Crosman 0290 Red Dot Sight
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1-year limited warranty
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- Crosman red dot sight
- Mounts on 3/8" dovetails
- Fits Crosman 0459MT mount and Benjamin B272 intermount
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10 of 91 Crosman 0290 Red Dot Reviews
Low cost, for a first time red dot user it's an entry sight that shows the pros and cons of red dots, but it looks and feels like a low cost sight, if you like it you will want something better.
Things I Would Have ChangedA locking mechanism for the sighting knobs. Maybe a smaller dot for easier targeting a bullseye ring better at 10 meters.
What Others Should KnowOn a 1377 it looks a bit big, perhaps on a rifle it looks better. But no big deal.
Not much. Never worked.
Things I Would Have ChangedFlimsy battery contact, poorly made switch.
What Others Should KnowNever worked, useless even as a paperweight. Spend another $20 and get a real Red Dot sight.
Things I Would Have ChangedNOW DON'T NESS UP A GOOD THING .
Not bad ok for short distance shooting 10 -30 feet
Things I Would Have Changednot much
What Others Should Knowgood for the price
It worked for one day.
Things I Would Have ChangedThey need to change the whole thing. Its absolute garbage. The soldering on the cable under the battery came off somehow after one day of use.
What Others Should KnowUnbelievably poor quality, stay the heck away from this.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would take it off the market
What Others Should KnowCompletely junk.. I read the reviews before I purchased it.. bought it anyway.. my fault
I put this sight on a Crosman 2240XL. I think it is a good fit for that gun. It is a decent sight for the price point.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe "on" "off" switch is in a bad location and does not have a detent of any kind so it is very easy to accidentally turn it on when storing the gun. It should be a button or in a different spot where it wouldn't get bumped. The adjustment turrets do not "click" either so it is kind of a guessing game as to how much to turn each one to get it sighted in.
sight picture, quick to find target, easy to adjust
Things I Would Have Changedon off switch, adjustment knob should be more lockable, size of red dot to large. At 50 yards red dot is larger then 4" bulls eye so its to large to use for shooting long distance. 10 meter might be ok. Should work great on shot-gun type PCP pellet gun.
What Others Should KnowMine has a shooting star tail on the lower left side of the red dot. However, you don't notice it at close ranges unless you are looking for it. Guess the target at close ranges seems larger makes the dot seem smaller then it is.
Dot is bright, cheap.
Things I Would Have ChangedOverall quality is poor. Elevation knob turns too easy and has to be taped to stay put. Battery cover needs to be taped down too or it will easily pop off and be lost in the woods.
What Others Should KnowIt would be more worth it to spend another $15-20 to get something that will last longer.
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Oct 21, 2024
By David
I like everything it did it's purpose and is not expensive.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would change the brightness of the dot.