Ataman AP16 Regulated, Image 1
Ataman AP16 Regulated, Image 1

Ataman AP16 Regulated Compact Air Pistol, Black

4.014 reviews
7 answered questions


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4.014 reviews
7 answered questions


Ataman airguns are known for their outstanding quality, exceptional reliability and cutting-edge technologies. The legendary expertise of Russian gunsmiths stand behind every Ataman airgun in addition to their state-of-the-art production and the superior materials they use to construct the guns.

Fine craftsmanship and excellence is evident in every aspect of this compact pistol from its Lothar Walther barrel, to the adjustable trigger, lightweight versatility, and power.

For the ultimate in shot-to-shot consistency, the integrated pressure regulator ensures the Ataman makes the most efficient use of the remaining air supply. Because of the regulator, the Ataman AP16 delivers more shots per fill and it features a stunning 4,350 psi (300 BAR) fill pressure. With up to 15 shots per fill, you'll enjoy the consistency of shooting.

The two way adjustable trigger allows you to adjust the first stage travel and second stage release point, while you can customize the pull weight to your preference.

Ataman AP16 Regulated Compact Air Pistol, black

  • Precharged pneumatic
  • Repeater
  • 4350 psi fill pressure (300 BAR)
  • Sidelever action
  • Lothar Walther free-floating barrel
  • Rifled, shrouded barrel
  • Manual safety
  • Integrated 11mm dovetail mounting rail
  • Open sights included
  • Two way adjustable match-grade trigger
  • Self-indexing 7-shot magazine
  • Velocities up to 590 fps in .22, 650 fps in .177
  • Metal construction with walnut grip
  • Built-in air pressure gauge
  • Fully regulated
  • Adjustable trigger pull is 0.44 to 2.2 lbs
  • Power in FPE: .177 = 7.8 fpe, .22 = 14.75 fpe
  • Length 12"
  • Includes: manual, 1 magazine , 2 probes (one with foster connection, one with 1/8BSPP thread), and 2 allen wrenches. (Scope NOT included.)
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.22 (5.5mm)
Max Velocity
590 fps
Muzzle Energy
14.75 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
Pre-charged pneumatic
1.76 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
Cylinder Size
60 cc
Fixed/adj. power
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Adjustable for elevation
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage
Barrel Length
Overall Length
7 round(s)
Body Type
Grip Size
Operating Pressure
4351 PSI / 300 BAR

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10 of 14 Ataman AP16 Compact Black Reviews

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Overall feel, general quality, easy to shoot. I've read that many have had surface coating problems, dents in the aluminum, etc., etc. and was a little concerned. Not so with mine. Very nice surface finish, no surface marring of any kind, anywhere on the gun. The more that you shoot it, the more...that you want to shoot it. It's hard to put down. The pressure gauge is easy to read. The trigger is more than usable out of the box. No need to adjust anything for now. I may do some adjusting after getting more used to the gun, but it's very good right now. My 70 year old eyes aren't iron sight compatible. For right now, I installed a SeeAll tritium sight on it. Short and light weight. So I'm getting used to both the gun and the sight.

Obviously the cost is up there. Not sure of why in this day of everything being CNC machined. I'd think that it should be a little less expensive, oh well. Actually, after shooting it a while, the ach of the cost, mostly...goes away. A picatinny rail instead of the 11mm rail would have been nice for a 21st. century air gun. I'd bet that 99% of owners put adapters on the 11mm rail. I can't think of anything else right now.

Be careful, it runs out of air quickly. You need to watch the pressure. It's not hard to refill once the tank is empty, just not sure it's a good thing to do consistently.
The act of cocking the gun is a little different. I think that it has the same hard spots that most rifles do, but the rifle cocking arms are two to three times longer than the AP16 cocking arm, so the hard spots will be multiplied with the short arm. I put some light silicone oil on all of the pivot points and pellet probe. This made a big difference vs. running it all dry.

Chung Ping Nov 30, 2021

Thank you for your information! Very Helpful.

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This pistol is light weight, accurate and very nice looking. For a PCP pistol, it is the most compact I have found.

Better QC before it's shipped. Mine arrive and was difficult to cock. This got worse to the point it would not cock at all and had to be returned. I'm currently awaiting a replacement that I hope works better than the original.

If you got a good one, I think you'll be very satisfied with the look, feel and accuracy of this pistol. I just wish PA would test them before they ship them. Also, the build date was 2019, for a $1000, I was expecting a newer air pistol. The other odd thing was the serial number on the box did not match the serial number on the pistol, which seems really fishy to me!

Matt Dec 09, 2021

For this much money there shouldnt be soo many Issues. Ataman are junk. The finish on the ap16 pistols is not even anodized. Its painted or plated on. The overall quality, quality control Is lacking big time. If you look elsewhere there several pcp pistols that are much better. The Kalibrgun Ocelot, the FX Ranchero and Brocock, put this thing to shame In quality, performance, value and reliability

Paul Jul 05, 2021

Yes, PA replaced it and the new one has worked flawlessly!

daniel Jul 01, 2021

Did you get a new one? And did it work out for you?

