T4E HDS CO2 Paintball Shotgun, .68 Cal
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The T4E HDS shoots .68 caliber paintball, pepper balls, rubber balls or chalk balls out of either of two barrels or both barrels at once! Load up your 12 gram CO2, pop two projectiles into the breech, and flip the switch to choose how to send them flying.
Built out of sturdy polymer and aluminum, the T4E will provide tons of fun for years!
T4E HDS Paintball Marker Shotgun .68 Caliber
- Shoots .68 caliber paintball, pepper balls, rubber balls or chalk balls
- Uses 12g CO2
- Quick piercing CO2 chamber
- Dual barrel with selector switch
- Shoot each barrel independently or from both barrels simultaneously
- Forward Picatinny rail
- Trigger safety
- T4E HDS Paintball Marker Shotgun
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10 of 13 T4E HDS CO2 Paintball Shotgun, .68 Cal Reviews
16 jule
Things I Would Have ChangedFull barrel instead of 4 inch
Fantastic item.
Things I Would Have ChangedTad bit more power when firing both chambers would be nice.
What Others Should KnowFire each barrel separately for best results. Fantastic piece.
The weight of the double barrel is great in my opinion
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing other than making a the 11 juls
What Others Should KnowYe one if you are in Canada because sooner than later you may not be able to get one!
Looks awesome, down right intimidating, it's heavy in a good way in that, if it's dropped it won't break, Umarex .680 balls work best. It can be left ready to use with balls and un pierced cylinder in it, just push the screw cap, check that the pressure button is up and you are ready.
Things I Would Have ChangedBefore first use, I inspected and oiled the T4E HDS and made sure it was functional. When I pierced the C02 cylinder the pressure made the trigger pull extremely difficult to pull, but after three cylinders and 70 shots, it is getting easier. Pyramid Air does not sell .680 balls.
What Others Should KnowUmarex .680 balls work best, they are rounder, smoother, and .003 larger than others, giving a better barrel seal, you can hear the difference when fired. Expect 15 good high power shots per C02 cylinder, before power drops off. Then 5-10 more at much reduced power.
I like the look of this little sawed-off shotgun and I like the feel it's got some weight to it.
Things I Would Have ChangedI thought it was a little underpowered so I did the power mod from YouTube now it shoots hard with a little bang!
What Others Should KnowThis is an excellent home defense shotgun. Do the power mod and see this guns full potential
Love the look and feel . very heavy . Intimidating
Things I Would Have ChangedThe plastic black handle . At least offer a brown wood look to make it look like a real shotgun ( or just tape wrap it looks cool too.
What Others Should KnowThis is absolutely worthless in the double barrel mode . It will barely reach a target at 5 yards
So I watched YouTube and took out the restrictor valve and made it into a 16 joule ! WOW what a difference.
You do NOT want to get shot with a rubber ball or any ammunition from this thing !
PS Paintballs even at STOCK 200 FPS will NOT work as they break in the barrel , yuck everywhere. (Big 5 ones anyway )
This thing is really fun to shoot and pretty darn accurate too!
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it easier to do the power modification.
What Others Should Knowin less than a half hour you can have this shooting really fast, mine jumped from 210 fps single shot to over 300 fps and both barrels over 210 fps but if you do the mod it is no longer a light shooter, it will HURT! makes a good defensive item!
Weight, and feel. It is quite hefty in the hands. Even at seven joules hard rubber riot balls pack quite a wallop at close range. I am not moving up to 16 joule for now. Want to have some fun with paint markers first. At 16 joule I hear they blow up in the barrel. I will set it up for home defense later. It has no sights. It is a point, and shoot gun. What surprised me is how accurate it is for a point and shoot gun. Best of all it is a fun gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedAnother reason I have not changed it to 16 joule is because I only get about 20 good shots on a 12 gram CO2 now. I wish they had made it to take two CO2 cartridges instead of just one. At more then double the foot pounds I'd be lucky to get ten shots per cartridge.
What Others Should KnowEven if your not into home defense, or paint ball games. This thing is a blast just to shoot. I'm leaving dents in plywood using hard rubber riot balls at close range. Invented a shooters bowling game using ten empty tin cans for pins, and seeing how many we can knock over in two shots. Then you have the paint ball markers. Talk about splatter targets, what ever you shoot becomes a splatter target. Just great fun all around air gun.
Feels great, looks great. After watching a YouTube video it is very easy to turn up the power. Mine is loaded with pepper balls. The CO2 can stay until you need to use it by hitting the button.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowAfter turned up with pepper balls it makes a pretty good non lethal self defence for home.
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Jun 01, 2024
By Bobbie
Purchased one of these a couple years ago. Leaked and would not fire. It looked cool so I put it on the wall. Purchased another a couple of weeks ago hoping it would work. It didn't of course.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it work
What Others Should KnowBuy this gun to look hanging on your wall, but don't expect it to fire