Dan Wesson 2.5" CO2 Pellet Revolver, Silver
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
- Dan Wesson pellet revolver
- 12-gram CO2 cartridge
- 6rd pellet cylinder
- Rifled barrel
- Fixed front sight
- Adjustable rear sight
- Textured grips
- Double- and single-action
- Manual safety*
- Working ejector rod
- Silver-colored metal frame, black plastic grips
- Includes detachable Weaver rail, speedloader and 6 shells**
*If the gun is cocked, the manual safety will not engage. For the safety to engage, the gun must be uncocked. If you cock the gun and then try to engage the safety, you will still be able to pull the trigger...and the gun will shoot the projectile!
**Each shell should be loaded with one pellet and then loaded into the gun's cylinder.
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 26 Dan Wesson 2.5" Pellet Silver Reviews
Wonderful feeling gun. Excellent quality and shoots real nice. As I note below, you need to get rid of the supplied 6 cartridges. They have a sloppy fit, and the pellets do not fit snug enough in the openings. Other than that, the gun is nice.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe supplied cartridges are CRAP. The pellets will fall out of them as you move the gun around even the slightest amount.
What Others Should KnowDo yourself a favor and get the ASG .177 pellet cartridges for this gun. I bought a box of 24 from Amazon and they are absolutely terrific. The pellets load in the back end and have a nice rubber seal that holds the pellet firmly. You now have 24 all loaded and it saves you a ton of time and anguish. I was going to get rid of this gun UNTIL I got the new ASG cartridges. Now it's a true keeper....love it.
Awesome looking gun very real looking
Things I Would Have ChangedShould be easier to open Handel to put CO 2 in
What Others Should KnowNothing
High quality and precision air gun. Smaller size, easy to carry. Thank you for the product!
Things I Would Have ChangedNone
What Others Should KnowJust personal interests! Maybe everyone is different.
Without a doubt the number one thing is the look and feel of this revolver. For fun though you're going to need extra shells and maybe a speed loader.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger pull is heavier than the real thing, and makes it less accurate, an inexperienced shooter will have problems.
What Others Should KnowIf you're experienced with a heavy revolver you'll like this one.
It feels like a real gun. And I like shooting it, its real Fun. It is accurate. Its loud and I like that too.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThis gun is awesome.
Everything .....an excellent Airgun Replica...
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a thing,,,, well maybe a picatinny under barrel...
What Others Should KnowI have 30 or so cartridges but have found its easiest to not remove cartridges just add new pellets to cartridges already in cylinder
Even if never fired, this revolver has the authentic weight and feel of real revolver. It is a great replica for one's collection. I'm glad I purchased it!
Things I Would Have ChangedI wish it had been offered as a complete kit, complete with holster and spare cartridges.
What Others Should KnowWell worth the money.
VERY realistic gust like the real thing all metal and rubberized like feel grips weight is spot on I cant believe this gun even the finish is beatuful spot on to S&W love this
Things I Would Have Changedthere is a little movement between gun and shells could be a tighter fit where the chamber holds the rounds and when it spins the ammo has movement could be tighter when its fully closed so ammo doesent move other than that im so happy
What Others Should Knowget this piece its a must have OMG
The LOOK. The appearance is what got me in the first place. I was looking to purchase another pellet pistol, and after weeks of research, I selected Pyramyd Air as their website is the most logical with the best product information. Their pricing was very good, and shipping was only a few days. The weight is Nice, the feel in the hand was very nice. I love it. I am thinking of getting another one for my wife.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowNot an expert, just an enthusiast. It is everything and more the reviews listed. I am forever doubting factory hype on their products. This one is better than the hype. It seems to be a bit faster than the listed speeds with a new CO2 cartridge, which is good.
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Jul 13, 2020
By John
Things I Would Have ChangedCylinder is loose and rattles.