Killer Instinct SWAT, Image 1
Killer Instinct SWAT, Image 2
Killer Instinct SWAT, Image 3
Killer Instinct SWAT, Image 4
Killer Instinct SWAT, Image 5
Killer Instinct SWAT, Image 6
Killer Instinct SWAT, Image 7
Killer Instinct SWAT, Image 8
Killer Instinct SWAT, Image 9
Killer Instinct SWAT, Image 10
Killer Instinct SWAT, Image 11
Killer Instinct SWAT, Image 12
Killer Instinct SWAT, Image 1

Killer Instinct SWAT X1 Crossbow Elite Package

5.01 reviews


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5.01 reviews


A micro-frame sets the foundation for the Swat X1, perhaps the most maneuverable crossbow in the woods. With an overall length under 25” the Swat X1 produces elite level numbers from a package that you almost need to see to believe.

Uncocked, the bow width is already less than 10” wide. When cocked, that number shrinks to a baffling 6.25” axle-to-axle. The micro-frame crossbow is able to achieve a blistering 405 FPS with the provided 390 Grain HYPR bolts thanks to its innovative design and the Synchronized X Cam system. Featuring 50% let off, this bow can easily be cocked with a rope cocking aid.

The Elite Package also includes the Compact Silent Crank for effortless, quiet cocking. Making this bow even more impressive is the all new Accutac™ Barrel System that provides 360-degree control and guidance for your bolts. The enclosed barrel design makes it one of the safest and most accurate available. Turn this package loose on your next trophy with the lightweight pull of the 3.0 lbs zero-creep trigger. A limited lifetime warranty comes standard with the Swat X1 and this kit also includes the Elite shooting package.

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Killer Instinct SWAT X1 Crossbow Elite Package

  • Up to 405 Feet Per Second
  • Up to 142 Foot Pounds of Energy
  • Zero Creep Trigger breaks at 3 Lbs
  • Axle to Axle Width: 6.25” Cocked and 9.75” Uncocked
  • Overall Length of just 24.75” (without riser pads)
  • Weight: 7.2 Lbs
  • 195 Lbs Draw Weight
  • Power Stroke: 13.25”
  • Enclosed Accutac barrel offers enhanced accuracy 
  • X-Cam delivers 50% let off making cocking smooth and easy
  • Elite Package Includes: Lumix Speed Ring 1.5-5 x 32 IR-E Scope, Compact Silent Crank, Quick-Draw Rope Cocker, 3-Bolt Quiver, Three (3) HYPR Bolts (390 Grains) with Field Tips, and Rail Lube



Max Velocity
405 fps
Suggested for
7.2 lbs
Trigger Pull
3.0 lbs
Overall Length
Body Type
Peak Draw Weight
195 lbs
Kinetic Energy
142 ft/lbs
Let Off
50 %
Quiver Capacity
3 rounds
Bow/Crossbow Type
Compound Crossbow
Cocking Aid
Riser Material
Sold With Quiver
Axle to Axle Length Cocked
6.25 in
Axle to Axle Length Uncocked
9.75 in
13.25 in
Recommended Bolt Length
20 in
Nock Type
Half Moon

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



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3 star
2 star
1 star

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I was fortunate to obtain one of the first X1s through PA. I paired it with the Burris Oracle scope and Sever mechanical broadheads. Although it is pricey, the price is significantly lower to similar Xbows. Its compact profile is unparalleled along with its speed, accuracy, and safety features. Even at a 195 lb. pull, I have no problem drawing the bow with the rope cocker given the 50% let off even with a bad back and shoulder. The crisp 3 lb. trigger is superb. The compact silent crank is well designed. I have not had the opportunity to harvest a whitetail yet, but given the chance, I have little doubt the bow and Oracle scope will get the job done.

Other than price, a better design on the foot stirrup that constantly loosens to the point of not trusting it to rest the bow in the upright position. In addition, a Camo version similar to the XP model. Lastly provide 6 bolts, not 3.

The price point of the X1 is worth it given the features of the bow especially when you take advantage of Affirm financing.

Joseph Sep 16, 2022

Holy moly differently will not be purchasing this x bow sounds like a bogus deal to me rather purchase a ten point hands down

William Nov 28, 2021

Scott- I just experienced the same issue as you. Have you received your new limbs yet? Have you experienced the issue with the new limbs? Are the new limbs any different than the original or is this issue likely to reoccur? Are you giving to crossbow another shot or did you get your money back?

Scott Oct 18, 2021

Finally today after holding for over an hour, I was able to speak to a KI rep. I was told the limbs were out of stock until the 1st week in November. Apparently, I was (Misinformed) when told they would ship to me the following week. KI is trying to make it right by shipping me extra parts in case of any future problems.

Scott Oct 17, 2021

It has been over 2 weeks since I contacted Killer Instinct to obtain replacement limbs. I was told I would receive them the following week. I have not received them to date. In addition, you can not get a live person on the phone for a status update nor do they respond to emails in the 48 hour timeframe they say they will. Buyer Beware. A Lifetime Warranty is worthless if it takes weeks to obtain replacement parts or their customer service does not respond to your inquiries.

Scott Sep 30, 2021

Update: while sitting in my stand, I heard a crack and upon inspection I discovered the top right limb of my X1 was splintered. There goes the rest of the Georgia bow season in all likelihood. This is the 2nd KI Xbow to do this. My first was the XP. I will update how well KI support is or is not. Not what you expect from $1,000 plus bows.

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