Gamo Swarm Whisper Multi-shot Rifle, SAT Trigger
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If you're in the market for a budget-friendly, plinker, pest-control solution, weather-resistant small-game hunter or all of the above, the Swarm Whisper from Gamo could be just the air rifle you're after.
Incorporating Gamo's Whisper sound-dampening technology, IGT gas piston power plant and 10X Quick-Shot System, the Swarm Whisper break-barrel air rifle delivers reliability and consistency shot after shot, while being quiet enough not to upset the neighbors.
Gamo's Swarm Whisper gas piston air rifle offers plenty of value in a sub-$180 package that's ready to hit the range, bag nuisance animals or harvest small game right out of the box.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
Gamo Swarm Whisper Air Rifle
- Break barrel
- IGT gas piston power plant
- Automotive-grade, glass-filled nylon, all-weather stock
- 10-shot repeater
- Patented polymer jacketed steel barrel
- 2-stage adjustable Smooth Action Trigger (SAT)
- Whisper sound-dampening technology
- 10X Quick Shot System
- Manual safety
- 11mm dovetail scope rail
- 4x32 scope included
- Rubber recoil pad
- 1000 FPS (.177), 722 FPS (.22) with lead pellets
- 1300 FPS (.177), 975 FPS (.22) with alloy pellets
- 1-year limited warranty

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10 of 40 Gamo Swarm Whisper Multi-shot Rifle, SAT Trigger Reviews
10 shot magazine, Power level, accuracy
Things I Would Have Changedship with a variable power, higher quality scope
10 shot magazine, Power level, accuracy
Things I Would Have Changedship with a variable power, higher quality scope
I love the rotary magazine. No more fumbling with loose pellets. Accurate rifle. It has been completely reliable
Things I Would Have ChangedChange rail to a picatinny rail
I like the weight over 5 lbs. It makes it more accurate. I haven't had any problem with the magazine, I bought another one, and no problem with that one either.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. You can't go wrong with a Gamo. I also have a Gamo wildcat whisper .177 single shot, very good rifle.
What Others Should KnowAt first I had a hard time loading the magazine, I couldn't get the pellents all the way in the magazine, I made a push tool out of a wooden dowel, then I bought a pack of Daisy hollow point pellets, found out there longer and I have no problem loading them. The scope not the best, I replaced it with another. It is a little hard to cock at first but after shooting it about 500 time either it brock in or I got stronger. Don't forget to clean the barrel before shooting. And give it time to break in.
Has a nice 'real rifle' weight and feel, which is appropriate since it hits with authority. Have put over 500 pellets it through it so far without feed issues, and plenty accurate. Was leery about a scope on a break barrel, but it seems to be keeping it's zero nicely. (At least the UTG BugBuster on it now does, the factory scope wasn't around long enough to tell.) Safety doesn't reset on cocking.
Things I Would Have ChangedProvided scope is, unsurprisingly, super cheap, image was dim and hazy right out of the box. Not a fan of safety inside trigger well, haven't had a mishap yet, but it's powerful enough I don't want to.
product good
What Others Should Knowthis store sucks
I have put about 150 plus pellets through this rifle. I would not judge its accuracy before firing different brands and weights through it. I have tried four and have found that the Hades .22 Diablo at 15.89gr. Hold the tightest group about the size of a penny at 20 yds. I am not a pro shooter by any terms but I do shoot fairly well. This rifle is fun and very accurate for its price range.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe scope on this rifle is low budget and should be replaced. It works but appears cheap. I decided to just spend a few extra dollars and put a UTG 3-9X32 1" BugBuster Scope, AO, on it for a 100.00 dollars because the reviews were good on it.
What Others Should KnowIf you can buy the rifle only version, as apposed to buying the rifle and scope together, I would do that and then buy a better scope for the difference in cost. Find the pellets that work best in it and zero it for the intended range you plan on shooting at. Be careful and have fun.
It looks and feels like a standard rifle. It Kicks! I didn't think an air rifle would have "Kick". It's fun to shoot and I like it alot.
This gun is pretty darned cool- its relatively powerful, has good accuracy, and is also rather light(in weight) compared to other break barrels. The scope is also pretty good- I have not had any problems with it.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like to see a picatinny rail for the scope; other than that, I would not change anything else
What Others Should KnowIt has good sound suppression, which is a plus. Also, when maintaining it, oil the hinges and pivot points, but NEVER the barrel. That could affect the performance. And, use Crosman silicone to grease the breech hole.
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Mar 08, 2022
By Howard Wainer
The looks and feel of the gun. Fairly accurate depending on the pellets used. 10x is super. GREAT price (refurbished for $109.) Direct from Gamo USA. Great squirrel take out power, instant kill.
Things I Would Have ChangedI got the 3x9 scope on mine ,high mount, the standard scope just didn't clear the 10x mechanism. A better owners manual shipped with gun. (Can up load one for free on line). Move up to a maximum for quieter gun and a better stock pad.
What Others Should KnowI have shot about 500 rounds through it, with no failures at all. Still looking for the best pellets for all around use and ultimate accuracy. It shoots well with gamo match pellets, daisy pointed pellets don't yeild great groups. So far this is the best air gun I've had in my hands and I got a manufacturers refurbished gun. Would have been completely perfect if shipped properly. Their customer service dept. was great to work with.