- Gamo Hunter Extreme air rifle
- Spring-piston
- Breakbarrel
- Bull barrel
- Beech stock with checkered forearm & grip
- Monte Carlo stock with raised cheekpiece on left side
- 58 lbs. cocking effort in .177 and .25, 55 lbs. cocking effort in .22
- 2-stage adjustable trigger
- Ventilated rubber recoil pad
- Includes mount & 3-9x50 scope with etched 30/30 reticle w/illuminated center
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10 of 12 Gamo Hunter Extreme Combo Reviews
This gun is very accurate, the key is pulling the trigger very slowly. Great knock down power! I am shooting groups at 40 yards that can be covered with a quarter; this is with the 25 cal, 22 cal, and 17 cal. I have killed squirrels at 60 + yards. These guns are so much fun to hunt with, better than firearms, its like hunting with a high power bow!
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger, thats it.
What Others Should KnowThis is a heavy gun, and it takes some man-power to cock it.
This rifle is high quality and very powerful. Killing a small target at 50 yards is peace of cake. On 15 yards breaks 0,79 inch chipboard ... On 30 yards breaks plastic coca-cola bottle full of water on both sides.
Things I Would Have ChangedBetter trigger and scope
What Others Should KnowSome people argue that the rifle is not accurate,but the truth is that you have to learn how to shoot out of it, because the rifle have heavy recoil. You must hold it very tight . Rifle is accurate!
.25 caliber extreme "the cannon"! this it is! i've had mine a week, it's the first gamo i've owned! the rifle itself is of great quality and craftsmanship! very accurate(despite the scope)! this rifle has plenty of power! i don't even have it truly sighted in and i've already taken a 20 lbs. fox at 50 yds. with it ( out of neccessity )!
Things I Would Have Changedtrash the scope! it's hard to sight in, even at a recommended 10 feet for starters! 4 feet low at 50 yds. in the beginning and after 350 shots it still wouldn't sight true at any yds.! and needs set screws and locktite on the barrel shroud!
What Others Should Knowif you're interested in this rifle i suggest having another scope on hand when you receive your new "cannon"! don't waste your time with the gamo scope it comes with!! this rifle is heavy, which makes it steady to hold on target, but hell to pack through 2 feet of snow for a couple of miles! so be warned, a good sling is in order! i suggest a shotgun sling( slips over the barrel, then connects to the rear of the stock with a sling-swivel!
It looks and feels solid and high-quality. Seems pretty accurate so far with only a few pellets through it at short range (less than 15 yards).
Things I Would Have ChangedIt would be nice if it weren't so heavy, but maybe its weight is due in part to its solid build.
What Others Should KnowLots of force to cock it -- good thing the barrel is so long.
I like the look and feel of the rifle, the scope that comes with the it is good also. This is a very powerful rifle, i use Beeman Kodiak Extra heavy pellets with it most of the time when i go hunting..
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing at all...
What Others Should KnowHeavy and loud...
This Rifle is a Power House. Without a chronograph, I have no way of telling how fast the pellets are moving. What I can tell you is the while using the Beeman Kodiak Match Heavy pellets @ 10.6 gr., I could still hear it break the sound barrier. (Which is around 1150 ft/sec @ 90 deg F) The Hardwood finish is nice quality.
Things I Would Have ChangedA better quality trigger would improve the value and shooting experience. I would recommend a better quality scope if included or no scope at all. Would like to see the weight trimmed down to about 8 pounds. I would like to see a little more accuracy but this may be as good as it gets with a supersonic springer.
What Others Should KnowEven without improvements, this rifle is a good value for the money. I don't think I would classify this rifle as a plinker though. The Gamo add shows a 250 lb. hog being shot and killed with this rifle. This goes to show something I learned years ago - shot placement - shot placement - shot placement!
I have a Beeman pellet trap that it destroyed at 30 yards and it will almost pass the pellet clean through the metal on my Gamo cone pellet trap. Actually, at 30 yards it passed pellets completely through the 3/4 inch plywood backstop. This power is more than enough to bring down larger game with the right shot.
I tried some of the included Gamo PBA pellets and was impressed. I have read many conflicting stories about how inaccurate these pellets are. It has been my experience at 30 yards that the PBA's are just as accurate as any of the others I have tried. Be aware that when shooting this rifle - it is about as loud as a .22 long.
Below is some of my grouping at 30 yards with various pellets using a shooting table and a Caldwell rest. Shooting was done outside at 90 deg F. with 83% humidity and a 5-10 mph crosswind. The rifle was as purchased from pyramid with less than 100 rounds fired.
Gamo PBA 5.4 gr. - 1.125"
Diabolo Exact Heavy 10.2 gr. - 1.250"
Beeman Kodiak Match Heavy 10.6 gr. - 1.125"
Benjamin Discovery 10.5 gr. - 1.375"
Crosman Premier Ultramag 10.5 gr - 1.500
Others were tried but did not perform well.
Very quality, solid feel. Power and (apparent) accuracy.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it available in .22 or, better yet, .25 cal. A silencer/noise abater would be nice. I believe that Gamo has a new air rifle with a built-in silencer.
What Others Should KnowI don't think that .177 cal. is the best way to harness the power of an air gun requiring 58 pounds of pressure to cock it. The heaviest of these small pellets (10.6 grain Beeman Kodiak Match, eg) isn't even half as big as 26.2 grain Beeman Crow Magnum in .25 cal. Because of this, the Gamo H.E. can't hit with the authority of the Webley Patriot in .25 cal. The sledgehammer .25 Patriot is still the king of spring airguns, and doesn't make the supersonic crack that the H.E. makes. But the H.E. is nice; if they made the above suggested improvements, they'd have world-beater!
Power, Price, Accuracy.
Things I Would Have ChangedTrigger. But it is still good. Just not as good as it could be.
What Others Should KnowRiffle is heavy. Hard to cock. Other than that so far it is has an amaizing feel. It really feels like what an air gun should feel like. Great price for the quality and power. No issues with the stock scope yet. Just a while to zero in. Once on target, shot groups stayed inside 1.5" at 30ft. PBA ammo is loud and sounds like a 22. Neighbours might complain a little. I had no issued with the PBA not being on target. But standard lead pellets are also quite louder than by 220 combo. Used 9.7gr wadcutters.
excellent workmanship
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowvery accurate ,i wish they would sell the gun without the scope,i using a centerpoint 3x9x50 adventure class ,sweet combo for me.
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Feb 26, 2011
By Juan
All, this is a real rifle. Big, right weight, an accuracy. First thing I did was change the scope, because the bad input on it. After "0" it, I shut 3 times target at 50 yards on the "X" mark, can't belive it (I was lookig al over the target for the rest of my shuts, all where on "X" mark). Shuting with 22 cal. rifle parners, no a problem, my can sceam and be on target as be best ones. At 75 yards hit the turckey taget ciluete, my 22 cal bodies can't belive it was only with air. Extreme happy with it.
Things I Would Have ChangedI like all
What Others Should KnowCharge is a work for man. No for kit, hard for rage, sweet for hunt