T4E TR50 Gen 2 Paintball Marker Revolver, .50 cal
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With the T4E TR50 Gen 2, you finally can experience true revolver action with a paintball marker! Pop in the CO2, load up 6 rounds and start blasting! Perfect for serious players in need of a reliable sidearm.
Textured grip surfaces provide a solid and ergonomically friendly feel. There's plenty of room for accessories on this pistol as well! Mount a red dot or pistol scope onto the picatinny rail on top of the barrel, and place your choice of lights or lasers (or both) onto the rail underneath the barrel.
T4E TR50 Gen 2 Paintball Marker Revolver, .50 cal
- 6 round rotary magazine
- shoots .50 caliber paintball, rubber balls, pepper balls or chalk balls
- Uses 12g CO2
- Quick piercing CO2 chamber
- Picatinny rails for optics, lights and lasers
- 5 magazines included
- Velocity: 380 FPS
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10 of 21 T4E - Training for Engagement TR50 Gen 2 Reviews
Very accurate and lightweight despite not being compact. Feels solid in your hand. Fun to shoot.
Things I Would Have ChangedI don't love the trigger. Would like a litte more realistic feeling resistant for a .50 cal and less like an electronic paintball trigger.
What Others Should KnowIf you are used to only using paint ammo be careful with reusable rounds. Off of a closer target a .50 cal ricochet hurts.
Works fine with nylon balls and pepper balls. Big, a handful really... my first CO2 gun with the quick charge CO2 release... it work well.
Things I Would Have ChangedTrigger is a bit heavy... Single action operation would be good.
What Others Should KnowOddly the gun does not seem to progress the cylinder when dry firing without CO2. I sent the first one back because I was not going to put CO2 in it when I tested it out of the box. Second one was the same... put CO2 in it and fired reliably... Go figure.
1st the gun came with 5 six round mags. The design of the pistol itself is awesome. Well thought out. Arrived on a Friday, shot it the next evening using an ASG flashlight/laser combo. One word people. Wow!!! Using soft rubber balls, it ripped up the target. She is a hard hitter for sure.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. She is great... I want to buy her big brother in 68 caliber now.
What Others Should KnowThe trigger pull is hard, very hard, but controllable. Overall, the Pistol is a hard-hitting beast.
The feel, looks and overall badassness.
What Others Should KnowPepper balls in this thing are great, and if someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night, they're not going to know its an airgun, they will just see a gigantic revolver.
Trigger, grip.
Things I Would Have ChangedSafety should be elsewhere, not the trigger
What Others Should Knowjust about the safetys location being strange. If a child pulls the trigger, Safety will go off every time because it is part of the trigger. So is it really a safety?
Deadly accurate at 36ft which is all you need for a typical home style basement range. Lots of fun to shoot and better than watching out for tiny BBs everywhere.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe screw in seal for the CO2 Powerlets is understandably very tight. It would have been nice if the manufacturer had provided a wrench to tighten and loosen this activator. I found a 1 3/16" deep socket works ok but it must be a star pattern. still I hate to scratch this part up when it could be easily avoided withe the proper tool.
What Others Should KnowBuy it, you will love it.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowIf you like paint ball guns then; you'll love this Home Defense Pistol.
Caliber size 50 rubber ball and quick changing rotary clips.
Things I Would Have ChangedAmmunition availability and price. The price is more than 68 caliber which is more than twice the size.
What Others Should KnowPyramid Air needs to supply 68,50 rubber ball and paintball caliber ammunition.
Viable non-lethal gizmo. It's got decent velocity and being able to use rubber balls, paint balls & pepper balls ( good for unwanted visits from certain creatures, 2 & 4 legged. It's a blast with the chalk balls but they are pricey.overall worth it.
Things I Would Have ChangedBetter sights, but I use a laser.
What Others Should KnowSwab the barrel after using paint balls.
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May 17, 2023
By Eddy
Readieness design and feel.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would add extra springs and triggering parts, as a secondary purchasing supplement.
What Others Should KnowLouder than I first expected-but ease of loading and shot prepping make up for all it can do.