Freedom8 ShoeBox Electric Air Compressor, Max 4500 PSI
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A small shop compressor acts as the first stage and feeds up to 125 psi of air into the ShoeBox (oil-free shop compressor required). It must provide at least 125 psi output and deliver 2-3 cu ft per minute at 125 psi. Most medium or large oil-free air compressors are adequate for this. The shop compressor does not run continuously. It kicks on only a few times during a small tank fill.
You'll need a hose to connect the shop compressor to the ShoeBox. A 4,500 psi hose with a female quick-disconnect fitting is needed to connect to the ShoeBox air output. The other end of the hose needs a fitting/adapter that fits the air input for your tank or gun.
The Freedom8 ShoeBox air compressor is a very compact, lightweight unit that's considerably less expensive than any other high-pressure air compressor currently sold. Imagine how convenient it'll be to have your own source of air, filling tanks and gun reservoirs, instead of using a handpump or running back and forth to a store.
The unit requires little maintenance and has relatively quiet operation. In fact, you'll kick yourself for not buying this sooner because it's easy to use. Our tech department tested a unit and found that it fills at the rate of approximately 0.11 cu ft of air per minute. You should be able to fill a 1000 cc tank from 0-3000 psi in about 1 hr.
Helpful resources:
- Tips for buying a pcp compressor
This compressed air should not be used for breathing!
- Freedom8 Shoebox electric air compressor
- 4500 PSI max working pressure
- Uses 110V electrical outlet
- Fill gun air reservoirs, scuba tanks, scba tanks or carbon fiber tanks
- 8 cubic feet per hour output
- "Stove pipe" particle trap at input
- Tapered cylinders for easier installation of c-clips
- 125 psi input pressure reduces fill time
- Hardened and polished pistons for longer o-ring life
- Larger diameter cylinders cool effectively due to 2011 aluminum with high copper content, cooling fins and high-pressure coolant
- Higher RPM gearing for quicker fill times
- Belt drive delivers quieter operation
- Machined dual rod alignment post for easy maintenance
- 4 ft of air tube coils for superior heat dissipation
- O-ring fittings prevent worn ferrules
- Crankshaft flats prevent slipping gears
- Extended high-pressure output fitting
- Delrin nuts on cylinder ends
- Fully adjustable shut off, from 100 psi to 4500 psi
- Electronic switch with more precise shut-off
- Switch allows for variable input pressure up to 125 psi
- Relief cut in internal spacers for better heat dissipation
- 90-day warranty
- Includes various o-rings and detailed owner's manual
Approximate fill times:
- Benjamin Marauder air rifle: 0-3000 psi=9 mins
- 80 cu-ft scuba tank: 2000-3000 psi=4 hrs; 0-3000 psi=12-13 hrs
- 44 cu-ft scba tank: 3000-4500 psi=1.75 hrs; 0-3000 psi=4.5 hrs; 0-4500 psi=6 hrs
- 68 cu-in paintball tank: 3000-4500 psi=35 mins; 0-4500 psi=1.75 hrs
- 88 cu-ft Air Venturi carbon fiber tank: 0-4500 psi=11.50 hrs
- 72 cu-in Benjamin tank: 0-3000 psi=1.30 hrs
- 90 cu-in Benjamin or Air Venturi carbon fiber tank: 0-4500 psi=2.50 hrs
- 490cc AirForce standard Spin-Loc tank: 0-3000 psi=33 mins
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