Refurbished Air Venturi Air Compressor, Electric, 4500 PSI/310 Bar
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Refurbished Air Venturi 4500 psi Electric Air Compressor
- Max fill pressure 4500 psi
- Adjustable output pressure, up to 4500 psi
- Automatic shut-off feature
- Internally water-cooled
- Digital Temperature gauge (reads in Celsius)
- Uses 110V electrical outlet
- Noise level while running is 90 dB. This is similar to a food blender in terms of real world noise.
- Weight: 76 lbs (without water and oil)
- Dimensions: 18”L x 17”W x 17”H
When filling air bottles, do not leave the compressor unattended! Do not use for breathing air!
The Air Venturi 4500 psi compressor is all that you will need to become your own air fill source. Whether filling a PCP air gun directly, carbon fiber tank or even a SCUBA tank, the Air Venturi Compressor can do it all. Plug the compressor into a 110V outlet and you're ready to fill air guns for years to come! With a built in automatic shut off feature that allows for adjustment of the output pressure up to 4500 psi, you can fill anything and everything air gun. Long gone are the days of relying on someone else to get the air you need for your air gun fun.
Each Compressor comes with a hose with a female quick disconnect fitting, a replacement output air filter, male to male fitting, oil breathing plug, and extra seals and O-rings.
Approximate fill times:
- 90 cu-in. bottle from 0 to 3000 psi in 10 minutes
- 90 cu-in. bottle from 0 to 4500 psi in 15 minutes
- 74 cu-ft. tank from 0 to 3000 psi in 35 minutes
- 74 cu-ft. tank from 3000 to 4500 psi in 17 minutes
- 74 cu-ft. tank from 0 to 4500 psi in 52 minutes
- 88 cu-ft. scba tank from 3000 to 4500 psi in 20 minutes
Each compressor will be shipped as frieght, not via Fedex.
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8 of 8 Refurbished Air Venturi Air Compressor Reviews
Finally arrived after 3 weeks.
Things I Would Have ChangedBetter packaging. It is heavy so you know the shipping handlers do not treat packages very well. It is damaged and has oil all over it inside the package. The box is so rattled the owners manual is not inside and I hope nothing else is missing.
What Others Should KnowDo not spend money on this if they do not package it better. I do not even want to plug it in.
Once you get everything filled up and ready to go, it operates very easily; almost scary easy. I own a Yung Heng compressor and it works well but as you approach 4500psi, it labors to get the job done. You constantly have to stand over that compressor to make sure that the temp doesn't climb too high or that it doesn't blow a pressure disc if the auto pressure gauge isn't set exactly right; not to mention the frequent oil changes to keep this thing trudging away with ice cold water to boot. So, I bought this compressor to help alleviate the constant exposure to high anxiety of operating a Yung Heng and the excessive decibel levels at which it runs. Boy, am I glad I did!!!!! This is a great compressor and fills my tanks much more quickly and with less anxiety and drama. Turn it on and trust it. (Sorry but when a pressure gauge bursts and sends plastic shrapnel your way and repetitive pressure discs keep blowing because of slightly dirty oil, it unravels you to stand over it ).
Things I Would Have ChangedMake the panels more user friendly to remove; I'm sure magnetic strips would allow that to happen and make maintenance much easier. Also, it's hard to tell if the water pump is working so perhaps adding a tube impeller in a transparent casing and mounted to the top control panel would provide more complete info that EVERYTHING is working as it should at these high pressures. And, the addition of a digital air gauge vs an analog gauge would be an improvement. Other than that, the compressor is way quieter than its competition and appears to be very dependable.
