Gamo ACCU Air, Image 1
Gamo ACCU Air, Image 2
Gamo ACCU Air, Image 3
Gamo ACCU Air, Image 4
Gamo ACCU Air, Image 1

Gamo ACCU Air Rifle, Premium Combo

4.552 reviews
17 answered questions


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4.552 reviews
17 answered questions


Exclusive to Pyramyd AIR, the Gamo ACCU Premium Combo arrives equipped with an upgraded optics package featuring a 3-9x40mm scope with adjustable objective. This enhancement is a useful step-up from a fixed focus optic and helps you line up your target with better accuracy.

The Gamo ACCU Air Rifle utilizes a spring-piston under lever, single shot action with a rotary breech loading system. The ACCU shoots at up to 1200 fps (.177 cal.), making it an ideal pellet gun for small game hunting and pest control.

A Gamo exclusive 2-stage adjustable Smooth Action Trigger (SAT), rifled steel barrel, and 3-9x40 AO scope provide precision accuracy for nailing small, hard-to-see targets. The fiber optic front and rear sights back up the scope and are preferred by some users in low light conditions.

This air rifle combines maximum performance with durability and features a tough, all-weather synthetic stock. The ACCU has an automatic cocking safety system, manual trigger safety and with its Gamo SWA (Shock Wave Absorber), 74% of the recoil is absorbed making for comfortable shooting.


Gamo ACCU air rifle, Premium Combo

  • Spring-piston
  • Underlever
  • Single-shot
  • Rotary breech
  • Rifled steel barrel
  • Muzzlebrake
  • Fixed fiber optic front sight
  • Fully adjustable fiber optic rear sight
  • 11mm dovetail grooves
  • SAT (Smooth Action Trigger) 2-stage adjustable trigger
  • Manual safety
  • All-weather ambidextrous stock
  • Shock Wave Absorber (SWA) recoil pad absorbs up to 74% more recoil
  • Twin raised cheekpieces
  • Textured pistol grip & forearm
  • Anti-beartrap mechanism
  • Only 30 lbs. cocking effort
  • 6.6 lbs. (gun only--add another 2 lbs. for the optics set)
  • Includes 3-9x40 AO scope and mount

Optics Features:

  • 3-9x magnification
  • 40mm objective lens (adjustable objective)
  • 1" tube
  • 30/30 reticle with fine crosshairs � perfect for target acquisition
  • 1/4 MOA (1/4" click value at 100 yds)
  • 15 yds to infinity parallax adjustment fixed at 50
  • 40 to 12 ft field of view
  • 3.5" eye relief
  • 21.6 oz
  • 13.5ï" long
  • Fogproof
  • Shockproof
  • Wateproof
  • Includes lens caps
feature iconfeature iconfeature iconfeature icon
3-9x30AO scope


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1200 fps
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
6.6 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Fiber Optic
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage & elevation
Two-stage adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Cocking Effort
30 lbs
Body Type
Ventilated rubber

Overall Rating



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10 of 52 Gamo ACCU Air Rifle, Premium Combo Reviews

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Fabulous shipping and customer service along with the best $200 under lever Air Rifle. Love the air rifle with the bundled, crystal clear, Gamo scope.

Bundle in a pellet assortment

This sure isn't the old pump Crossman I had as a kid. :-)

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Outstanding accuracy! Nice trigger. I have a Hatsan 95 that I really like but the Gamo ACCU 177 fixed barrel is my new favorite rifle


Buy this rifle

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I liked almost everything, but here is the list: 1) I like the fact that it has underlever cocking. I pick this action over all others. 2) The finish and fit is excellen is t. ) The scope that came with the gun turned out to be very good, and is still on the gun (no problems at all). 4) Usually with a new air rifle there is a 500 round break in period before you start getting any real accuracy, but this wasn't the case here. It started giving me "tack driver accuracy" in less than 100 rounds (and was never really less than "very good"). I had a stroke about a year ago, and coming back has been tough. For a while, I thought I would never get this kind of accuracy again. Being able to shoot this well again has been a real boost.

