With the Daisy 426 CO2 BB air pistol, shoot 15 BBs as fast as you can pull the trigger. The pistol is powered by a 12-gram CO2 cartridge and shoots .177 BBs at velocities up to 430 fps. Reloading is easy with the built-in magazine, and the CO2 cartridge fits conveniently into the grip. This is a great choice for teaching beginners safe handgun practices.
Daisy Model 426 CO2 BB pistol
- Uses a 12-gram CO2 cartridge
- Semiauto
- Built-in 15-rd magazine
- Integral accessory rail
- Finger molded grip
- Velocity up to 430 fps
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8 of 8 Daisy 426 CO2 BB Pistol Reviews
Built very well. Fits hands perfect. Shoots like a dream!!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing at all.
What Others Should KnowUse front sight to aim.
Shoots hard! Leaks like crazy w/o pellgun or 3in1 silicon on cartridge tips. Will hold pressure forever with it though.
Things I Would Have ChangedTop loading spring has failed on every Daisy pistol I ever bought. I'd love Daisy guns if not for top loading spring coming out. Until they change this, I may never buy another.
What Others Should KnowGet a gun with a replaceable magazine. Got my 426 at Big5, traded it in on a much better small Colt 2 gun airsoft set I been happy with.
Plan on going Pyramyd Air/Crosman on next purchase (and an Umarex SA10!)
Fun tin can shredder for low dough. Pretty good shot count per co2
What Others Should Knowalways put a drop of pellgun oil co2 tube
Cheap and sturdy,shoots a lot of rounds on one Co2. At 15 to 20 feet fairly accurate.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowYou get what you pay for , it's for killing cans. Not target practice.
Value for the money: wish I could give it 6 stars! See my coment on the first review.
Things I Would Have ChangedGee, how can you ask for more a this price?
What Others Should KnowGreat gun!
The strength of the gun, 430 fps compare to some of the realistic looking guns that only average from 320 to maybe 400.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, it has great power and a ok mag size for it being so cheap here and at stores I've visited
What Others Should KnowHigher fps for me, preferably above 420
nice grip
Things I Would Have Changedthe sights, white dot sights are just always better
What Others Should KnowThe Daisy 426 is basically a cheaper, shorter, less powered version of the Daisy 415 PowerLine. For $2 more, you can have the 415 here.
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Feb 26, 2021
By Kyle
I like that it loads from the top you know you can fill it before it runs out of bbs
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing