Refurbished CenterPoint 4-16x40, Image 1
Refurbished CenterPoint 4-16x40, Image 1

Refurbished CenterPoint 4-16x40 AO Rifle Scope

3.511 reviews
1 answered question


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3.511 reviews
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  • 4-16x magnification
  • 40mm objective lens (adjustable objective)
  • 1" tube
  • TAG-Style reticle (red-green illuminated)
  • 10 yds to infinity AO parallax setting
  • 25.0-6.3' field of view @ 100 yds
  • 4.1-3.7" eye relief
  • 10.0mm to 2.4mm exit pupil
  • Scope length is 13.86"
  • Includes CR2032 battery


1.6 lbs

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10 of 11 Refurbished CenterPoint 4-16x40 AO Rifle Reviews

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After my first foul review of this scope, I had occasion to mount it onto a different rifle and Oops. Turns out this is an awesome scope and on an excellent rifle it is super. I made the mistake that the rifle I put it on first was faulty, not the scope.

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The ad obviously, I bought it and now I have it. I really love the little lite trick thingy it does that is why I bought it. Problem is there is something wrong in the optics it shoots way low and cannot be corrected by any reasonable means. The only way I could get the gun on paper with it was to remove the front mount, loosen the rear and use wood wedges to raise the impact point. It is a piece of expensive garbage.

Never order or paid the unreasonable shipping fee.

First one I have bought, would not buy another tho, EVER.

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Nothing except the price. Basically got what I paid for, cast off junk.


Beware of the refurbished items, mine is just pure worthless trash.

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It was packaged well.

In the spectrum of Center Point scopes, this one is not good. It has the usual CP stiff movement of focus and hazy maximum magnification that we've all come to expect, but unlike my PLT and FFP models, and even the old 4x32 entry level, this one is hardly usable. It has a relatively small eye relief, not just short but narrow, even at 4x. I'll have to put it on a gun that has a lousy cheek weld, as in order to see _anything_ I'll have to have my eye in the very center of the scope, which will also help mitigate the lousy parallax correction. The illuminated reticle is too bright on all settings and shows bright flare in the scope tube, and so is not useful in low light. I can see more in lower light through my Hawke 4x32.

Did I get the same scope as the other reviewers?
I got mine as refurbished, but even at that price it isn't worth it. But it isn't worth it to send it back either, so I may gift it as an engaging toy for a child, "Here, have a spyglass!"
At list price there are better options.

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Extremely clear and easy to use. The scope is mounted to my Diana Stormrider and so far has kept 0 while placing lead within a dime at 17 yards.

This was a refurb so, the fact that it is working is a good thing.

I would have to say that PryamydAir believes in providing their customers best in class products even if they are refurbished.

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Very clear image, doesn't have too much going on when viewing your target! Solid, well built.


Try it out if you have a PCP !, not sure if this is break barrel rated?

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I ordered the refurb to go with my Marauder Field and Target. As an old guy getting back into shooting I am getting surprisingly good groupings with this scope. It meets my needs.

I used the money I saved on the refurb to purchase the 20 for 20 add on offered by Pyramyd. The gun was already cited in when it arrived.

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The price of the refurbished model is hard to beat and the scope itself has bright, clear optics with easy to use adjustments.

I would like a Mil-Dot Reticle as many many others have suggested. Crosman must not read the reviews. Also, why not ditch the caps and give us windage and elevation knobs with zero ability? The illuminating reticle is too bright even on the lowest setting and makes the whole inner tube glow.

As a refurbished model, mine had a small piece of plastic or metal inside of the tube that would bounce and rattle around as a shot was fired. Pyramydair took it back and I am going to get a Bugbuster with side AO. Sometimes cheap and refurbished is not the way to go unless you buy from a company that firmly stands behind the sale.

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I used this same center point scope (refurbished or Brand new) mostly on my more than 20 pcp and break open air rifles and this scope is comfortable for me to use on target shooting and hunting small games. It is also easier for me to sight-in my rifles because maybe I have several Center Point scopes on hand. I like also the color illuminated light that came with it.

I will no change anything because I can not differentiate brand new and refurbished Center Point scope.

The only difference I noticed is that the brand new scope came with an Allen wrench to remove the scope rings and a wipe cloth while the refurbished one did not.

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Pretty much unbeatable for the price.

Get rid of, what I call, the halo effect. Where the glow of the reticle illuminates the inside of the tube. Creating a ring of color around the "view".

Don't get medium height scope mount rings. You won"t be able to get the Objective lens cover on.

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