Aeon Side Focus Wheel, 3.5"
Not Available
- Aeon side focus wheel
- 3.5" diameter
- Use with any Aeon scope
- Makes it easier to make fine and minute parallax adjustments
- Aluminum
- 2.50 oz.
- Use a 2mm hex wrench (not included) to install or remove
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6 of 6 Aeon Side Focus Wheel Reviews
Bought it to fit on my Mueller 8-32. Inner diameter is a little big but it works well enough.
It is as advertised, in comparison to other wheels a little pricy and small.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it bigger
Like the other reviews, it fits well. No chips or glue on mine.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt is a bit expensive for what it is. I overlooked the fact it has nowhere to mark yardage. Doesn't matter that it has no graduates as I would tape over them and re-mark them for my own purposes. I needed one to mark yardage for range finding. This one is not the one. It just ads some looks to the setup. The older UTG SW100 is a bit larger and has a place with graduates that can be taped over and re-marked. It is a close enough fit for me to modify and use. It's also half the price. Things I would change: the price, maybe worth about $10. Machine a flat spot on the outside for marking. That's all from my standpoint. PA has done me no wrong at all, I overlooked the photos they provided AND the product reviews already posted. If UTG can make a better side wheel for half the price, so can Aeon. It should also say in bold letters in the ad that "Adding a sidewheel will void the warranty on the side focus knob", as it does when you get your Aeon scope and read the paperwork.
What Others Should KnowThere are others available but the ones I have found are custom made and are in the $100 range. The Aeon sidewheel could be machined for marking graduates if you happen to have a lathe. Aeon could have this done in manufacturing for literally pennies more per part. I would like to remind fellow airgunners to look closely at the product photos and take the time to read the reviews. Someone took the time to write them and there may be something in them to help you with your airgun needs.
It does the job.
Things I Would Have ChangedAs the other reviewer mentioned, DON'T STICK A LABEL ON THE THE WHEEL!!!! What a pain cleaning up that mess. Also, I really hate when I need to refinish something I bought new. The wheel just like the sunshade I ordered was chipped and beat up. Pyramyd you need to do a better job of checking this stuff before you send it out. It was well protected in the shipping box so I know it looked bad before it left your warehouse.
What Others Should KnowI'm guessing that Aeon doesn't make the sunshades or side wheels that Pyramyd sells for the Aeon scopes, as the scope's fit and finish is first rate and sunshade and side wheel I got need work to to make them look decent. Ya they will do the job but I would be ashamed to put one of these things as they came from Pyramyd, on my $2000.00 gun.
fits with no problems machined well.
Things I Would Have Changedextremely over priced!!!! no graduated marks for distance, you would expect for this price to have some sort of box and an allen wrench included to mount the wheel!!!
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Apr 26, 2020
By Andy
Nice wheel, machined, snake design.
Things I Would Have ChangedAeon makes this product but their own scopes are sold with a note saying the use of this side wheel invalidates their warranty. They say it puts too much stress on the focus knob. So be forewarned.