Daisy Powerline 953, Image 1
Daisy Powerline 953, Image 2
Daisy Powerline 953, Image 3
Daisy Powerline 953, Image 4
Daisy Powerline 953, Image 5
Daisy Powerline 953, Image 6
Daisy Powerline 953, Image 7
Daisy Powerline 953, Image 8
Daisy Powerline 953, Image 1

Daisy Powerline 953 TargetPro, Target Sights

4.529 reviews
1 answered question


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4.529 reviews
1 answered question


The Daisy 953C air rifle has been a very popular 10-meter airgun for youngsters and beginning shooters. In fact, clubs often buy these for their competitions. We've improved the gun and included high-quality sights (not installed). The fiber optic sights that come with the gun do not allow for the most precise shooting, as it's hard to shoot accurate with a large tube as your front sight. However, the globe front sight accepts inserts, which will have fine lines that let the shooter clearly see the aim point and increase accuracy. Likewise, the rear sight is highly adjustable in fine increments and allows the smallest adjustments that will increase accuracy even more.
  • Daisy 953C air rifle
  • Single-stroke pneumatic
  • Bolt-action
  • 5-rd repeater
  • Globe front sight (accepts inserts)
  • Adjustable micrometer rear sight
  • 1:15 twist high-grade rifled steel barrel
  • Ambidextrous, synthetic Monte Carlo match-style stock

The original sights on the Daisy 953C air rifle are fiber optic. The gun is shipped with the new sights, which are NOT installed. When you install them, remove the original fiber optic front sight and attach the replacement globe front sight. Remove the rear sight and attach the replacement micrometer rear sight by simply sliding it onto the 3/8-inch dovetail.


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
500 fps
Suggested for
Target practice/Fun
Single-stroke pneumatic
6.4 lbs
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Fiber Optic
Rear Sights
Fiber Optic
Trigger Pull
6.0 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
5 round(s)
Body Type

Overall Rating



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10 of 29 Daisy Powerline 953 TargetPro, Target Sights Reviews

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I really like the peep sites really works great. Very accurate, nice weight. I would recommend it.

I kind of got long arms and to pull it into my shoulder and keep both arms on the table I'll have to look for a thicker or bigger recoil pad to screw on, or see if there is a slip on recoil pad.

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accurate and well made.like how clips feed to the next shot


this is a great target rifle and at a good price

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I .purchased the Daisy Powerline 953 TargetPro pellet rifle w/target sights for my seven year old grandson so his father could teach his son how to safely handle and shoot a firearm indoors in there basement.. They live in a large metro area where shooting a firearm out of doors is prohibited. The Daisy Powerline 958 TargetPro pellet rifles has all the charterstices of a classic cartridge target firearm without the high cost of ammo and the associated dangers and limitations of indoor shooting. I have coached in a 4-H youth shooting program for a number of years and I believe a quality pellet rifle is the very best way to start a young shooter on the path to a safe and productive enjoyment of the sport of shooting .

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5-round clip, so easy to use and very convenient. Solid built.

The original fiber optic sights are garbage. The rear sight is too close to the eye and you cannot make a clear view, and have to use screw driver to adjust it. I prefer a flat top traditional front sight, and remove the fiber optic from both front and rear sight, it would be easier to aim. The target sights in this kit is all right, though kind of heavy. I hope they can put Daisy 853's front and rear sights on it and reduce the price for the whole kit.

I found that my 953's barrel is misaligned from the receiver. With iron sight it is ok, but I had to adjust my scope very hard to use a scope. And I don't know if the misalignment has any effect on the grouping. With the target sight from target kit, I can achieve half inch group for 5 round for best groups. With the scope the group is not much better. I never reached below 0.3 inch 5 round at 10 meters, most time it is still around 0.5 inches for best groups, some even bigger to around 0.7 inch. I bought a used Daisy 853. with the 853, the first time I shot five 5-round groups at 10 meter using the same scope and same pellets, every group was a single hole around 0.20 inch (from edge to edge). So, my conclusion is for target shooting, with the same money, get a used Daisy 853, which is a better shooter. Now my 953 is just for plinking, because the 5-round clip is so cool.

AirPower Dec 17, 2015

You can easily convert your 853 to a repeater by adding the clip actuator and the actuator bar (items 40 & 41, part now 900-12 and 900-31 respectively on your parts list). Parts list shows them for the 853C only, but they drop right into the 853 receiver, which is identical to the C. Parts are very inexpensive ordered directly from Daisy. That way you get the accuracy of the Walther barrel along with the 5-shot capability. Order more magazines at the same time if you need them.

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Accurate, light, no recoil, quiet. The 5 shot magazine works great. I experienced no jams as others have reported. Rifle is well built.

The peep sight hole should be larger. I would also increase the velocity to 600 fps.

I found the peep sight hole too small to use. I opened it up with a 5/64 drill bit. I have no problem hitting a 3" diameter can at 80 ft every time. The best group so far at 10 yards is 1/2" using Crosman 8gr supermatch. Four shots went into one hole with one opening the group to 1/2". This gun is more accurate than I am.
With Crosman 7.3 pointed pellets 10 shots had a high of 477 fps low of 462 fps, averaging 462 fps.
Crosman 8 gr supermatch gave a high of 445 fps low of 421 fps, averaging 433 fps.
Daisy 7.3 gr pointed gave a high of 484 fps low of 454 fps, averaging 466 fps.
The supermatch pellets were the most accurate with Daisy being the least.
A lot of gun for the money.

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very accurate and consistent shooter

make a provision for a sling. The front peep sight had to be modified to fit as the sight has a flat receiver and the barrel is round, therefore the sight would not lock down until it was filed slightly to accommodate this.

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very accurate and consistent shooter

make a provision for a sling

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great price, excellent sights, solid construction

The mechanisms (bolt, pump, trigger) are a little heavy ; the pump handle is akwardly placed, careful not to pinch your fingers.

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I've shot over 1000 pellets in this gun in 3 weeks and I'm a serous shooter and it will put all the pellet in the same hole at 10 meters . I've shot peeps in matches for 30 years and these are super only the rear aperture hole needed to be open up for my old eyes . I and don't want a high dollar gun at age 72 anymore and these gun is as good as it gets .

The trigger could be better or adjustable . I've said that with high dollar guns too . .

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Accuracy is GREAT!!!! I put a scope on it because there was no rear sight in the box, & wow it just kept putting pellet after pellet in same ragged hole. stock extensions, one pump power-up

stock extensions could follow the outline of the stock better. A fit & finish issue.

The rear sight was missing from the box. I called immediately. I called again 10 days later, they said give it another week. It is now 22 days later & still no sight. I left a phone message 2 days ago with no response. Where oh where can my little sight be:) If not for the sight problem this might have been a 5 overall rating.

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