LSP Adjustable Bag Rider ELR Long Front Dowel Universal Rail Mount Coarse, Hardened
A B R Adjustment Height:0.950 in
Dowel Hardness:Hardened
Style:Front, 1.3" Thumb Wheel
Thread Type:Coarse
Shipped & sold by Long Shot Precision
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Universal Rail Mounted
The Universal Rail Mounted ABR (Patent Pending) has been designed to mount directly to the lower picatinny rail with the supplied LSP made 2 hole rail clamps and two 10/32 bolts. It provides the same functionality as the other ABRs with .950" of travel . Made in the USA from American 6061 Alum and finished with Class II Anodizing they are 12.6oz including the clamp and bolts. The unit is 2.25" tall when closed. The unit is ordered with either standard dowels or hardened dowels for larger calibers or PRS use - see caliber restriction. A new 'Quick adjustment' thread option (Coarse thread) is available for PRS, Hunting - use requires Hardened Dowels 1.5" Diameter thumb wheel for heavy rifles & .50cal (standard Thumb Wheel is 1.3") available with Hardened Dowels Accuracy International -Length Of Pull (LOP) To maximize space behind the grip the longer dowel will either be in Front of the ABR or in-between the stock and recoil plate in the Back of the ABR - See below: AIAX - LOP closed or 1 click out AIAX-Long-Front" dowel (closed it not recommended) AIAX - LOP open 2 clicks (or more) "AIAX-Long-Back" dowel AXMC - LOP closed or 1 click out AIAX-Long-Front dowel (closed it not recommended) AXMC - LOP open 2 clicks (or more) "AIAX-Long-Back" dowel AXSR - LOP closed to the #6 "Long Front Dowel" AXSR - LOP =#7 or more "Long Back Dowel" AT-X - may require a more vertical grip "Long Front Dowel" Daystate Alpha Wolf - requires Both Short dowels Daystate Redwolf Chassis - "Long Front dowel" Rapid Air Worx MicroHunter - "Long Front dowel" Panthera - "Long Front dowel" Gunnar PCP - "Long Front dowel" Magpul PRS - "Long Front Dowel" (NOT for PRS3) SCAR S20 - requires the "Long Front dowel" HM1000x - Air rifle will require the "Long Front dowel" FN Ballista will require the "Long Front dowel" Unique Alpine TPG-3 - will require the "Long Front Dowel" M40A6 - Please contact Long Shot Precision Steyr SSG M1 - "Long Front dowel" Victrix Challenge - you will need the picatinny rail from Victrix "Long Front Dowel" Victrix Venus Pro - "Long Front dowel" KRG WHISKEY-3 - you will need the picatinny rail from KRG "Long Front Dowel" Sako TRG M10 - either the "Long Back" or "Both Short" dowels depending on your LOP Q Fix Stock - Add a Pic Rail and the "Long Front Dowel" will work tho it adds 2.25" under the pic rail AB Arms rear stock - "Long Front dowel" Target Tool - check if adding 2.25" under the stock is acceptable - "Long Front Dowels" Both Short dowels - will mount below any surface as the pic rail is the highest part = .680" travel Caliber Restrictions: .338 and smaller calibers will use the Standard dowels .33XC and larger need the Hardened Dowels PRS needs Hardened Dowels If you do not see your chassis listed please use the Contact link and send a picture of the rear stock (from recoil plate to grip) .
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