What Others Should KnowAdding a desiccant chamber to the intake would help in humid environments, like where I am near New Orleans. Also, this compressor is heavy and definitely would benefit from being on a mobile cart, depending on your personal needs and space. I got one from Amazon that didn't break the bank at $67 and can easily be customized to do more or less (Spacecare mobile roller). Btw, this compressor is very quiet and operates at only 84dB whereas my shop compressor operates at 94dB and my Yung Heng at 104dB (min. literally starts at 96dB and gets louder as pressure head increases vs Air Venturi which stays consistently at 84-85dB). You can almost "Set it and forget it" vs having to stand over it the entire time like other compressors. And finally, fyi, add a one way male foster to your outgoing desiccant filter so that if you do burst a pressure disc, your tank won't drain out towards your compressor in the event you're not standing over it. Auto shutoff is sweet too. Works like a new one.
I like the auto cut-off and temperature gauge.
Things I Would Have ChangedSend new units. This unit was built and tested by the factory over a year ago. 6 month warranty on a unit that is not new and will only be used a few hours a month. By the time an issue arises for it sitting on a shelf over a year, not much help to me. Ill Just say my prayers we don't have issues. Send an instruction manual or something on how to find a manual. $1,400 is a lot for a compressor to just receive it in a box with nothing else! An hour meter would be nice since you have the temp gauge.
What Others Should KnowI bought this unit and when it arrived, it was just in a box. It sat in the box for so long, the batteries were dead on the temp gauge so I had to go by new ones. When I noticed this, I looked at the inspection card and it was inspected by factory in November 2020. I bought this January 2022. It would have been nice to know that if I am buying a refurb, that it has been sitting on the shelf for over a year. I would have spent the difference just buying a new one. No manual, nothing. I had to google a manual and see what is needed, like type of oil, get new batteries. It also would not start when I opened it. The water pump would work but not the compressor. After taking the switch panel off, there was a circuit that was unplugged. That could have been from shipping and worked fine once i just plugged it in.
Super fast recharging on my 50 caliber. I had been using the nomad II and it took 23 mins to recharge...now i'm doing it in less then 5 min
What Others Should Knowyou lose the portability that you enjoy with the Nomad II , but the speed in witch this unit operates more than makes up for it
This unit lives up to all advertised claims. It does very well at what it is supposed to do. I found that it was extremely easy to put into service by having to add only the coolant and oil. No other assembly is required. One feature that other compressors do not have is a simple oil drain plug. Unscrewing this plug allows oil to easily drain out and keeps things nice and neat.
Things I Would Have ChangedI have owned two other compressors that had additional features on them and would like to have had a time adjustable, automatic oil/water purge feature provided as well as an hour meter to track maintenance use.
What Others Should KnowI live in CO which is much dryer than many other locations, however, considering how much damage even a small amount of water can cause to a PCP firearm, I decided to add a molecular seave pre-filter and an "Alpha" final filter to the unit. Both items were very easy to install. The "Alpha" filter is available from Joe B and the pre-filter can be purchased from the internet. The internet also offers several vibration-activated hourly run meters so keeping track of maintenance issues is made easy. This is a great unit and with PA's customer support it should provide many years of quality service. I highly recommend the AV compressor.
It works like a charm. Did the break-in and immediately filled my scuba tanks. Was super fast and simple.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowI was apprehensive on buying the refurb model, but I figured I would take a chance and it seems to have paid off. The unit I received looked to have never been used outside a scratch on the cover. It ran great and so far I am well pleased.
Simple to setup and simple to use. Does exactly what it supposed to do.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowHas all the fittings that are needed.
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Nov 28, 2023
By Matthew
Things I Would Have ChangedPackaging. Quality control. Maybe actually send something that works.
What Others Should KnowI realize this is a refurbished compressor, and I accepted when I made my purchase that there was a chance I would get something that was a little beat up, but that was with the understanding that I would get something that was in a working, operable condition. What I did not expect was to pay $1,000 to open a flimsy shipping box full of holes, and find broken, disgusting, grungy compressor that was soaking wet with water, covered in oil, loaded with corrosion, and completely inoperable due to a massive air leak in a critical component! It won't even hold pressure!
Seriously, guys. Your product page promises a working compressor. It's ridiculous when you can't even meet the bare minimum you set for yourselves.