Crosman 362 Multi-Pump, Image 1
Crosman 362 Multi-Pump, Image 2
Crosman 362 Multi-Pump, Image 3
Crosman 362 Multi-Pump, Image 4
Crosman 362 Multi-Pump, Image 5
Crosman 362 Multi-Pump, Image 6
Crosman 362 Multi-Pump, Image 7
Crosman 362 Multi-Pump, Image 1

Crosman 362 Multi-Pump Pellet Rifle

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The Crosman 362 Multi-Pump Pellet Rifle is the next step in the evolution of Crosman's classic and reliable variable-pump platform. The single-shot, bolt-action air rifle provides velocities up to 850 FPS (with alloy pellets) to deliver the necessary speed and accuracy for small-game hunting, pest control, or plinking.

The fact that this air rifle includes a multi-pump feature means that the shooter is capable of changing the power level of this airgun based on the number of times it is pumped, up to the manufacturer's maximum recommended number of pumps. With this ability, shooters are able to vary the power of each shot to suit a specific need based on the type of shooting they want to do.

The Crosman 362 Multi-Pump uses a fixed blade front sight and an adjustable rear peep sight that can convert to an open sight, and both of these combine to result in improved shot accuracy. The synthetic all-weather stock on this air rifle includes texturing for an improved hold and easier pumping, and it features a textured grip for increased stability, in addition to a ridged rubber buttpad for greater control.

To get a capable and compact air rifle with the ability to adjust the power to meet a range of needs from hunting convenience to quick pest control or easy backyard plinking, buy a Crosman 362 Multi-Pump Pellet Rifle from Pyramyd AIR now.

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Crosman 362 Multi-Pump Pellet Rifle

  • Variable-pump power
  • .22 caliber
  • Single shot
  • Bolt action
  • Rifled barrel
  • Synthetic all-weather stock with texturing
  • Textured grip
  • Max. velocity: 850 FPS (alloy pellets)/700 FPS (lead pellets)
  • Fixed blade front sight
  • Peep/open adjustable rear sight
  • Ridged rubber buttpad


Cocking Effort:

  • 1st pump - 18 lbs
  • 3rd pump - 26 lbs
  • 5th pump - 30 lbs
  • 8th pump - 31 lbs
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.22 (5.5mm)
Max Velocity
850 fps
Muzzle Energy
13.1 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
Multi-pump pneumatic
4.5 lbs
Fixed/adj. power
Multiple settings
Front Sights
Blade & Ramp
Rear Sights
Trigger Pull
5.5 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Cocking Effort
3-8 pumps
Body Type

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

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10 of 68 Crosman 362 Multi-Pump Reviews

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362 has become my favorite mutipump sturdy and compact good power decent open sight solidly built fun gun

i would love a .177 option it should come standard with the steel breech and either the lpa sight or a peep sight and in a perfect world , a wood stock

i hesitated on this one for a long time , now i am happy to have it in my collection. i don't see made in china anywhere on the gun, hopefully i have one from America before crosman sold out

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As advertised , fast sh6


Great value

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It's a nice, solid little carbine, handy and accurate. It gets much smoother over time. It's too bad I didn't have one of these when I was younger. I had a Crosman 500 CO2 semi-auto BB gun. The 362 would have complimented my Crosman 38-T quite nicely.

Sights! Crosman, please put a set of sights on this gun! The ones on it are barely adequate for my 1377 pistol, but on this quality of a carbine, they are a joke! With good sights, this carbine would be a world - class shooter!

I like it, it's a very good value for the money!

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The size is nice for compact environmental places (trees, bushes, and other small backyard areas). Put an economical dot scope and after a few adjustments, the accuracy was amazing at 12-15 yards. Mid weight .22 caliber and stable handling for target, bird, or small rodents.

Don't like pumping 7-8 strokes for maximum power. A break barrel would be better for that size length if permit it. Didn't use the Crosman scope mount. Get a mount for a Dovetail to Picatinny/Weaver to place on the barrel for variety of scopes.

For the price, not a bad investment only if several modifications and upgrades were made. Can't be the accuracy for a compact .22 air rifle.

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It is very short, light, and maneuverable.

Accuracy is poor, both with the OEM sights and a scope mounted to the steel breech. It was not suitable for hunting small game past about 10 yards, which is what I bought it for in the first place. A Daisy 880 or 901 makes a little over half the power but I would much rather take one of them hunting because 8 foot-pounds on target is far better than 14 foot-pounds worth of miss. The pumping effort, while better than a Benjamin multipump, is still noticeably harder than a Daisy or a Dragonfly M2.