About the only thing is that the rotating chamber was very stiff and tight right out of the box, but loosened up some when I added a little more lube (chamber oil). Given the choice of a little to tight a seal and a seal that is too loose, I'll take the tight seal every time.

This is a personal preference, but be sure to do a thorough cleaning and lubrication of the gun before you shoot it (a good practice). The gun came out of the box extremely clean, and was properly lubricated (as it turned out), but this is always a good idea. Lastly, put a little extra "chamber oil" on the rotary chamber after you clean the gun.

John Nov 04, 2019

I've had this gun for a little over a year now, and everything I said earlier still stands. It's been a great gun so far, and I've fired thousands of pellets through it. I wouldn't change a thing about it, even after over a year of use. The best buy I've made in a long time (best buy of all time was the $10 for my marriage license).

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bom acabamento,,,arma bonita

uma boa regulagem no gatilho

nao eh uma arma top,,,,mas com um gas ram e um bom gatilho pode ficar

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Very accurate after break in, scope that comes with it is nice. Mine likes Crosman Premier Hollowpoint pellets. Nickel sized groups are no problem at 30 yards. I have shot pop cans at 80 yards with no issues.

Too much grease in gun from factory. Diesels for the first 300 or so shots.

Try not to get discouraged with the gun before you get it broke in. Once the velocity settles in the gun is a tack driver.

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Though I just recently purchased my Gamo Accu .177 I am very pleased with this rifle. It's accuracy is impressive.

Though I have not yet hunted with it there is nothing I can find that needs changing.

Be sure when loading the pellet that it is pushed forward enough to prevent the rotary breech from deforming the rear of the pellet when closing the breech. Hopefully this will self-correct after a couple hundred pellets. I've not emptied my first tin yet. GREAT RIFLE!

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I like the scope that is comes with. I like how accurate the rifle becomes after its break in period. I do like the easy cocking underlever and fixed barrel which contributes to the gun's accuracy.

So far, nothing I would change. The engineering production of this gun appears to be secure.

I needed to fire about 400 pellets through this rifle before it finally broke in and stopped dieseling. After that, every shot has been a consistent FPS. The best pellet this gun seems to like for the best accuracy at 30 meters is a Crossman round nose hollow point, 7.9 grain.

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It would be clearly my favorite gun if it was not so loud, I like my guns quiet. It is a touch more accurate than my Beeman R9 but the R9 is heavy for me to manage and Im not used to the trigger It is lots easier to load than the TX200. I love the light weight 6.6#s. This gun has lots to like. Mine is in .22 caliber

Clearer scope and charge more Make it quieter and charge more Change the rod to be less harsh on your hand when cocking

I highly recommend buying this rifle

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This is a fine gun with great sights. I needed a scope because my eyes can't focus on the rear/front/sights and target. I carefully removed the sights and mounted the scope. I am shooting 1/2" groups at 50 feet with the scope. I just started using it and have to try other distances. I did find that the "Gamo Match Diabolo" pellet gave me the best groups so far (.7.71gr. flat nose). Still experimenting with what works best for me, and I am pleased with this purchase. I did buy the "10 shots for $10" just to have the gun checked out before having it shipped to me. Velocity ranged around 975 ft/sec. brand new. Probably is faster now that it is broken in a bit.

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Shot great out of the box, the included scope and mount were better than most cheapo scopes that come included with most air rifles. Very solid and comfortable to shoot, cocks easily, shoots straight, and not hold sensitive at all. It liked most of the pellets that I have tried, but the Crossman Premier Hollowpoints seem to hold the tightest groups at 20+ yards (less than an inch grouping at 50 yards).

The sights, remove them! - I did. The globe on the front sight is visible through the scope but not a deal breaker. Would have liked to see a more streamlined front end without the sights, or at minimum a rail system to mount a front sight on if someone would want it, but this rifle is begging to be scoped.

Great value for the price. I have several other underleavers that I spent more on that don't shoot as nice as the ACCU.

Keary Aug 08, 2018

Biggest POS ever... Cannot put them on a 1.5 target. At best it shoots 1.75 but hardly any of them land in the circle. Unable to kill any pest. Don't waist your hard earned money on this Gamo Accu.

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