Crosman 2240 CO2 Air Pistol, .22 caliber
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Crosman's 2240 CO2 pistol is available only in .22 caliber, but it's ideal for plinking. When you pick up this gun, you'll have a hard time putting it down. It's accurate and a pleasure to shoot.
The bolt-action reveals a sizeable loading trough, making it easier to load ammo. If you're a lefty, you'll appreciate that this gun is ambidextrous, sporting checkering and a thumbrest on both grip panels. You can use the gun with the open sights or get Crosman's 459MT base to mount a scope or red dot sight.
This is one of those guns that'll be around for many decades, as your entire family will enjoy shooting it.A
Click the AMMO link to stock up on pellets. Check the ACCESSORIES link for the 459 MT intermount, rings, scopes, red dots, targets, Pellgunoil (a MUST for CO2 guns) and safety glasses.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
Crosman 2240 .22-cal CO2 Air Pistol
- Rifled steel barrel
- Single shot
- Manual safety
- Max. velocity: 460 fps
- Trigger pull: 3.88 lbs.
- CO2 powered
- Max shots/fill: 60
- .22 caliber
- Highly customizable
- Includes pistol, owner's manual
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 485 Crosman 2240 Reviews
A fun gun to shoot
Things I Would Have ChangedThe quality from China is nowhere near the ones that were made in America. Had to almost completely disassemble it to clean the gook out of it to get it to properly function. Trigger was terrible and did some sanding and polishing to get it to work without binding and a different sear spring as well. It now shoots well with good groups but is still rough and am hoping with time it will smooth out some. Definitely not like the ones that were made in the USA.
What Others Should KnowThey are not made in the USA anymore but with some tuning can be made to shoot well.Mine gets about 40 shots before it poops out.
Preciso,comoda y mango manejable.
Things I Would Have ChangedNada
Well this isn't my first, but I missed not having one, so my wife told me this is a Christmas present. (can't have it till then, but used the discount!) Anyways, it came in a proper Crosman box and not those awful blister packs. I got to look it over and snapped a couple of pics, before it was put away.
Things I Would Have ChangedDo something better with the front sight! Better QC??
What Others Should KnowMy gripe is, as others have discovered as well, is that front sight! You certainly cannot shoot it "out of the box"!
Crosman should do something about this, where's the QC? At least inspect it before it goes into packageing.
Mine will undergo major upgrades, so I won't be returning.
Very accurate right from the dealer easy to load
Things I Would Have Changedhard to puncture the co2 had to use screw driver to make sure it was punctured
What Others Should Knowfeels very well balanced and the trigger is not hard to pull
Pretty good plinker. Would be much better with a decent rear sight.
Things I Would Have ChangedGive it a functional rear sight! No windage adjustment and it sits lopsided on the barrel. And for all of the upgrades out there, you still can't buy an upgraded rear sight that just drops in. You must change the breech to install a decent rear sight. Ugh. Hey Crosman: Charge $10 -$20 more and put on a decent rear sight.
Great gun for the price, fun to customize and plenty of options
Things I Would Have ChangedI put a steel breach on and rear lpa sight.
This pistol in .22 caliber fits my hand perfectly, the weight is also perfectly distributed., I bought this pistol with the steel breech installed already, and I also ordered the Mim sight with this pistol package., This sight is really well built and worth the money. I sighted in the open sights, and put on a dovetail Hawke 1.25 red dot scope on it. Start out sighting it in up close, then work your way out a yard at a time, until you get it sighted in at a distance you like, Right now, I have it sighted in at 11 yards, and it hits a 1 inch target dots dead center. Onece the weather improves, I will finish sighting it in. I'm shooting Crosman 14.3 dome pellets out of it, they work just fine in it. The trigger works fine, just pull it back slowly, and you will do well.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe pellets were a little bit hard to load at first when sliding the bolt forward, but that was likely due to the metal breech not being milled down enough.(?) but that's no big deal, I just simply use my finger to help load each pellet.
What Others Should KnowThis pistol in the right hands, can be dressed up any ways you wish to make improvements to it.
Great pistol. I hope they bring back the 2250 which was based on this 2240 pistol.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it cheaper.
What Others Should KnowA lot of after market parts to customize.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot one thing.
What Others Should KnowI have bought many 2240s over the years. I love building up these guns. Put on a 24 inch barrel,steel breech,all stainless stainless steel hardware including power adjuster and a boss max valve with the larger valve port. This is in a rifle configuration. Its beautiful and has power. Next build will be my custom 2400 KT. But everything will be brass. I might build up just the pistol next one of these times with a slightly larger barrel then the stock one. Super fun projects. Maybe you might enjoy building on up. Not cheap.
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Jan 20, 2025
By William
It has a lot of punch... comfortable and accurate
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a lot I would change
What Others Should KnowGood hobby to have