square rear notch as a minimum. Also, the front sight is truly canted, but it is a fabricated muzzle cap. A bit of quality control would be nice; it should be perpendicular! The trigger is somewhat heavy, but quite usable. I would also appreciate a metal grip frame; I may get a steel breach option on the next one.
What Others Should KnowBuy lots of .177 pellets. It's that much fun (and cheap) to shoot.
I have 2 Crosman 1377s they are rugged, simple and accurate. They have power for paper and power for cans. All for around sixty bucks. The only modification I made was a white stripe on the front site otherwise just out of the box. I am in my eighties and can still get all the power I want. The best bargain in air gunning. Get one or more.
Things I Would Have ChangedMaybe longer barrel.
What Others Should KnowHappy with customer service.
Astonishingly accurate right out of the box using crosman competition wadcutters and crosman hollow points. With the original sights I can hit a soda can reliably at 45 yards. Comfortable to hold and shoot. Pumping effort is reasonable.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like it to be offered with the steel breech and aluminum sight already installed. The trigger was rough enough to give me a blister on my finger. Even a small amount of cleanup on the casting would be a great improvement. The slope on the front sight reflects the sky and makes aiming difficult. It could easily be made vertical for about 1/8 inch to eliminate the glare. (without increasing production cost)
What Others Should KnowWhen you look down the bore, the rifling appears to be regular rectangular like most guns have. However, it is actually small triangular ridges protruding inwards, and only a few 1/1000 of an inch. This is probably why it is so astonishingly accurate. Great care will need to be taken when cleaning to avoid damaging the rifling. It is probably best to avoid hard alloy pellets.
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Feb 17, 2025
By eclem
Very accurate with only 3 pumps/ H&N Excite Wadcutters/ 10 yards/ 1/2 inch groups shooting rested
Things I Would Have ChangedI added steel breach/ Vortex Crossfire Dot/ oiled Walnut pump.& pistol grips / all top end stuff /total invested $370 / the quality of the base 1377 makes the cost worth it to create a 10 meter match gun.
What Others Should KnowThe barrel and rifling are very high quality. Clean only using nylon bore brush and Balistol...no gun oil or solvents ever...will ruin seals.