AirForce Texan SS Big Bore Air Rifle
Caliber:.257 (6.53mm)
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Airforce Airguns are industry legends for creating the Texan, one of the most powerful big bore PCPs on the market. While there's a lot of great ways to describe the Texan, quiet hasn't been one of them...
...Until now.
Introducing the TexanSS, AirForce's silenced solution for big-bore fans. As easy on the eyes as it is on the ears, the TexanSS features a fully-shrouded carbine length barrel with Sound-Loc® System technology. The TexanSS keeps the penetrating power hunters long for, but with quieter shots. The 490cc air cylinder has a max fill pressure of 3000psi and is capable of launching .45 caliber rounds at speeds up to 930 fps. With rounds this large and AirForce's updated TX2 valve available this airgun can produce up to 400 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle for decisive knockdowns! Getting all that power into a 43.5" air rifle is no small feat and makes this gun ideal for all-day hunting trips with a powerful, pre-charged pneumatic rifle that's easy to carry around.
If you're looking for a big bore with little sound, don't let this gun out of your sight!
Helpful resources:
- Tips for hunting with big bore airguns
- Tips for picking the right airgun for hunting game & pests
- Learn about hunting with air rifles
- Learn about air rifle hunting laws in your state
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
Airforce TexanSS Big Bore Air Rifle
- Precharged pneumatic
- Single-shot
- Sidelever
- 11mm dovetail
- 24.75" barrel
- 2-stage trigger (adj. for position only)
- 2.06-lb. trigger-pull
- Automatic safety
- Textured grip
- 490cc tank
- Pressure-relief device
- 3000 psi (200 bar) max fill pressure
- Adjustable power
- Extended optics rail
- 8.45 lbs.
- Fully Moderated with acoustic baffle system
- 13.875" length of pull
- Buttplate can be rotated right and left for some cast-on and cast-off adjustability
- Made in USA
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 24 AirForce TexanSS Reviews
Things I Would Have ChangedWhatever I can do to protect the finish, it's a black matte and seems to get marked up easy.
What Others Should KnowLifetime warranty I think.
Like the power of the. 457 ss and that it's not as long as the other Texans Like that it's light weight And not as loud
Things I Would Have ChangedPicannty rail instead of that weaver rail slot The factory suppressor sucks blew the guts of it out after 20 shots and then I just made my own style out of felt kinda like donnyfl design A parts diagram and where to order And a better explanation on how to tune this gun
What Others Should KnowI like the gun shot a buck this year at 100 yards and he went maybe 60 yards jello ed his heart and broke the shoulder so it is a 100 yard killer just got to spend a lot time shooting this thing to get to know the gun
Would I buy it again? Yes I would
So I love it and thank you for your service selling pcp guns
Things I Would Have ChangedNone
Texan SS 45. very accurate for a stock air rifle. The Texan SS is much more quieter then the "bark" Straight out of the box Texan 45. cal puts out. Thank You AirForce Texan, Shhhh very nice! I love being able to shoot without headgear on!
Things I Would Have ChangedIf I had known about the carbon fiber tanks coming stock on the Texan SS, I would have ordered it with one and the TX2 valve.
What Others Should KnowYou get what you pay for!
I recommend putting a decent scope on this air rifle "if you buy one" it's worthy of a good scope. Don't waste your time or money on some cheap scope, then blame the poor accuracy on the air gun. The Texan SS is very accurate with the right scope and ammo, (My fav 250gr-hp), 200$ gas filled scope or better! I found the Lead balls to be all over the target out of the Texan SS, they are the fastest, but, didn't work well out of the rifled barrel of my Texan SS, at least they didn't for me! They're Ok for "cheap target ammo" at 45.72 meters, 50 yards or less plunking.
The gun as a whole. Made in the United States.
Things I Would Have ChangedA better way of keeping the bottle from loosening up. The Allen screw does not seem to hold well enough.
What Others Should KnowThe instructions on how to adjust the power is a little confusing. Ammo is hard to get.
It is a big, powerful rifle - Deadly accurate. Lots of fun to shoot. The sound moderation is everything I hoped for.
Things I Would Have ChangedIts an Air-Pig. I am getting 5-shots per fill with velocities on an 85 gr slug ranging from about 967 to about 900 fps. It is a little heaver and longer than I thought it would be so it can be somewhat tiresome to hold. I put an Airforce Stand on it and the balance has been thrown off a little. I wish they had some type of rear weights to balance the stand.
What Others Should KnowThe rifle comes with very little in the way of documentation - It has everything you need to get started, but little else.
The directions are concise and understandable. I am happy with the look and function of my new air rifle. The quality control of this TexanSS is excellent. I really appreciate AiForce's attention to custom items for their product. I am happy with my purchase.
Things I Would Have ChangedHow about a tin of pellets with each rifle?
What Others Should KnowYou will be happy. too.
Very well built... very accurate. Such a nice gun. Anything happens it can be fixed by owner in no time.
Things I Would Have ChangedWould not change much.... get rid of that damn auto safety. We are adults , We do know when to use a safety.
What Others Should KnowI purchased the 308 SS. For those wondering how well it shoots pellets, wonder no longer. At 40 yards I can shoot clover leaf groups of 5... It does take time to know what pressure and setting to use ... but once you find it you cant miss if your any good at all shooting..... It is very quiet for a 30 , No problem shooting in backyard , unless you decide to shoot lighter pellets above sound barrier. Take it from me, you will not be disappointed in this gun.
I have many high end guns... and for some reason I get my airforce guns out to play.... go figure...
Design - Power - Dead nuts accurate - Riduculously quiet - Worth EVERY penny
Things I Would Have ChangedPicatinny rails would make it much easier to mod - Give me a 300 BAR bottle I did a couple of mods which were by no means critical... I am guessing they will publish my pictures once this review posts... enjoy
What Others Should KnowThe spin lock tank thing is tieious to install and work with in general. My valve and bottle assembly was not tight when I received it... the bottle literally unspun a half turn on my bench while I was messing around with scope mounts... contacted Airforce directly and they were not surprised. Kind of whack when you think it could have been pressurized. I put a two drops of Loctite 545 on the threads and tightened it up.... left to cure and pressurized. All good.
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Nov 29, 2024
By Phil
I have a cf one in .457, and the other in .308. Both are dead accurate with my swaged slugs and I have killed pigs easily with both. The .308 is extremely quiet out of the box, the .457 not so much. I would like to see a new valve for the .308 to adapt a cf tank and up the pressure to 3600psi, that would greatly increase the huntability of the gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedChange the rail to a standard picatinny. Change the auto safety to manual one. Adapt a trigger with a pull adjustment.
What Others Should KnowBest all around hunting cal is .457. You can hunt any big game species with it. Get the cf model, it's well woth the $100 price difference.