Benjamin NPS Air, Image 1
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Benjamin NPS Air, Image 1

Benjamin NPS Air Rifle

4.5108 reviews
11 answered questions


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4.5108 reviews
11 answered questions


Gas pistons have come into their own, and none is more popular than the Crosman Nitro Piston. With it's smooth action and cocking, this rifle will deliver many years of enjoyable, dependable shooting.

Is pest elimination your thing? If so, the Benjamin NPS will help you take out nests of rats and mice, squirrels living in your attic, rabbits feasting on your vegetable garden and pest birds that have taken over territory from song birds.

If you don't hunt or have pests and enjoy plinking, you can't go wrong with this air rifle. The smooth cocking and the lack of buzzing and vibration...all due to the Crosman Nitro Piston powerplant...will let you shoot for hours at a time without getting sore. The only thing you have to think about is hitting your target.
  • Benjamin NPS air rifle
  • Breakbarrel
  • Nitro Piston Technology
  • Single-shot
  • Shrouded rifled steel barrel
  • No open sights
  • 11mm dovetail grooves
  • 28 lbs. cocking effort
  • Ambidextrous adjustable cheekpieces (vertical adjustment)
  • 2-stage adjustable trigger
  • All-weather carbon-fiber thumbhole stock with textured forearm and grip
  • Reduced vibration due to the gas piston & the special carbon-fiber stock
  • 6.88 lbs.*
  • Includes unmounted CenterPoint Optics 3-9x40 AO scope & mount

Here are the benefits of the Nitro Piston:
  • Smoother cocking
  • Smoother shooting
  • No spring torque
  • No spring fatigue, even if you leave it cocked for hours
  • Functions perfectly in cold weather
  • Lasts longer than a metal spring

*Weight is for the rifle only. Scope and mount will add about 2 lbs.
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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1200 fps
Muzzle Energy
18 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
6.88 lbs
Break barrel
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Cocking Effort
28 lbs
Body Type
Ventilated rubber

Overall Rating



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10 of 108 Benjamin NPS Air Rifle Reviews

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decent power, reasonable trigger

Couldn't zero it in with the scope... all over the paper! The problem is obvious, too much clearance in the break barrell joint, and the picatinny rail is behind it. the barrell points wherever it wants. good thing it is made from shit soft steel... a few whacks with a pair of ball peen hammers on the rear of the reciever brought the reciever clearancedown, and a few taps on the front of the fork restricted it's wobble. I don't know how long this will last, but hopefully it will do untill I can get an underbarrell cock with a fixed barrell.

E-mail me if you want particulars on how I accuratized it

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Checking in stock would be nice

Shoots 22FPE at muzzle with Crosman 10.5 rd nose ultramagnum rds

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It is quiet.

I am still breaking this in. I had an accuracy problem with the first one I ordered, but Pyramyd, as usual, fixed the problem quickly and efficiently. The really do have the best Customer Service I have ever seen.

ahkell66 Aug 08, 2015

The problem was the barrel screw. I never thought to check it. The barrel wobbled side to side against the air chamber. (!). I tightened up the bolt which holds the barrel to the receiver and that solved the accuracy problem. Still don't use it much. It's only had 100 rounds through it. Anyone interested in a good deal on an NPS?

ahkell66 Jan 06, 2015

It's not a fit for me. Maybe it's too fast to be accurate, I don't know. I will try heavier pellets, but I get no pleasure from it.

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I think this is a really good little air rifle, especially at the price. Surprisingly, it also comes with an honestly decent mil-dot scope and not the usual 4x crossed wire reticle junk which one removes and replaces first thing out of the box. I have had the NPS for about two weeks. Today I did headshots on three starlings at 75 feet, so it is a indeed very accurate air rifle.

Nothing much. Perhaps a third level of comb adjustment.

Mine needed a film of oil to take the grind out of the cocking. Problem solved without drama. It's not a very pretty air rifle. Certainly not the Belle of the Ball as far as finish is concerned. However, it is a heck of an accurate piece. It has plenty of velocity so heavy pellets are an option. Comes with a pretty good scope. For $170? It's a steal.

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Great scope, super accurate, light weight, packs a punch, and it just looks cool.

It was a extremely long break in period for this rifle. I put 2000 round though my rifle, before it started shooting consistently. That's why it gets 4 stars.

I tried lots and lots of different types of pellets in my rifle, the Crosman hollow points shot a distance second to the benjamin pellets. I use my rifle to keep a few pest "birds" in check.

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price was good with the coupon. Scope seemed decent.

This rifle made a horrible grinding noise when cocking. The noise just seemed to get worse, so I returned it.

I returned the rifle to PA and it was a very smooth and hassle free process. Went with a different gun altogether.

Chevota Jan 02, 2015

That terrible grinding/scraping is common with these particular guns. Imo they should be disassembled first thing and corrected before more damage is done. The damage it does is not nearly as bad as it sounds, but the sound and feel is highly annoying. You can just keep shooting it and it will get better over time, but I have no idea how Crosman thinks this is acceptable. The fix isn't too hard, and there are actually two different possible scraping problems. One is the cocking linkage which can be fixed by removing the barrel and doing a little filing/sanding. The other is the piston scrapes the nitro spring, and that fix requires taking the gun completely apart and is more involved. chevota at hotmail if anyone needs the details on fixing it. Crosman: If you read this you should've never let this gun design out, or at least have fixed it by now, and if nothing else you should supply instructions for the fix so I don't have to.

ahkell Oct 21, 2014

Because mine also made a heck of a lot of noise at first. But anyway, I'm glad you got it sorted out.

ahkell Oct 21, 2014

Did you oil it?

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Overall, a very good little gun at a very good price.

The edges of the stock could be smoother or rounded a little for a more finished look but it is not functional and is a small detail in the big picture.

We have only had this rifle for a short while but it shoots exactly where you aim it, it has power for a .177, easy to cock, has a nice trigger, and the scope is a big step above what you would normally get with a gun of this price. I don't think you could beat this gun for the price.

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the NPS aspect and ergonomics

the trigger is horrible and the barrel or what ever is killing accuracy needs to change.

this is a very in accurate pellet gun. its been frustrating even attempting to hold a 5" group at 20 yards on a bench using multiple shooters(no one could hold grouping with this gun)(different pellets used as well). now i have to figure out what to do with it?

Bishop Sep 24, 2014

It took my rifle almost 2000 rounds before it settled in. The process was very frustrating, but I own several np rifles, none have taken this long, but they all became great shooters. At 25 yards i can put pellet on pellet, all day. Stick with it, you might be surprised.

RifledDNA Mar 21, 2014

If you read the pyramyd blog, they tell how a number of people say this and that more than likely the crown has tool marks and or rough edges. Recrown the muzzle and ten to one your groups will shrink to nothing.

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It is difficult to express things I like when I was expecting better.

The stock was very rough and the slide that compresses the nitrogen cylinder was dry. Dry metal rubbing together makes a sound no mechanic wants to hear.

When the scope crashes, and they always do, there is no other way to aim. (sights)

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The gun and scope combo is nice enough for plinking, etc. The gun shoots well, but mine had a defective nitro piston.

My nitro piston made a grinding noise when cocking the rifle after the first few shots, which got louder and louder as time went on. PA told me it would go away, which it didn't... and it actually got harder and harder to cycle the rifle.

I gave up with finding a cheap and reliable springer and bought a Marauder after returning the NPS.

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