Gamo Varmint Hunter Kit, 4x32 Rifle Scope, Laser & Flashlight
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Helpful resources:
- Learn how to pick the right scope
- Tips for picking scope mounts
- Rifle scope, flashlight & laser (specs are listed for scope only)
- 4x magnification
- 32mm objective lens
- 1" tube
- 1/4 MOA (1/4" click value @ 100 yds)
- Crosshair reticle
- 28.8' field of view @ 100 yds
- 3" eye relief
- 11.8" long
- Includes pressure cables, removable caps with click buttons for laser & flashlight and 2-pc scope mount with 3/8" dovetail with rings for flashlight and laser.
Other features:
- Hunting turrets
- Fully coated lenses
- Shockproof
- Fogproof
- Waterproof
- Anodized matte finish
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7 of 7 Gamo Varmint Hunter Kit, 4x32 Reviews
Very easy to adjust and once it is it is VERY accurate.I nailed a coon from 100 yards away with no problem.
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING!
What Others Should KnowBUY THIS SCOPE!
I like the way both the laser and flashlight are mounted on the same bracket. I also like the idea of mounting both momentary switches on the stock parallel with the pistol grip. That way with my thumb is in the thumbhole and I can click the laser swithch. My pointer finger is on the trigger and my middle finger is wrapped around the pistol grip, making it easy initiate the flashlight switch. Gun shoots great and the suppression works wonderful. It took a bit more than I expected to set the laser and sights, but it set up fine.
Things I Would Have ChangedI had a problem with the flashlight. almost immediately it started acting intermittent with the momentary switch. After a couple of times it just went dead. I inspected the leads and found the red lead had detached from the rear flashlight cap...I looked closer and realised that their was no strain relief or exterior potting to reinforce the exit area and prevent tne wire from pulling out. So, I thouight I'd just resolder it...well,its pins are kinda potted and not user friendly. So, I went back to the push button cap swich which worked for a few days and the light also went out. Afterchecking everything, the bulb had burned out. A very disappointing experience that although they are accessories, it seriously impacts on the gun performance when hunting at night
What Others Should KnowI would highly recommend that you get some kind of silicone sealant and put a glop on the endcaps where the momentary switch leads exit. Furthermore, dress your leads so that there is the least amontt of strain on the ends. Also I couldn't get a parts list number for the bulb. Just for fun I checked the price for the momentary switch...about $8 from Gamo but the minimum shipping to Hawaii was abou $35 NOT A GOOD DEAL!! You could send it USPS mail at a fraction of the cost. Anyway, I wrote to GAMO and want to see if they will cover this under their warranty and make me a happy customer. Then I'd rate it higher (literary blackmail? No, customer satisfaction when dealing with GAMO and a corresponding review of what the total package performance would have been if the gun and its accessories were working as intended. I'll keep you posted on GAMO's reply....I bought the Whisper VH on 11/19/2009 and its only been a little over 2 months.
Everything is well made. Scope mounting rail is super strong. Easy to set up and dial in.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowBuy it!
Good optics. Lens coating allows more light in for low light situations. Quality laser, mine puts out about a 4mm dot at 30 meters. Light works well for what it's intended to do. Just bright enough to pick out your target, put the dot on it and fire. Laser and light give you the option of momentary pressure switches on the stock or replacing them with regular "on-off" switches.
Things I Would Have ChangedMount is made of aluminum, can't play around with it to much without stripping out the threads. How come none of these scope mount manufacturers throw in a small tube of Loctite with their mounts? Laser on mine creeps a little after 10-15 shots, so don't expect it to be "dead on" if you haven't checked it in a while.
What Others Should KnowMounted mine on a worked over Gamo Hunter 220. I know, not the best gun, but it's not the best scope. Somehow the two work really well together. I can hit head shots on rats at 20 meters all night long. I got the "Varmint Hunter II", with the one piece mount. Make sure you use some sort of scope stop when mounting this on a springer. Pin works the best. Don't use the pressure switches with a springer unless you sight in the rifle and use them all the time. Otherwise your grip is different while pressing the switches and you will miss your aim.
low profile of the laser light combo. this is much better than caring the light in one hand and having to figure out a way to rig up the laser on your gun.
Things I Would Have Changedadjustable magnification would have been nice, but with the laser what it is is fine.
What Others Should Knowi have made alot of mistakes in mounting my laser to high on my other guns, but this system on this scope is the perfect answer.
simple to use and the light helps when late evening skunk hunting. i like no ao for quick sight aquisition. i put it on a winchester 800x,sighted it in at 25 yds and forget it. it works!
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowon bigger airguns upgrade mounts but these work for 800x,600x,or 500x.
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Apr 08, 2014
By Jerrod
The flashlight is pretty darn bright for how little it is. The scope isn't all that bad, basically a cheap Gamo 4x32 scope
Things I Would Have ChangedThe laser should be adjustable considering at no point is the laser even visible in my scope
What Others Should KnowThe laser is not something you should use as an aiming reticle with this scope mount. The laser is high and to the side (depending on which side you have it), so it's basically useless. The flashlight on the other hand, that does work, and it works well. I could see around 30 yards away with it. The scope is a basic 4x32 scope from Gamo, which isn't a bad thing, Gamo makes decent scopes.