Air Venturi Avenger, Regulated PCP Air Rifle, Wood Stock
Caliber:.22 (5.5mm)
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The Air Venturi Avenger Regulated PCP Air Rifle with wood stock is still the answer to the call for an incredibly flexible and accurate entry level PCP, now with a handsome and robust wood stock. Airgunners demanded a high-value air rifle capable of performing a number of different tasks, and Air Venturi put all of those features in a single, affordable package with the Avenger.
The updated wood stock lends this air rifle a solid feel and additional weight, with checkering on the grip and forearm for a non-slip hold, and it still features two mounting holes for sling swivel studs for ease of use in the forest or field.
What makes this air rifle so different, particularly at this low price point, is its superior adjustability. It features an externally adjustable regulator and hammer spring to enable a wide range of tuning possibilities.
The regulator has a maximum pressure of 3000 PSI, and a high-power, high-pressure setup works well for those with a high-pressure compressor, while a lower-pressure, lower-power setup might work better for those with a hand pump. With a regulator pressure gauge on the right side and a fill pressure gauge on the left side, this air rifle lets shooters easily monitor and adjust the airgun to best suit their specific needs at different times.
In addition to flexibility, this air rifle also includes a smooth sidelever to easily cycle the auto-indexing magazines, two of which are included to maximize shooting time and minimize reloading time. The two-stage trigger adjusts to yield a clean and light break, and the air cylinder features a male quick-disconnect fitting on the end protected by a threaded dust cap to allow easy fills and protect it from dirt and dust while enhancing the air rifle's looks.
The air rifle will accept a variety of scope mounts because it has a convenient 11mm dovetail and Weaver combination optics rail. In addition, it includes an upgraded metal Picatinny accessory rail on the fore-end to add accessories such as laser, lights, and bipods.
Anyone who needs an extremely accurate and adjustable air rifle with multiple tuning and modification opportunities at a very reasonable price should get the Air Venturi Avenger Regulated PCP Air Rifle with wood stock at Pyramyd AIR now.
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- Learn about hunting with air rifles
- Tips for picking the right airgun for hunting game & pests
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
Air Venturi Avenger, Regulated PCP Air Rifle, Wood Stock
- Precharged pneumatic
- Sidelever cocking
- Ambidextrous wood stock
- Texturing on fore-end and grip area
- Externally-adjustable regulator (up to 3,000 PSI/210 BAR)
- Easily-accessible hammer spring adjustment screw
- Two-stage adjustable trigger
- 180cc air cylinder
- Max. fill pressure: 4,351 PSI (300 BAR)
- Fully shrouded barrel
- Metal Picatinny rail on fore-end of stock
- Front and Rear Sling mounting points
- Dual gauges – reg. pressure (RH Side) and fill pressure (LH Side)
- Male quick-disconnect fill fitting
- Easy access degassing screw
- Manual safety
- 11mm dovetail/Weaver combination optics rail
- Barrel length: 22.75"
- Overall length: 43.25"
- Magazine capacity: 10 rounds (.22), 8 rds. (.25)
- Includes two magazines and single-shot tray
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 52 Air Venturi Avenger Wood Reviews
The air avenger is an awesome air rifle the accuracy is amazing and the price is even better!!!
Things I Would Have ChangedA larger magazine would be good . Overall I really thing I made a good choice with the Air Avenger with the wood stock !
The rifle is very light and has a very high profile. I like it very much. 这支步枪很轻,颜直很高大上,我非常喜欢。
Hey everybody. I bought this gun about a month ago and I've been shooting it I watched a lot of videos on it. And in those videos they rave about the fact that how accurate this thing is well it is very accurate. I haven't come up with the combination of hammer spring and air valve but I'm going to work on that. At first I thought the gun was just way too late like a toy but it shoots very well. I put some FX 35 grain pellets in it the non-led ones man those things shoot straight. So if you're thinking about buying this gun go for it it's not expensive you can regulate the pressure if that's what you want to do for shooting targets but if you're out there hunting turn it all the way up those 35 grains hit hard. Hope you enjoy your new gun I have been.
Things I Would Have ChangedI don't think there's much I would change about it I think that there should be bigger magazines though I've seen some of these guns have 18 and 19 round magazines and I think this one would be one of those.
