Beeman Sweet 17 Bundle (Beeman P17 Air Pistol)
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Target-style trigger provides crisp let-off and minimum take up. Custom shaped, finger groove grip helps improve shooting comfort and aids with accuracy. Polymer frame is durable and lightweight, cast aluminum pump body and valve body, and steel barrel and main valve provide long life and repeatable accuracy. Includes automatic safety, and rear sight is adjustable for windage and elevation.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
The owner's manual says the gun has a manual safety. It does not. It has an automatic safety.
Outstanding accuracy and velocity. Single-shot pistol produces up to 410 fps. Totally recoilless and no CO2 required. Add a dot sight on the 11mm dovetail.
Cody Kaucic won our facebook contest to name this airgun combo!
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10 of 36 Beeman P17 Sweet 17 Reviews
Accurate, good trigger, sturdy adjustable sight, power is adequate for plinking and small birds. Doesn’t feel cheap in the hand.
Things I Would Have ChangedCocking effort is on the hard side but not unreasonably so for an adult. I’d prefer plain black sights but the fiber optics are good. Gun is relatively thick, fits the hand like about like a Glock does, I’d prefer a thinner grip but that’s personal preference. Gun is ugly in my opinion but after shooting it that doesn’t matter so much.
What Others Should KnowBought this on the advice of B.B. Pelletier/Tom from the blog and he made the right recommendation, I encourage any shoppers to go give the blog a read.
Price and ease of operation also easily serviced. Trigger is very good but has a lot of creep before it breaks.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. For the price it’s tough to beat!
What Others Should KnowMy P17 shoots well with a variety of 7-8 grain pellets but definitely likes the 7.87jsb’s best.
It is easy-to-use, love the automatic safety engagement after loading.
Things I Would Have ChangedAn easier way to load
Great gun, very accurate. Have shot 300 rounds with no problems using scope. Since rear sight broke.
Things I Would Have ChangedBetter rear sight , mine broke after about 50 shots.
What Others Should KnowBest Buy I have made in many years
Very accurate right out of the package. Solid and well made.
Things I Would Have ChangedI'd make it easier to load.
Accurate, accurate & accurate. Great sights & trigger. Fairly powerful.
Things I Would Have ChangedTotal bitch to cock & load. Had a lot of sharp edges that needed knocking down on the frame & slide. Not for kids or women as it's so hard to cock.
What Others Should KnowUse pointed pellets, it'll make loading many times easier.
VERY ACCURATE! Right out of the package. Very reliable.
Things I Would Have ChangedA bit hard to load the pellet into the breech.
My Beeman P17 gun & kit came today from Pyramid Air. Great service. Fired 12 sighters. It was shooting high, just at the edge of the target. Next 10 shots in photo. Needs some fine adjustments when this high wind stops. The trigger is 2 stage, with creep in the last stage, but its light. After cocking, make sure the hammer has locked the action. Had action pop open on firing for 1 shot.. My fault? Will keep an eye on it. After 50 rounds, not an issue. . Overall, a great gun for the money.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe rib is hard on the hand when cocking. Maybe smooth it out a little? I use a pot holder when cocking.
What Others Should Knowhttps://www.thehighroad.org/index.php?threads/beeman-p17-177-pistol-do-you-like-yours-thoughts.866302/
Photo of 1st target at link. Not bad for a 75 year old?
Weight is good, nice trigger pull, adjustable rear sight. Gave it a 3 for accuracy only because I haven't learned to use the sights yet. I'm new to air gunning and this is a great priced option to start me out. Closing the barrel is a bit hard but as I use it more I expect to get more comfortable with it.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowIf anyone out there has had success with certain pellets, I'd like to hear about which ones havecworked for you.
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Apr 27, 2024
By gary
Shoots straight. Fun to use. I really like the lack of recoil. Has a nice weight to the pistol.
Things I Would Have ChangedSharp edges all over the top make it very uncomfortable to cock whether you push down on the rail or the sight to pop the pistol closed. I lightly sanded the corners. Thankfully it did not cause a discoloration of the pistol
What Others Should KnowWell worth the price.