Walther CP88, Blued, 6 inch Barrel, CO2 Pistol
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Read more about the Walther CP88 by Dennis Adler.
A new generation of CO2 airguns! The original Walther design as well as the outstanding workmanship are impressive. This 8-shot double and single action repeater represents a giant leap forward in CO2 pistol technology because it's both fast and easy to reload with the convenient 8-shot rotary magazines that can be preloaded until you're ready to shoot. Due to the modular system the pistol can be used for various shooting activities. It is a popular gun for beginners and training purposes.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
CP 88 BLUED ("Blued" is a term that means it was treated with black oxide. The result is a black finish.)
The Walther CP88 features a frame-mounted thumb safety, rifled steel barrel, rear sights are adjustable for windage, contoured checkered grips, serrated slide assembly all packaged in a foam lined hard side case.
Shipment will be delayed by 24 hours (or one business day) because our tech dept must install the wood grips.
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10 of 18 Walther CP88, Blued, 6 inch Barrel, CO2 Pistol Reviews
i like the feel of this handgun, it feel real & solid, i did some few shots it seems off & need some adjustment, otherwise i think it's a good buy.
Things I Would Have Changedwish that their specially rails made for this handgun (not a plastic) that you can attach red dot/ scope.
What Others Should Knowi ordered this model $299 version with a wood grip & it was a back order @ that time then all of a sudden they shipped (though it says still back order on there website) the $209 version plastic grip with extra wood grip accessories? i wonder if there's any difference between $299 & 209 version except the wood grip? any thought?
I just received my CP88 Competition. Upon opening the case and handling the gun, i was extremely impressed, but it all came to and end when I started to shoot it on my indoor 10M range. The first problem I noted was that the front sight post was crooked. In addition, I noticed that the front barrel extension was off as well. There was a sight movement in it also. I tried tightening the two screws that hold it but they hardly moved. I then noted a lot of oil coming out of all the joints. I called Umarex and got their blessing on putting in a UltraAir lubricating CO2 for the first load. Shot 6 magazines. The spread was all over the place. Then I loaded an Umarex CO2. Still no better. Shot 8 magazines. Still all over the Gamo targets. The last disappointment was the trigger pull in single action. It felt like 15lbs! Sending it back to Pyramyd. May be I just got a bummer!
Things I Would Have ChangedCheck these out at the factory before they leave! Germany might want to tighten their quality control. It's still is a beautiful gun to hold. Mine had the wood grips. If you're going to spend $300 on an air pistol, it should operate like $300.
What Others Should KnowI should have had Pyramyd do their 10 for 10. There is always a back order on these, maybe Umarex is just pushing them out too fast.
I have a 20 year old Crosman 357 that holds tighter groups!
Very well made. Nice action. Excellent velocity for a carry size pistol.
Things I Would Have ChangedWood grips should be stained.
Nice realistic weight, wood grip, long barrel. very accurate, hard hitting, good sights, rotary load magazine, pellet shooting, good looking.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowBuy extra magazines and 7gr pellets. Very accurate.
Realistic pistol with good accuracy. Can group inside a half dollar if I do my part at 10 meters with RWS R 10 Match pellets. CO2 loading is really easy and reliable. Rotary magazine is great! This is my granddaughters favorite pistol.
Things I Would Have ChangedSights could be tighter and wood grips are rough. Adjustable trigger would be a big help but these are minor an this pistol is well worth the cost.
What Others Should KnowFirst pistol did not group well and action failed after about 250 rounds. Returned to Pyramid under warranty. Pyramid sent a new pistol fast and paid shipping both ways. Pyramid's customer service is unparalleled!
All I can say is, this pistol is a true work of art and functionality. Accurate / dead-on out of the box, real solid weight and feel, and for me, a dream. The German engineering is impeccable. I just ordered my second
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, as for me it's well worth the price.
What Others Should KnowTreat it well, and it will serve you well. Personally, I chose not to finish the wood grips and left them bare, as I prefer that feel . . .
This gun is excellent in every way. It's heavy enough to stay steady on target, all German made so it's well made, and nice German barrel. This gun can definitely do more than I am capable of and is a lot of fun to shoot.
This is an excellent, well made pistol, though it's not without a considerable flaw. It's quite accurate, but from 10 yds., it shoots about 4" high. A web search will find an easy modification to the rear sight that will correct that problem, and all you'll need is a file and some tape. This issue shouldn't detract from interest in this otherwise fine pistol. There is an optics rail available that's designed to fit the CP88. It is, however, made from plastic. The fit and finish, and the already mentioned accuracy are excellent, and it come in a nice case.
Things I Would Have ChangedCorrect the rear sight, or make fully adjustable sights available.
What Others Should KnowOut of the box the trigger is a bit stiff, but should smooth out with use.
I was a bit apprehensive about spending so much for an air pistol, however, that all went away when I squeezed the trigger for the first shot. Took out the little x in the middle of the 10 ring! The subsequent shots all touched and went through existing holes. RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX!!!!! Truly amazing! Most accurate pistol I have ever owned.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing! Can't improve on perfection.
What Others Should KnowIf you can afford one buy it! If you can't afford one buy it! Pyramid will take care of the rest! No need to look elsewhere, Pyramid has the answers to the questions you haven't even thought of yet!
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Oct 16, 2017
By Shane
Fantastic finish, weight, construction. The pistol oozes quality and feels great in hand.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe white writing on the side. Seriously. It could be etched in and not so bright.
What Others Should KnowCouple things. Careful for magazines popping out when releasing the slide. sometimes the slide release button will go perpendicular to the slide, just have to push it back into place. Wood grips feel great, immediately treated them with linseed oil and fit remarkable well, installed with 0 issue. This is an expensive air pistol, but if you want to own well made pieces that add value to your collection and shoot well, this is hard to pass up.