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I really like this pistol. I took it out of the box, pumped up the cylinder and started firing. It worked great from the beginning. The only issue I seem to have is I have trouble putting it down.

I have only shot a couple hundred pellets, but as of now there is nothing I would change.

I have a couple pistols and I find this one is the most accurate. It is easy to hold a tight grouping at about 10 yards free hand. There seems to be a little more accuracy using a heavier pellet.

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Light weight and very accurate.

The price. I would have given it an overall rating of 5 stars but if not for the price.

A lot of fun to shoot. Great backyard air gun with a moderator.

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This is a very special PCP air pistol. I bought it based on Pyramyd reviews and online videos about its performance. I have only had it for a few weeks, but it has performed well straight out of the box, with little adjustment needed to dial it in. Here is my synopsis: Pros: 1. Once properly dialed in, I am getting sub-one inch groups at 25 yards. 2. The AP16 compact is very comfortable in the hand and is perfectly balanced 3. The cocking lever is well conceived and I have had zero misfires using premium pellets from many brands 4. This PCP air pistol comes in some of the best packaging (injected foam) of any air gun product I have ever purchased, meaning you have little to worry about shipment damage from factory all way to your doorstep. Cons: 1. This pistol is LOUD. It is not backyard friendly. I purchased a DonnyFL moderator which silences the crack considerably, but even with the DonnyFL, it is still loud. 2. The fit-n-finish is disappointingly substandard for a $1000 product

The fit-n-finish!

Buy it despite my gripes. It is still a top performer in its class

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Beau, leger, efficace ... mais cher

Energie mesuree a 16,5 joules, moyenne sur 3 tirs a 180 bars de pression

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Beau, l

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I Love the look and feel. Very accurate.

The price and air cylinders.

This is my second pistol that I have to return. I always have air cylinder problems. This one leaked right out the box. Now it won't take any air at all.
I am totally disappointed and done the Ataman products.

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The weight and balance of the gun is great, most pcps are front heavy but somehow this one doesn't feel like that at all. I've fired it quite a lot without any failures and the sidelever is easy to operate. It's also decently powerful for it's size and accurate and I can get about three mags before I have to refill the gun.

About the only thing I would change is an included plug for the fill port, hopefully it's not a problem but it is open and exposed to debris.

As for the finish mine is flawless, the only thing is the safety oxidized after a while so I need to polish it every once in a while.

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Numero Uno: size. No other pcp pistol i have seen is a true pistol size, this one is and i love it. Secondly the AP16 is .22 caliber with the power to sling it, and the AP16 delivers. .177 is a capable round, but physics and mass are your friend when hunting, a larger pellet is always going to be better (cue the infamous "which pellet size and caliber is best debate right?"). Thirdly, accuracy. The AP16 delivers that lead post haste downrange right where you want it, this gun will out shoot you. The trigger is perfect for a marksman pistol. Additional: I was hesitant at first about the magazine, but i love it now. Simple, robust and it is so easy/quick to load. Its simple design also allows you to empty it and still load it into the gun and close the bolt for storage. Haven't found a pellet it wont hold yet (pile drivers, H&N rabbit magnums, JSB jumbo monsters) Speaking of pellets, i haven't found any it doesn't like.

Grips, while i like the stock wood ones fine enough, i bought a molded set from Hogue. Iron Sights, for the money you're dropping on this gun i feel a windage and elevation click adjustable rear sight is in order, but the stock iron sights are simple, robust, effective and look great. Probably a moot point as i put the BSA 2x20 pistol scope on it anyways. I really do like shooting this gun with open sights (painted the front sight yellow with a thing black stripe in the center, tiger eye), but the accuracy merits an optic. After 500+ rounds the regulator went a little funky, would act like it was out of air at 200 bar (can shoot down to 100 bar, about 21 shots for me). Warranty service was great: fast, good communication, paid for return shipping. They serviced the regulator and lubed it all up and its rockin again. i've seen complaints about the finish, i think it look awesome, not all guns should be polished shiny, it has its own look.

i have learned *cough -learning- when it comes to air guns there is, "what you Want, what you Can Get, and what you Will Carry / Use. The Ap16 compact is one i was wanted and fortunate to be able to get (i was saving for an FX Indy or Warcat, but when i found this I diverted funds), but more importantly it is one i Will carry. Its small and easy to holster on the hip while out hiking the trial, if i come across a grouse i don't what to be digging in a bag for my gun, and i don't want a rifle bumping around on my shoulder in a sling.

Noise, its not bad. Its quiet enough i don't really need ear protection when target shooting, but it is loud enough i have a moderator on the way for when i do want to be hush hush for the second shot opportunity hunting, or just to be nice and quiet when plinking.

Safety, it works opposite to most of my other safeties, but i like it now. Right handed shooter, trigger finger at ready, cycle the safety off with my thumb high on the grip. Smooth natural.

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