Black Ops Tactical Sniper Gas-Piston Air Rifle
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Where most tactical shooters only launch BBs, the Black Ops Tactical Sniper is something special. Instead of a smoothbore BB rifle, this rifled gun will give you more accuracy than ever with lead pellets! Featuring and adjustable comb, you’ll have no trouble finding a comfortable hold. Each Sniper Air Rifle includes a 4x32 scope or removable fiber optic sites if you want to test your shooting skills. The adjustable bipod attaches directly to the forearm so there’s no need for awkward barrel clamps or added adaptors. Go prone, post up, and send some lead downrange!
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Black Ops Tactical Sniper Air Rifle
- Gas-piston
- Breakbarrel
- Single-shot
- Rifled steel barrel
- Muzzlebrake for extra cocking leverage
- Weaver/Picatinny optics rail
- Includes adjustable fiber optic sights
- Adjustable comb
- Synthetic stock
- Automatic safety
- 44 lbs. cocking effort
- 44 inches long
- Bipod legs extend from 8" to 10"
- Bipod legs fold up out of the way
- Includes 4x32 scope (unmounted), mount and adjustable bipod attached to forearm
Benefits of a gas-piston powerplant over a metal mainspring:
- Smoother cocking
- Smoother shooting
- No spring torque
- No spring fatigue, even if left cocked for hours
- Functions perfectly in cold weather
- Lasts longer than a metal spring
The manufacturer claims this gun delivers .20-inch groups (center-to-center) at 10 meters.
This is a breakbarrel air rifle, but the manufacturer has installed a bolt to give this air gun a more authentic tactical look. The bolt is non-functional.
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 99 Black Ops Tactical Sniper Reviews

Powerful & accurate. An excellent rifle for fun and range

When I got this gun I was really excited to shoot it. Everything on it was pretty cool, the Scope was a little cheap but for plinking, it was perfect. Everything was great until I shot it. It wouldn't group at all at 20 yards. It shot like a 2 to 3 inch group. If you want something to shoot close range and just plink, it's perfect, but if you want to hunt with it, it may not be accurate enough...
Aesthetically it's certainly has a very tactical look. It definitely needs a scope mount on it (I went with a Pinty 4-in-1 Rifle Scope Combo to round out the tactical look and function). As other reviewers indicated, it's a hard hitting rifle and packs a punch -- especially for the price. Every rifle has it's own preferred diet of pellet brand and weight. I went through about 6 different brands and types until I found what this gun likes and they are H&N 16.36grain .22 Terminator Pellets and H&N 16.2grain .22 Hornet Pellets. The fact there is only a 0.16grain difference between the two different rounds means you can zero-in with one and interchange with the other without re-calibrating scopes and remain deadly accurate! I'm pleasantly surprised in by this break barrel and it's performance. 1st week in and 5 kill shots at 15 yards protecting my wife's bird-feeder from thieving squirrels-- which has saved me $32 in bird feed on the first week.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe bipod is a great stabilizer and this gun is heavy so it's useful but the stock bipod is really flimsy and poor quality. Your better off upgrading to something like a UTG Recon 360 TL Bipod. Either way, the bipod gets in the way when breaking the barrel and you have to find some uncomfortable angles to prevent catching your sleeve or wrist on the bipod legs .I also don't like non-functional accessories so the "Faux" bolt action just cheapens the design and I would get rid of it if I were the manufacturer.
What Others Should KnowFor the price and power, it's well worth the purchase even if it's just an addition to your collection as a tactical piece. But if your looking for a cost effective short range and accurate pest control option, this rifle has you covered!

This gun is very nice. Hard hitting and accurate. I have already broken it in and it really does live up to its billing. I would definitely recommend it to folks who are into becoming or already are good marksman.

A large and heavy weight .22 caliber Sniper "S" ,is also powerful and accurate. The rifle is outstanding with the power it delivers, and the accuracy is very good. From a distance this rifle certainly looks the part of a sniper rifle, until a closer inspection reveals it to be a break barrel rifle. Need to get out and target practice some more with this Sniper "S" rifle and revisit this review in the future.
I like everything about the gun. It’s very similar to the 177 black ops sniper rifle I have and made a good addition to my collection.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing

I purchased the .177 and .22 "Sniper S" Air Rifles. They are both Awesome, accurate and pack one heck of a punch. Very hard hitting air rifles.

This Gun I must say is put together well and the firepower is fast accurate and powerful

Great gun out of the box. But a noticeable loss of power after 100 "rounds" sent through the rifle.
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Feb 22, 2025
By Steve
They took my money and cancelled my order and then tried to gas light me by claiming I cancelled the order. I bought a ruger max impact instead and it has turned out to be a much higher quality rifle. Get a ruger or stoegar instead don't waste your time with barra.