I purchased a refurbished Avenger .22 Cal. wood stock air rifle from Pyramyd Air. The gun was in mint shape except the bolt carrier was sloped back not allowing my scope to zero as the vertical adjustment was max’d out (probably why the gun was returned). I removed and shimmed the back picatinny rail and successfully zeroed my scope. This gun lives up to all I’ve seen on Youtube. I've shot 5 shot 1" groups and less at 100 yards on a still day with Air Arms 18.1 gr. pellets 1.8K on the regulator with 2 turns in off minimum on the hammer spring (872 fps = 30.5 Ft/Lbs). The max I have pushed this gun is with the JSB 25.4 grainers 2.4K on the reg and one half turn off max hammer spring producing 36.7 Ft/Lbs muzzle energy. 1.2K on the reg 2 turns in on the hammer will push a Crosman 14.3 gr HP to 832 fps producing 22 Ft/Lbs and one quarter inch groups at 25 yards. Steve S at airgunnation.com has a very good video on tuning this particular gun and shows 3 good tunes.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe barrel on this Avenger seems to be chocked and I have yet to find a slug that performs well in this gun. I wish the barrel was not choked so I could shoot slugs out of it
What Others Should KnowThis gun shot accurately right out of the box and it just keeps getting more accurate the more I shoot it. I have experienced minor regulator creep of 200 psi at the most, but it has not been a problem.
Pretty much everything. Great trigger out of the box. Easy to cock. Easy to tune. Very accurate. I like the wood stock, but my son just bought one with the polymer stock and it is better than I expected.
Things I Would Have ChangedI will eventually think of something.
What Others Should KnowThis PCP feels good and is fun to shoot.
Very accurate I've only shot it at 25 yards so far but I've gotten .25" groups with multiple pellets from 14 to 18 grain.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowBuy lots of magazines shot count is outstanding I like to fill 8-10 magazines while my compressor chugs away then I shoot and shoot and shoot some more.
more than I expected !!
Things I Would Have Changednothing !!!
What Others Should Knowpaticence...
The overall quality, ease of tuning, ease of use, side lever smoothness, power, accuracy, both tank and regulator pressure gages, overall value.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowWrote a review about a month back and it never made it into the system for some reason? I stated I have several very good break barrels and pcp's all close to this Avenger price range. The avenger is definitely as good if not better than the others overall. It is just a lot of fun to use in all aspects. I am not promoting any given brand, I own two Marauders .177 and .22 cal, a .25 cal Gaunltet gen 1, and the .22 cal Avenger. They are all excellent. I enjoy shooting all of them. This Avenger wood stock ranks at the top along with my Gauntlet. I target shoot daily at 35-75 yards mostly with occasional pest control. I shoot for the pleasure of the sport and this Avenger gives me great pleasure each use. I have set regulator pressure at 2400 and get about 55 shots with 34-35 fpe with H&N Baracuda 18 and Diabolo Field 18 grain. This is the only adjustment I have made. I left everything else alone.
Nice trigger, nice stock, smooth working side lever action. Nice looking gun overall.
Things I Would Have ChangedScope base. The base is not good, i mounyed a scope and could not zero the rifle because there isn't enough upward adjustment. Same scope works fine on on other rifles. There is a $40 aftermarket rail you can buy, but after spending $430 on a rifle i shouldn't have to spend another $40 just to be able to sight it in. I do have another scope and rings coming in the mail, but i doubt it will resolve the issue unless the scope has more adjustment clicks in it. I haven't tries 11mm rings yet only the weaver style
What Others Should KnowI kind of like the gun it is built well, a little heavy, but not as bad as some. Just be aware that you may run out of elevation adjustment when sighting it in with the factory rail. Really wanted to love the rifle, but this is a serious issue.
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Oct 22, 2024
By Jody
Very accurate and well balanced Very well built. The Slide Cocking is flawless. A little heavy, but I chose the wood stock version.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe Internal moderator needs redesigned. The gun is louder than expected. It requires adding a quality moderator if shooting near other homes.
What Others Should KnowAn air compressor is a must, if you want a full charge. The Air Venturi RoveAir 4500psi works great, and has all the needed fittings and hoses included.