If you want a multipump for hunting get a Dragonfly and don't look back. It is really worth the extra cost over a 362.

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This is exactly what I expect from Crosman products. (Full disclosure, the plant in East Bloomfield, NY is about 57 miles east of my location on the same road.) It's solidly designed, very usable and does what it is supposed to do. A few drops of Pellgunoil in strategic locations and it smooths up out of the box. When I do my part, the rifle delivers accuracy at 5 pumps at 15 M. The trigger is not match grade, but easy enough to master. It is short, with good weight balance. It's also a good-looking gun, even with the synthetic stock. All in all, great value for the $$$$$$. A worthy .22 companion to my .177 Webley Vulcan springer.

The sights! The sights do not do this rifle justice. I needed all the left adjustment to bring the windage in line and am having problems keeping the peep elevated enough to stay on target at 15 M. I know it's the same rear sight as my 1377 pump pistol, jeez, Crosman, put a decent rear (even if made from engineered materials) on this rifle! Accuracy and versatility demand a set of usable sights. A much more minor quibble is the cocking force required. I was surprised at how stiff the bolt was. Other than that, this is one excellent all-around air rifle that's a great value.

As in other airguns I own, Pellgunoil is your friend. This one seems to respond to a bit of lubrication quite well. The rifle is more like a carbine in length. It is very solid, yet is light enough to carry all day long. You won't be disappointed (other than the sights) if you spend a few nickels on one.

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It is very lightweight and short. That was the chief reason why I gave it a try...

It is very roughly made and wildly inaccurate. It would not print a group of better than one inch at 20 yards with a wide variety of German, American, and Czech-made pellets. Crosman claims that this rifle is appropriate for hunting "wabbits" at distances of up to 33 yards. Not with this level of accuracy! By contrast my unmodified Daisy 901 can put 5 into three-quarters of an inch at 20 yards with iron sights with several different types of pellets. Maybe I got a lemon but I didn't like it well enough to send it back and try a replacement. This would be an awesome little small game rifle if it was accurate enough. Sadly, it's not.

I tried using both the peep sight that comes on the rifle and a scope that I mounted after installing the steel breech as I tested pellets for accuracy. Neither gave acceptable results.

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Nice weight, easy to handle and pump, looks good. And it's accurate, too - when it works.

1. The sights are a bit primitive but after a bit of trial and error, they work, sort of. 2. Make a working bolt, see below.

I was looking forward to getting this airgun - it checked a lot of my boxes. For a couple of days, things went well, tho I noticed the bolt was always very difficult to cycle and required a lot of strength to open.Well, today I can no longer open the bolt. There is a thick, rounded pin in the bolt channel that pops up behind the bolt and blocks pulling the bolt back. After carefully checking the user manual I found no mention of this pin, so it's a bit of a mystery to me (not having a parts schematic doesn't help; it's not yet available).
So hopefully I can send it back, but I need to think about what to get - a replacement or a refund? Very irritating!

Bryan May 20, 2024

Not sure exactly what they call it but it is the striker cocking pin. That rifle is just a bigger 1322/1377. If that is sticking there may be something broken in or around the striker (hammer) or something got in there and locked it up. I have a 35-40 year old 1377 with thousands and thousands of cycles. It is a very good, serviceable system. But if that happened new, probably should go back. Good luck, good shooting.

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Multi-pump design

Quality control.

Unusable out of the box. It shoots way to the right and I’ve already adjusted windage to maximum. Is anyone even testing those at Crosman?

Milton Apr 30, 2024

Get the steel breech kit and some good optics. I did this and 'm getting groups of 0.5" to 1" c-t-c at 10 yds. depending on the pellet I'm shooting. I've tested about 12 different pellet types. My 362 prefers the heavier pellets. BTW I mounted a Daisy 5899 peep sight on mine.

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Surprising accuracy and power. Three pumps at 10 meters print .25 c-t-c with Beeman Trophy pellets using the cheap standard aperture sight. It has beaten the steel trap like a ball peen hammer, even with only 3 pumps. The pellets flatten. I would not hesitate to use it to take small game at moderate range. I have used a variety of quality springers for hunting since 1975, and understand what works.

A better sight. The factory sight adjusts by loosening screws and guessing. The rifle is MUCH better than that. .

Take the time to test a variety of pellets. Some pellets are super accurate, others, not so good. Different pellets give groups that range from 1/4 inch to 1 1/2 inch (useless) at 10 meters. Quality European pellets tend to work better. The time and effort will pay off in performance.

I have used quality springers since 1975. I am impressed and beyond pleased with the 362.

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